Another Misleading Headline


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 30, 2006
Here's one of CNN's headlines today:


Sure seems that they intentionally made it look like Bush had succumbed to low poll numbers, and Cheney was taking over for the rest of the term?
I took it that Bush was going under anaesthesia, and Cheney was taking over. But I don't know if that is what they meant.
exploratory brain surgery - hunting his head. (Too easy! Too easy!)

My personal fantasy? Cheney hits Iran while Bush is out and we have to continue with that new endeavor to avoid looking weak. Lord save me from people afraid of looking weak!
" cheney...looks like we've found it...a small polyp...should we go ahead and remove it now?"

"Hold on...let ME do it..."

(sound of a shotgun blast)
Despite my opinions on the man, I will refrain from commenting in the pointless attempt to appear above petty trashing of a public figure. What bothers me the most is that I voted for him four times. That only goes to show what I thought of his opponents.

I hate holding my nose when I vote. Please, give us some decent candidates this next go.

One thing I won't do is ever vote for Rick-ardo Perry-ez for Texas Governor again. The dems claimed "Bush lied" because the intel didn't fully support everything but ol' Rick-ardo said one thing before the election, won and did the opposite on several issues.
exploratory brain surgery - hunting his head. (Too easy! Too easy!)

Of course, if Hillary had run earlier, he would have had to wait about 14 months for the privilege of having an underqualified surgeon perform the operation.
How about a nice piece of cheese? A pancake? I'm quite certain I could come up with something to cover his pate...
I had a colonoscopy last Monday. The procedure takes 20 minutes. They adminster a relaxant that means you need someone to drive you home. Total elapsed time one hour.

But if the relaxant causes his judgement to be impaired, how would anyone know?

I guess the item proves that he has an *sshole...named Cheney.
I heard he was having a rather common rectal examination

Seems they found nothing other than his head.

(Courtesy jay leno)
What ever happened to 'If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all'

Just what do you think is accomplished by dinigrating the President of the United States?

Personally I think it says more about the person making the comments that the person they are commenting about.

I normally refraim from being drawn in to this type of discussion, but the comments here are some of the worst I have seen and show a total disrespect for the office!
What ever happened to 'If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all'

Just what do you think is accomplished by dinigrating the President of the United States?

Personally I think it says more about the person making the comments that the person they are commenting about.

I normally refraim from being drawn in to this type of discussion, but the comments here are some of the worst I have seen and show a total disrespect for the office!

The office I respect. What the current holder is doing to the office and to our system of checks and balances I do not respect.
I've read and been told that more doctors are moving to sigmoidoscopies for routine checking as there is a much smaller risk of intestinal tearing.

I guess Bush didn't know that
What ever happened to 'If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all'

First off, I'm not into political correctness, and I hold firmly to freedom of speech. Therefore, I say pretty much whatever I want to, whenever I take a notion. If someone doesn't want me to refer to them as a dumb*ss, then by golly, they shouldn't act like one! And if they act like one, I'll more than likely refer to them as one!!! Regardless of who it is.....I show no respect of persons....I treat ALL equally....even 'W'.

Just what do you think is accomplished by [-]dinigrating[/-] denigrating the President of the United States?

..........the a total disrespect for the office!

What calmloki said....."The office I respect. What the current holder is doing to the office and to our system of checks and balances I do not respect."

Personally I think it says more about the person making the comments that the person they are commenting about.

So some people will think I'm an *sshole....BIG DEAL! That's only because they don't know me. If they knew me, they'd KNOW I'm one.....and quite proud of it!!! I come from a long line of them.

And as my signature below states: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss - That is...and has been......part of my creed for years. It's also to be engraved upon my tombstone when I kick the bucket.

..........the comments here are some of the worst I have seen.....!

Actually, I thought they've been fairly mild. Especially given the subject matter.

(Disclaimer: This post is not meant 'stir the pot'. However, you asked questions, therefore, I posted my responses to those questions.)
Yeah, I just thought we were fooling around a little bit.

But then again, 20-something percent of the people still think the guys doing a great job. They're gonna take offense.

I suppose the offense-takers should avoid any late night talk show, anything on comedy central, and pretty much all of the newspapers.

The dude is an embarrassment to the office and title. Pure and simple.

Respect is earned, not donated to the needy.
IMHO it is impossible to denigrate one that holds the office and not denigrate the office. While I personally believe Clinton and Carter were two of the worst presidents, Clinton, because his word could not be trusted, and Carter because it penchant for micromanagement often led to wrong or no decisions. Stating why you dislike someone is far different from what as best could be described as bathroom humor. Calmloki’s points out why he dislikes the current President in his statement “What the current holder is doing to the office and to our system of checks and balances I do not respect.” His first post however is blatantly disrespectful and disrespect both the office and the office holder. I guess I expected more, from the folks at this board.

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