Another Misleading Headline

I expected more from the guy I voted for.

Me too, but after two terms as Texas governor it wasn't much. Unfortunately, I got even less. It is a sad commentary for the dems that they found the two losers that Bush II could beat.

"Rising to the Challenge" is a frequent theme in how presidents are evaluated. The unbelieveable level of outright hatred expressed towards Bush II is higher than anything I've ever seen in my lifetime. Historically, I have to go back to Lincoln to find anything close to this level. I will say that Lincoln got slammed far harder but that's pretty much forgetten by the general public.

For better or worse, Bush II will be remembered for the "War on Terror." Only history will say if what is going on now works to the long term interests of the US and ends/weakens the Islamic terrorist element. His successor will also be judged on how they build or tear down whatever exists at the transfer of office.

Forget the small crap. No one will care that he didn't have 347 countries lined up in agreement before deposing Sadam. No one will care that the US didn't go into Dafur. No one will care for anything but the end results.
I've read and been told that more doctors are moving to sigmoidoscopies for routine checking as there is a much smaller risk of intestinal tearing.

I guess Bush didn't know that
Actually he has pollip growth which gets him into the 5-year cycle and they always remove any new pollips to prevent them as places for cancer to take hold. This can only be done with a colonoscopy.
His successor will also be judged on how they build or tear down whatever exists at the transfer of office.
His successor will be judged on how he rebuilds the confidence of the American people and especially re-establishes bilateral cooperation in goverment.
His successor will be judged on how he rebuilds the confidence of the American people and especially re-establishes bilateral cooperation in goverment.

The new guy will certainly have his work cut out for him! It'll almost be like trying to raise the Titanic from the abyss. However, most people will probably be so relieved to have someone new in office, that they'll likely support him out of the sheer joy of thinking that he can't be any worse than George.
Actually he has pollip growth which gets him into the 5-year cycle and they always remove any new pollips to prevent them as places for cancer to take hold. This can only be done with a colonoscopy.

Gotcha. Shame on me for not reading the story. I didn't realize he was getting growths removed up in there.
IMHO it is impossible to denigrate one that holds the office and not denigrate the office. While I personally believe Clinton and Carter were two of the worst presidents, Clinton, because his word could not be trusted, and Carter because it penchant for micromanagement often led to wrong or no decisions. Stating why you dislike someone is far different from what as best could be described as bathroom humor. Calmloki’s points out why he dislikes the current President in his statement “What the current holder is doing to the office and to our system of checks and balances I do not respect.” His first post however is blatantly disrespectful and disrespect both the office and the office holder. I guess I expected more, from the folks at this board.

It's still America, you are still entitled to your opinion. Let's hope that America remains a country where one can express oneself for a long long time.
It'll be interesting to see how Bush is painted in the history books in 50, 100, 500 years. It very well could be that:

1. He'll be forgotten

2. He'll be remembered as the man that had the courage to wage a war to secure resources for America while they were still attainable

3. He'll be remembered as the man that presided when America tipped on it's transition from democracy to fascist empire

4. None of the above, fill in the blank here.
His successor will be judged on how he rebuilds the confidence of the American people and especially re-establishes bilateral cooperation in goverment.

From a historical perspective, no one cares.

These are irrelevant a few months after the next US election. If the dems hold Congress, a new repub prez will be as "irresponsibe" and "incompetent" as Bush II -- per dem talking points. If there is a dem prez with a dem Congress, I'm sure we'll see the "dawning of a new day" -- at least until reality hits. I could go on with the other possible repub/dem arrangements but you probably get my point.

BTW -- I can start a thread on the incompetent, impotent Canadian governments since WWII but it really wouldn't be worth bringing up. I also generally consider it to be in bad taste to trash another persons government.
It'll be interesting to see how Bush is painted in the history books in 50, 100, 500 years. It very well could be that:

1. He'll be forgotten

2. He'll be remembered as the man that had the courage to wage a war to secure resources for America while they were still attainable

3. He'll be remembered as the man that presided when America tipped on it's transition from democracy to fascist empire

4. None of the above, fill in the blank here.

There's many other options but that's history. You just have to see what it all looks like a lifetime or more later.

In 1863, you would have been hard pressed to find a meaningful group of people that would have agreed that Lincoln would someday be considered one of the greatest presidents.

Nixon is becoming remarkably rehabilitated but still pretty low on the list. There are other examples but it would just start a pointless round of stuff. The key point for Bush II is how the whole "War on Terror" develops and that includes the decade or two after he leaves office.
Igor found a great brain for the replacement, it was from A. B. somebody, oh yes it was A. B. Normal.
Truman library and museum isn't too far from here - Korean war wasn't high on the hit parade at the time.

I liked old Harry. When I was little - I liked Ike also but my Dad being a Democratic warder said dat's a no no. After the election maybe - but don't sing the jingle till much later.

heh heh heh - ??
Another generic comment on our polical life.

The dems have decided that all repubs are "stupid." It started with Gerald Ford and has grown since. Dan Quayle was intellectually brilliant by our "normal" measures but was pounded incessantly with the "stupid label." The silly potato/potatoe BS just fed into it. Bush II is now the happy successor of the relentless attacks.

