Are illegal immigrants a serious problem or not?

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Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 12, 2005
Federation for American Immigration Reform 

Illegal Immigration and Public Health

The impact of immigration on our public health is often overlooked. Although millions of visitors for tourism and business come every year, the foreign population of special concern is illegal residents, who come most often from countries with endemic health problems and less developed health care. They are of greatest consequence because they are responsible for a disproportionate share of serious public health problems, are living among us for extended periods of time, and often are dependent on U.S. health care services.

Public Health Risks
Because illegal immigrants, unlike those who are legally admitted for permanent residence, undergo no medical screening to assure that they are not bearing contagious diseases, the rapidly swelling population of illegal aliens in our country has also set off a resurgence of contagious diseases that had been totally or nearly eradicated by our public health system.

According to Dr. Laurence Nickey, director of the El Paso heath district “Contagious diseases that are generally considered to have been controlled in the United States are readily evident along the border ... The incidence of tuberculosis in El Paso County is twice that of the U.S. rate. Dr. Nickey also states that leprosy, which is considered by most Americans to be a disease of the Third World, is readily evident along the U.S.-Mexico border and that dysentery is several times the U.S. rate ... People have come to the border for economic opportunities, but the necessary sewage treatment facilities, public water systems, environmental enforcement, and medical care have not been made available to them, causing a severe risk to health and well being of people on both sides of the border.”1

“The pork tapeworm, which thrives in Latin America and Mexico, is showing up along the U.S. border, threatening to ravage victims with symptoms ranging from seizures to death. ... The same [Mexican] underclass has migrated north to find jobs on the border, bringing the parasite and the sickness—cysticercosis—its eggs can cause[.] Cysts that form around the larvae usually lodge in the brain and destroy tissue, causing hallucinations, speech and vision problems, severe headaches, strokes, epileptic seizures, and in rare cases death.”2

The problem, however, is not confined to the border region, as illegal immigrants have rapidly spread across the country into many new economic sectors such as food processing, construction, and hospitality services.

Typhoid struck Silver Spring, Maryland, in 1992 when an immigrant from the Third World (who had been working in food service in the United States for almost two years) transmitted the bacteria through food at the McDonald’s where she worked. River blindness, malaria, and guinea worm, have all been brought to Northern Virginia by immigration.3

"By default, we grant health passes to illegal aliens. Yet many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease."

“What is unseen is their [illegal aliens’] free medical care that has degraded and closed some of America’s finest emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies: 84 California hospitals are closing their doors.”

—Madeleine Peiner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq. “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Spring 2005

Contrary to common belief, tuberculosis (TB) has not been wiped out in the United States, mostly due to illegal migration. In 1995, there was an outbreak of TB in an Alexandria high school, when 36 high-school students caught the disease from a foreign student.4 The four greatest immigrant magnet states have over half the TB cases in the U.S.5 In 1992, 27 percent of the TB cases in the United States were among the foreign-born; in California, it was 61 percent of the cases; in Hawaii, 83 percent; and in Washington state, 46 percent. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases in 2001 to immigrants.

Costs of Medical Care
Immigrants are often uninsured and underinsured. Forty-three percent of noncitizens under 65 have no health insurance. That means there are 9.4 million uninsured immigrants, a majority of whom are in the country illegally, constituting 15 percent of the total uninsured in the nation in the mid-1990s.6 The cost of the medical care of these uninsured immigrants is passed onto the taxpayer, and strains the financial stability of the health care community.

Another problem is immigrants’ use of hospital and emergency services rather than preventative medical care. For example, utilization rate of hospitals and clinics by illegal aliens (29 percent) is more than twice the rate of the overall U.S. population (11 percent).7

As a result, the costs of medical care for immigrants are staggering. The estimated cost of unreimbursed medical care in 2004 in California was about $1.4 billion per year. In Texas, the estimated cost was about $.85 billion, and in Arizona the comparable estimate was $.4 billion per year.8

One of the frequent costs to U.S. taxpayers is delivery of babies to illegal alien mothers. A California study put the number of these anchor baby deliveries in the state in 1994 at 74,987, at a cost of $215 million. At that time, those births constituted 36 percent of all Medi-Cal births, and they have grown now to substantially more than half or the annual Medi-Cal budget. In 2003, 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in San Joaquin General Hospital’s maternity ward were anchor babies. Medical in 2003 had 760,000 illegal alien beneficiaries, up from 2002, when there were 470,000.9

