Anyone watching History Channel's "Alone" this year?

I've said a lot of stupid things in my life and near the top of that list was, "I've been camping out since I was a kid. This will be no big deal." :facepalm:

Sounds like one of my cousins. He loves those shows and likes to tell everyone he has advanced survival skills and could make do in harsh circumstances. Last time he said it, though, his mother was at the table and she burst out laughing. She went on to remind him of the time he woke her up at 2am to let him (and his son) in to spend the night. They had gone camping and gave up because of cold and rain. :)
I've said a lot of stupid things in my life and near the top of that list was, "I've been camping out since I was a kid. This will be no big deal." :facepalm:

Ha!! I *almost* enjoyed it, but that was because it was towards the end of March and most of snow had melted. The temps were pretty decent and the mosquitoes weren't trying to take me away. :D

However, when it came to the POW training camp (which I love that the Air Force called it the "resistance training lab")...yeah, that really, REALLY sucked.
Ha!! I *almost* enjoyed it, but that was because it was towards the end of March and most of snow had melted. The temps were pretty decent and the mosquitoes weren't trying to take me away. :D

However, when it came to the POW training camp (which I love that the Air Force called it the "resistance training lab")...yeah, that really, REALLY sucked.

I enjoyed the first few days out in the woods - until the last two days when it started raining and didn't stop. Cold, wet, tired and almost no food does not make for a good time.

Yep, that "lab" was the pits.
Throw my $.02 from the last few episode's.

Chick needs a stone fire place, twice she almost burnrd down her shelter.

Moose dude has it made food wise if he does not loose it to critters and does not miss home.

Anyone with kids will tap out.

Single no baggage will win.
Throw my $.02 from the last few episode's.

Chick needs a stone fire place, twice she almost burnrd down her shelter.

Moose dude has it made food wise if he does not loose it to critters and does not miss home.

Anyone with kids will tap out.

Single no baggage will win.

And why would you take off your glove to strangle as obviously in survival mode squirrel? Of course he is going to bite you. I felt sorry for the squirrel.

Moose dude wins if he doesn’t get injured.
Throw my $.02 from the last few episode's.

Chick needs a stone fire place, twice she almost burnrd down her shelter.

Moose dude has it made food wise if he does not loose it to critters and does not miss home.

Anyone with kids will tap out.

Single no baggage will win.

Here is what I think: The guy (Jordan) who shot the moose (and the wolverine) definitely is the favorite at this point. He finally built a good elevated structure to store his meat up on, so he should have food for longer than the others. The one dude (Barry) finally made himself a fishing net, which he should have made at the start. He's catching fish right now, but the weather is going to get much colder soon, and I think the fishing is going to get a whole lot harder. I don't think he even brought a bow, and I haven't seen him trap many rabbits or anything like that, so if he catches no fish, he basically doesn't eat. At least two of the women (Michelle and ??) are snaring rabbits, but have fox running their trap lines and getting to the rabbits before they do. If that continues (and it probably will), I see one or both of them going home soon, as neither of them seem very capable of fishing, or hunting larger game with a bow. The other woman (Woniya) seems to be hanging in there, and she has no baggage (no kids or spouse), but she's not getting enough to eat either. So unless she figures out how to get more food pretty soon, she won't win.

So I'll pick Jordan to win it. He has the stash of meat, and although he does have a wife and two kids, it seems like he has been able to keep things in perspective, and focus on doing what he needs to do to stick it out as long as necessary. He just needs to avoid injuring himself, which is always a risk. And I think his shelter needs improvement also, before the really nasty weather hits.
And why would you take off your glove to strangle as obviously in survival mode squirrel? Of course he is going to bite you. I felt sorry for the squirrel.

Moose dude wins if he doesn’t get injured.
That was perhaps the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. Somehow when she took the glove off I thought she had lost her mind. Surely no one would ever stick their hand into a POed squirrels mouth! Well imagine my surprise when she was attacked.

