Am I in the right place?


Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 5, 2005
Hi all,

this forum was recommended by someone on a different message board, but after reading a few posts here, I am not sure if I am in the right place.

People here mention retiring in anywhere from 12 months to 10 days, but for me it will probably be years.

So... my question is:  where do I start?  It seems that this message board is full of great information, but is it too early for me to be here?

Lots of folks here who are many years away. See especially the "Young Dreamers" section.


There are lots of us (like myself) who are years away from the finish line.  Check out the "Young Dreamers" board.

Lena said:
this forum was recommended by someone on a different message board, but after reading a few posts here, I am not sure if I am in the right place.
People here mention retiring in anywhere from 12 months to 10 days, but for me it will probably be years.
So... my question is:  where do I start?  It seems that this message board is full of great information, but is it too early for me to be here?
Welcome to the board, Lena.

This board has posts from teens who want to retire in their 20s, plenty of early retirees of all ages, 30-somethings who don't ever expect to retire, and everyone in between.  You're in the right place.

What do you want to do first?  Track your expenses & spending?  Figure out your asset allocation?  Run FIRECalc to see how much you'll need?  Learn about ER lifestyles?  Read Bob Clyatt's "Work Less, Live More"?  Take a look at the various categories of posts or use the "Search" feature to find posts with your keywords.
Thanks for the welcome.

There are so many things up in the air in my life, that it's kind of hard to start coming up with the concrete plan.

Will definitly be reading the book, though. I am always looking for good books on any kind of finance related topics, so thanks again

Hi Lena
Never too early to dream of a FI lifestyle it is much easier to prepare early.
And you never know you may find out it is not that far away.

After you peruse here you will have questions and I am sure that veterans of this board will find answers for you. :)

As the clown prince of the young dreamers board, I welcome you! :D

Believe me, many people hear who are retiring in a few weeks/months/years wish they thought about retirement as early as you did. Compounding is a magical thing! There are many of us 21-39 year olds on the board, you'll fit right in.
OK guys, just so you know, I am not as young as I look ;)

Lena said:
OK guys, just so you know, I am not as young as I look  ;)


Feeling some "special attention"?

Welcome Lena. We were all new here once so don't let that bother you.

As for being too early to be here.........the way I see it is that anytime you retire before you die is early. ;) Actually, the concept of what is early can and I am sure has been debated here before. Early is what is early to you. In my case it will be age 55; later than some earlier than I thought 30 years ago. My father retired at 65. My mother at 62. She left early while he was right on time according to them.

My late wife retired at age 55 and died 7 months later. She retired early but got to see darn little of of it after working 10+ hour days for over 35 years for the same company. The way I see it is she had 7 happy months in retirement; better than dying at your desk.
Hi, Lena,

is it too early for me to be here?


I am past 55. I figure I can afford to retire something like two years after I am dead. I hang around here anyway. It gives me the illusion that I still have control over my destiny. :D

There is a lot of information here you will find useful (if you can find it in all the tall grass).

The name of the game is planning. The earlier we can get that message to you, the happier you will be.

Also check out the web site of our patron saint, John P. Greaney (AKA intercst):


Ed The Gypsy
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