Statement on behalf of the American Medical Association to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, May 7, 1991.
Houston Chronicle, November 3, 1992.
Influx of Exotic Diseases Keep Doctors Hopping,” Fairfax Journal, May 8, 1992.
"Health officials say there is a correlation between increases in tuberculosis cases in recent years and the influx of residents from countries where disease prevention is substandard.” “36 Students in Alexandria Test Positive for TB Exposure,” Washington Post, June 8, 1995.
"Taking it to the Streets" Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1993.
Employee Benefit Research Group study, January 1995. “The study suggests the very high degree to which that population [illegal aliens] is contributing to uncompensated costs.” EBRI President Dallas Salisbury, Washington Post, January 25, 1995.
Assessment of Potential Impact of Undocumented Person on National Health Reform, National Health Foundation, April 14, 1993.
See FAIR publications.
Madeleine Peiner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq. “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Spring 2005.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Riddle me one question batman...

I looked at a hospital admittance form yesterday. Didnt see the box you check to say that you're an illegal alien.

So how does one go about determining the residency status of someone who has been given health care.

I'm going to give you a little help. You guess. Pull a number right out of your butt. I know you're familiar with this process. These guesses run from millions of dollars to billions of dollars, depending on who is doing the guessing and how much they want those numbers to be. The truth is that most people who have no insurance and/or no intention of paying the hospital bill give fake names and/or addresses.

Good sources, Art. As usual.

Let me help you further. The largest health care cost (80%+) is keeping drooling vegetables and people who have little hope of long term survival or meaningful existences alive on machines.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

In the meanwhile, since you mentioned illegal aliens 'goodness'...your fruit and vegetables would cost 50-100% more if they werent picked by illegal aliens. If you got them at all. Not a lot of farmers interested in growing food they cant afford to pay people to pick.

Maybe today when I'm out I'll take a few photos of the disintegrating barns that 20-30 of these guys sleep in at night before they go out into the 100 degree weather to pick peaches and plums for a few bucks a day.

Not to mention half the people in the southern states and southwestern states wouldnt be able to afford house cleaning, child care, landscaping and a number of other service jobs that heavily employ illegal aliens. Lets try to guess the economic impact of that.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!


For immediate release Contact: Steven A. Camarota
(202) 466-8185
Read the report online       Download the PDF version

Increasing the Ranks of the Uninsured
Immigration and the Growth of the Population Without Health Insurance

WASHINGTON (July 18, 2000) -- The rapid increase in the number of people without health insurance is one of the most troubling social trends in recent years. Both presidential candidates have proposed major new initiatives costing billions of dollars to address the problem. But neither has addressed a core reason for this problem -- mass immigration. A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that the nation's health insurance crisis is being driven to a significant extent by immigration policy.

The study, entitled Without Coverage: Immigration's Impact on the Size and Growth of the Population Lacking Health Insurance by the Center's Director of Research, Steven A. Camarota, and James R. Edwards Jr. of the Hudson Institute, contains detailed information on immigrant and native insurance coverage at the national level, as well as for the major immigrant-receiving states and cities.

The report is on line at

Among the report's findings:

In 1998, 32.4 percent of persons living in immigrant households (primarily immigrants and their young children) lacked health insurance -- more than twice the 13.9 percent of persons in native households.

Immigrants who arrived between 1994 and 1998 and their children accounted for an astonishing 59 percent or 2.7 million of the growth in the size of the uninsured population since 1993.

The total uninsured population is one-third larger (32.7 million versus 44.3 million) when the 11.6 million persons in immigrant households without insurance are counted.
"The debate over the growing number of uninsured in this country has failed to take into account the enormous impact of immigration on the nation's health insurance crisis," said Camarota. "Our findings show that we cannot hope to contain health care costs or reduce the number of uninsured in the U.S. without addressing the role of immigration policy."

Among other findings in the new report:

Immigration has made it much more difficult to reduce the size of the uninsured population. For example, in just the last few years immigration has increased the number of uninsured children in the United States by more than 700,000, enough to offset most of the gains made so far under the new State Children's Health Insurance Program enacted by Congress in 1997 at a cost of $4 billion a year.

Lack of insurance remains a severe problem even after immigrants have been in the country for many years. In 1998, 37 percent of immigrants who entered in the 1980s still had not acquired health insurance, and 27.2 percent of 1970s immigrants were uninsured.