ETA: Agree it's moose guy's to lose at this point.
Well, there are four contestants left after the show last evening - one woman (Woniya) and three men (Nathan, Barry, and Jordan). Nikki got pulled after losing 25% of her body weight.......I had a feeling that was going to happen, after seeing what her arms looked like. Jordan (the guy who shot the moose) is still losing about a pound of weight per day, and thinks he might get pulled, despite all of that meat he has to eat. Barry has resorted to eating reindeer moss (lichen), which is probably going to make him sick. Woniya is having some success trapping rabbits, and if that continues, she might actually have a shot at winning this (?). Nathan looks awful emaciated, and doesn't seem to be having any luck finding food lately. It appears that this may end with next week's show, so 3 of the 4 should be headed home very soon. I'd still say Jordan is still the favorite to win, with Woniya being a close second.

Any other opinions out there, from folks who have been watching?
Coverage seem to suck, too much whining, need to show more action.

Shelters still lacking insulation.

Moose dude needs to sleep with the meat /fat.

Chick has a good chance winning this.
And get eaten by the bears that come for his moose meat?

Bears should be hibernating by about the end of October where they are (Northwest Territories), so that shouldn't be a big concern anymore. I would also keep the moose fat with me in my tent at this point......too risky leaving it anywhere outside at night.
Shelters still lacking insulation.

Moose dude needs to sleep with the meat /fat.

Chick has a good chance winning this.

+1, agree with you on all three points. Probably too late for shelter improvement, though, as they're all going home this next week, one way or another. Looks like one guy is going to get hauled out on a stretcher, and my guess is that will be Barry........the guy that ate the reindeer moss (not a great idea).
I have been watching since the very beginning.

I always select who I think will win. I make my winner selection in the first episode. I have never selected the winner. My selection usually taps out for some dumb reason like he/she misses the spouse or kids. Come on, it's only several months!
We watch it stored on DVR.. More fun to watch a few back to back .. Vs commercials. Always a challenge to pick top 10 things to take. I always say one of them would be a book to counter boredom. I would take a Bible. Other 9 ?
I have been watching since the very beginning.

I always select who I think will win. I make my winner selection in the first episode. I have never selected the winner. My selection usually taps out for some dumb reason like he/she misses the spouse or kids. Come on, it's only several months!

I try to pick the winner also. I think it was season 2 - the young guy who howled back at the wolves. He didn't win that season, but he won the season that had the repeat contestants.

This season I picked Jordan. He looked like a sure winner when he killed the moose. But he's now losing a pound a day. How can you lose a pound a day when you have 600 pounds of moose meat?
This season I picked Jordan. He looked like a sure winner when he killed the moose. But he's now losing a pound a day. How can you lose a pound a day when you have 600 pounds of moose meat?

Yeah, it doesn't seem to make sense, but he lost most of the moose fat to a wolverine, and lean meat alone isn't enough to keep weight on some people. With my fast metabolism, I think I would likely have the same problem, although I've never tried to eat just lean meat for 40+ days to see what happens..........

If Woniya traps a few more rabbits, she could actually win this thing. She seems mentally prepared to stay out there a while longer yet, she has a nice shelter, and she doesn't appear to be losing weight as fast as most of the others.
I always select who I think will win. I make my winner selection in the first episode. I have never selected the winner. My selection usually taps out for some dumb reason like he/she misses the spouse or kids. Come on, it's only several months!

And who did you pick to win it this season?
Yeah, it doesn't seem to make sense, but he lost most of the moose fat to a wolverine, and lean meat alone isn't enough to keep weight on some people. With my fast metabolism, I think I would likely have the same problem, although I've never tried to eat just lean meat for 40+ days to see what happens..........

If Woniya traps a few more rabbits, she could actually win this thing. She seems mentally prepared to stay out there a while longer yet, she has a nice shelter, and she doesn't appear to be losing weight as fast as most of the others.

