John Galt
I should have posted this before Thanksgiving, but maybe it will yet give some reason to ponder and
possibly even reassess your ER/life planning.
We went to a Christmas musical last night. On the way
we stopped at a nursing home to visit Anne, a lady I
had become acquanted with through my wife. Anne
is 63 years old and fairly sharp mentally. She is the longest surviving resident, having arrived there at age
50, a stroke victim. She must be in a wheelchair now,
and is almost completely dependent on others.
Somewhere along the way, her husband left her and her
children seldom visit. In talking with her, it is obvious she is starved for outside contact. I should stop more often as she asks about me continuously (not because
I am so lovable)
. Anyway, there are lots of "Annes"
around, unfortunately some visitors to this board will
find themselves in similar situations. So, be thankful
for what you have
but don't waste a minute. Never send to know for whom the bell tolls.........................
John Galt
possibly even reassess your ER/life planning.
We went to a Christmas musical last night. On the way
we stopped at a nursing home to visit Anne, a lady I
had become acquanted with through my wife. Anne
is 63 years old and fairly sharp mentally. She is the longest surviving resident, having arrived there at age
50, a stroke victim. She must be in a wheelchair now,
and is almost completely dependent on others.
Somewhere along the way, her husband left her and her
children seldom visit. In talking with her, it is obvious she is starved for outside contact. I should stop more often as she asks about me continuously (not because
I am so lovable)
around, unfortunately some visitors to this board will
find themselves in similar situations. So, be thankful
for what you have
but don't waste a minute. Never send to know for whom the bell tolls.........................
John Galt