Announced my retirement this week

Agree with Rambler. I have joined this website recently but find it already very addictive...

I am not addicted to this forum. I can quit any time I...I...Ooooh! Another thread on SWR and asset allocation in ER! I gotta read it! Oh boy, a troll post! I gotta make some popcorn and watch the smackdown! >:D
Now I am blushing because I knew what FOAD meant. And have often thought it (though never out loud :angel:)

Anyone with a DB pension who has hit the minimum age for a payout, even a reduced one, should take an annual look at their effective remuneration, defined as (your salary) minus (what the pension plan would pay if you left today). It can be quite sobering.

As of November, when I hit 50 and could take a massively reduced pension compared to if I stayed until 60 (40% reduction for the extra 10 years, 35% reduction for the 10 years of contributions I won't have made), I will be working for 80% of my salary. That figure will go down by about 4 percentage points per year until I'm 60. As soon as the portfolio can pick up the slack, I'm outta here.

I think the difference will still be less (between final net cash you get) if you add taxes, federal, state, and social security+medicare.
Now I am blushing because I knew what FOAD meant. And have often thought it (though never out loud :angel:)
The other day I came across someone being told "now DIAF", which is just as powerful a sentiment but can at least be sent "expanded" across most electronic media without setting off profanity filters.

It's December 17th and today was my last (1/2) day of work! No regrets. Lets hope I can say the same a couple of months from now. It won't seem real until January when everyone else goes back to work and I am still at home.

Last Wednesday I got a retirement party. If anyone had asked me I would have declined and asked to slip out quietly. However, they planned this while I was out on vacation Thanksgiving week. The big fear for something like this is wondering whether anyone will show. It was a pretty good turnout of about 50 people including a few colleagues from 15 years ago. I have to say I enjoyed it. It was a good way to go out.

Now time to get on with the rest of my life.
Congrats Marty. On with the next chapter in your life, make it the best one yet!
This is great news! I am so happy for you. I have been sharing what I read on this forum and in a retirement book i found recommended on this forum with a colleague. She told me today that she gave her notice to the principal yesterday. I am so happy for her!

My turn is next year. :)

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