The "stupid" charges are obviously not true. Anyone that leverages their way through the political landscape for decades can not be "stupid" as we would normally define it. Bush II's grades were decent (better than Kerry's) but somehow the direct attacks without any basis or evidence continue.

Why can't people disagree with his policies without defaulting to a meaningless personal attack?
Another generic comment on our polical life.
Why can't people disagree with his policies without defaulting to a meaningless personal attack?

You are perhaps referring to Libertarians. But why would anyone vote for a third party? We already have two wonderful choices. What more could we possibly want?
Why can't people disagree with his policies without defaulting to a meaningless personal attack?

In my case, it is because I can't understand how anyone could have possibly made so many blunders and still be considered a rational person. And I have had trouble with everyone I've been aquainted with in the past six years who supports or supported this man. I have lost more than a few friends over this.

I still don't understand what happened. Somehow this country allowed the actions of a few extremists with box cutters and the resultant continued inexplicable actions the Bush White House, and a total collapse of the press, to do what the British, Japan, and Germany failed to do. There is no way I will ever believe that this man lived up to the challenges of the office.
I normally refraim from being drawn in to this type of discussion, but the comments here are some of the worst I have seen and show a total disrespect for the office![/quote]

Bush shows a total disrespect for the office.

By the way, Einstein, you never heard of spell check?:confused:
Yes, I have heard of spell check, however, occasionally I make a mistake. What I do reframe from is openly insulting others that post on this board. I stand by my comments, and you seem to prove some of what I was getting at. I believe personal attacks on other posters do not belong on this board. To me it is ones intent in their post that counts not if they misspell a word or two, have a typo, or their grammar is less than perfect.
And I have had trouble with everyone I've been aquainted with in the past six years who supports or supported this man. I have lost more than a few friends over this.

You are clearly taking this too seriously. Stop. Take a few deep breaths. If the feelings don't go away, get help. :D
This board is about 75% Democrats, so we need to remember that.........:D:D
You are clearly taking this too seriously.

Perhaps, we are talking about different things. I was talking about over 3,600 young men and women who lost lives in a ill-thought, historically doomed attempt to Democratize/Christianize the middle-east. I am talking about money, that we don't have, being spent on the war we didn't need, which has forced us to mortgage our nation's future, ironically, to China, (that great Christian Democracy.) I am talking about the Medicare/Social Security mess that has been ignored while being preoccupied with this endless, useless war.

What are you talking about?
I drew the line when these folks would go on television, say something that was captured on video tape, and then claim later that they never said it.

Hello people in Washington! You guys DO know we can watch that old video tape of you saying those things, and then watch the one where you say you didnt?

President Bush after Katrina:“I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees”. If you google "bush video tape lie katrina" you'll get a number of video taped events where Bush is being advised of the probability of a levee breach regularly over a four day period prior to the storm by a number of his top officials. On august 29th, he told Louisiana/New Orleans officials, also on tape “We are fully prepared.”.

Vice President Cheney on Iraq-9/11 connection on Tim Russerts show: "Well, what we now have that's developed since you and I last talked, Tim, of course, was that report that's been pretty well confirmed, that he (Mohamed Atta) did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April, several months before the attack."

In an interview with Gloria Borger several years later: "You have said in the past that it was, quote, 'pretty well confirmed.'" Cheney: "No, I never said that." Borger: OK. Cheney: "I never said that." Borger: "I think that is…" Cheney: "Absolutely not."

Tony Snow, March 15th, on the firing of the US attorneys: "It’s pretty clear that these things are based on performance and not on sort of attempts to do political retaliation, if you will."

At a press briefing several months later, a reporter asks "At the beginning of this story, the President, you, Dan Bartlett, others said on camera that politics was not involved, this was performance-based, but --". Snow: "No, that is something -- we have never said that."

How do you show respect for people who tell you something that is untrue, that then costs people their lives and jobs, and then knowing that there is a video taped record that will contradict their statements...lie to your face?

I guess i'm just not that patriotic or not that much a dyed in the wool republican.
Republicans don’t seem to have a lock on this:

I did not have sex with that woman……

I voted for it before I voted against it…..

How many democrats now apposed to the war voted for it?

So why not be discussed with all politicians that speak for convinces rather than conscience.
Yep, I can see how you can equate lying about a BJ with lying about starting a war, lying about saving people from a natural disaster, and lying about why people lost their jobs.

On the other, I cant imagine why none of the democrats have simply stated "I voted for the dang war because the president, vice president, and everyone else in the executive branch fed me baldfaced lies that, with that as my only information, gave me no other reasonable option at the time. I was told that Iraq was behind 9/11, had nukes and chemical/biological weapons, and that they were poised to attack america and support terrorism. Now that I know the real facts, that absolutely none of that was true and there was never any reasonable evidence to believe it was ever true, it was a mistake to place that vote".
Rustic, I don't know you. You could very well be a nice guy who helps old ladies cross the street.
But what sticks in my craw is the tiresome "Good German" argument that "we must not denigrate or disrespect the president because it denigrates the office of president."

Bullshit to that. Bush, and any other president, is a public servant. They are in office at our pleasure to enforce the constitution. When this clown makes statements calling the constitution a "damned piece of paper," we're all in serious peril.

When I have to wonder if this message will be read by someone at the Homeland Stupidity Department you really see how far down the road to a police state we've gone.

Wake up, man.

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