I recall reading about some of the military survival training, that some of the desert (spell check - dry places, not sweet after-dinner edibles) rabbits were so lean that a human just could not survive on them. They thought they were getting sufficient calories, their stomachs were full, but the fat content was so low that they ended up 'starving'?

Maybe some of the military people here could chime in and explain if this has any basis at all in fact.

I recall reading about some of the military survival training, that some of the desert (spell check - dry places, not sweet after-dinner edibles) rabbits were so lean that a human just could not survive on them. They thought they were getting sufficient calories, their stomachs were full, but the fat content was so low that they ended up 'starving'?

I think there is some truth to this. Found this online:

"Rabbit Starvation"

The name "rabbit starvation" may have been coined by an arctic explorer by the name of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, who spent many years in the early 1900's living with the Eskimos and Inuits of Alaska and Northern Canada.

Mr. Stefansson wrote, "The groups that depend on blubber animals are the most fortunate in the hunting way of life, for they never suffer from fat-hunger. This trouble is worst, so far as North America is concerned, among those forest Indians who depend at times on rabbits, the leanest animal in the North, and who develop the extreme fat-hunger known as rabbit-starvation.
"Rabbit eaters, if they have no fat from another source - beaver, moose, fish - will develop diarrhea in about a week, with headache, lassitude, a vague discomfort. If there are enough rabbits, the people eat till their stomachs are distended; but no matter how much they eat they feel unsatisfied."

Carbohydrates are formed from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats are formed from the same three components.

However, to form proteins, the body must add nitrogen and other nutrients to these three building blocks.

Your body normally burns fats as energy, and your brain burns glucose, a sugar. The body CAN burn protein, but it is not a healthy long-term solution. Protein, when broken down, forms ammonia and other by-products which the body has to cleanse away, straining the liver and kidneys.

The amino acids from protein are converted into glucose by the liver. The process is complex and requires a large amount of energy. ATP (energy molecules) are used to convert amino acids to glucose, and even more are then required to convert the harmful protein byproduct ammonia into urea which is flushed away by the kidneys.

Here's the problem: the body can only supply roughly 1000 calories per day through a protein-only diet because the liver is only capable of producing 250 grams of glucose from protein, no matter how much protein you eat. So, you will still feel hungry, and you'll eat more. Unfortunately, your liver will start struggling and failing to convert the ammonia into urea (not enough ATP) so the ammonia will reenter your blood stream. This starts messing with your nervous system.

According to the Back Across the Line blog,

"Excess intake of nitrogen leads in a short space of time to hyperammonemia, which is a build up of ammonia in the bloodstream. This is toxic to the brain. Many human cultures survive on a purely animal product diet, but only if it is high in fat.

"A lean meat diet, on the other hand cannot be tolerated; it leads to nausea in as little as three days, symptoms of starvation and ketosis in a week to ten days, severe debilitation in twelve days and possibly death in just a few weeks. A high-fat diet, however, is completely healthy for a lifetime.
OK, folks, the final episode is coming up next week. Three contestants left - Nathan, Woniya, Jordan. Jordan still seems to be the favorite to win it, at least in my opinion. He made an impressive gill net out of paracord, and managed to set it under the ice to catch a nice lake trout........pretty smart. Woniya is catching a few squirrels to eat, but she's losing 1.5 pounds daily, and I think they may pull her out on the next med. check (as they just did with Barry last week). Nathan also made a gill net, but hasn't caught anything with it yet, and I don't think he has eaten much for some time now. He does not look good.

Conditions are getting pretty brutal. Someone apparently goes out on a stretcher this week.........maybe Nathan? Woniya may then get pulled for medical reasons? Jordan wins it. That's my guess........only a guess.

This season has been interesting to me because the last 4 or so contestants are all fairly skilled and all mentally tough. Any of the last 4 could have probably won it on a different season, I think.

Any other opinions?

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