The low rate of insurance coverage associated with immigrants is primarily explained by their much lower levels of education and their resulting higher poverty rates relative to natives. Because of the limited value of their labor in an economy that increasingly demands educated workers, many immigrants hold jobs that do not offer health insurance and their low incomes make it very difficult for them to purchase insurance on their own.
Factors Not Accounting for the Lack of Coverage Associated with Immigrants
Although a very high percentage do not have health insurance, illegal aliens only comprise an estimated 26.8 percent of the uninsured living in immigrant households.

The denial of benefits to some legal immigrants enacted as part of welfare reform in 1996 is not the reason so many persons in immigrants household are uninsured. Before welfare reform was enacted, nearly 31 percent of persons in immigrant households lacked health insurance, very similar to the current rate. Moreover, immigrant households continue to use Medicaid at higher rates than natives.
Who Cares?
By dramatically increasing the size of the uninsured population, immigration strains the resources of health care providers who provide services to the uninsured already here. Moreover, Americans with insurance have to pay higher premiums as health care providers pass along some of the costs of treating the uninsured to paying costumers. Taxpayers too, are affected as federal, state and local governments struggle to provide care to the growing ranks of the uninsured. There can be no doubt that by dramatically increasing the size of the uninsured population, our immigration policy has broad-ranging effects on the nation's entire health care system.

Policy Implications
If current immigration policy remains in place, the Census Bureau estimates that 11 million new immigrants are likely to settle permanently in the United States in the next decade alone, and the number of persons in immigrant households without health insurance could grow to 14 million. If we are ever to deal effectively with the health insurance problem in this country, part of the solution must include the adoption of an immigration policy which admits far fewer unskilled immigrants. We must also develop an immigrant policy that expands access to health insurance to immigrants and their children already here.

For a printed copy of the report, send $12 to the Center for Immigration Studies, 1522 K St. N.W., Suite 820, Washington, DC 20005. The Center is a non-profit non-partisan research organization which examines and critiques the impact of immigration on the United States.

# # #
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!


The Washington Times


Illegal aliens cost California billions
By Jerry Seper
Published December 7, 2004

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers of California -- which has the highest number of illegal aliens nationwide -- $10.5 billion a year for education, health care and incarceration, according to a study released yesterday.
A key finding of the report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said the state's already struggling kindergarten-through-12th-grade education system spends $7.7 billion a year on children of illegal aliens, who constitute 15 percent of the student body.
The report also said the incarceration of convicted illegal aliens in state prisons and jails and uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to illegal aliens each amounted to about $1.4 billion annually. The incarceration costs did not include judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes committed by illegal aliens that led to their incarceration.
"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal-alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle-class tax base," said FAIR President Dan Stein.
"Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become," he said.
California is estimated to be home to nearly 3 million illegal aliens.
Mr. Stein noted that state and local taxes paid by the unauthorized immigrant population go toward offsetting these costs, but do not match expenses. The total of such payments was estimated in the report to be about $1.6 billion per year.
He also said the total cost of illegal immigration to the state's taxpayers would be considerably higher if other cost areas, such as special English instruction, school meal programs or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal-alien workers were added into the equation.
Gerardo Gonzalez, director of the National Latino Research Center at California State at San Marcos, which compiles data on Hispanics, was critical of FAIR's report yesterday. He said FAIR's estimates did not measure some of the contributions that illegal aliens make to the state's economy.
"Beyond taxes, these workers' production and spending contribute to California's economy, especially the agricultural sector," he said, adding that both legal and illegal aliens are the "backbone" of the state's $28 billion-a-year agricultural industry.
In August, a similar study by the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, said U.S. households headed by illegal aliens used $26.3 billion in government services during 2002, but paid $16 billion in taxes, an annual cost to taxpayers of $10 billion.
The FAIR report focused on three specific program areas because those were the costs examined by researchers from the Urban Institute in 1994, Mr. Stein said. Looking at the costs of education, health care and incarceration for illegal aliens in 1994, the Urban Institute estimated that California was subsidizing illegal immigrants at about $1.1 billion a year.
Mr. Stein said an enormous rise in the costs of illegal immigrants in 10 years is because of the rapid growth of the illegal population. He said it is reasonable to expect those costs to continue to soar if action is not taken to turn the tide.
"1994 was the same year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration," he said. "Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal aliens.
"Predictably, the costs of illegal immigration have grown geometrically, while the state has spiraled into a fiscal crisis that has brought it near bankruptcy," he said.
Mr. Stein said that the state must adopt measures to systematically collect information on illegal-alien use of taxpayer-funded services and on where they are employed, and that policies need to be pursued to hold employers financially accountable.

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Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Ah yes, the center for immigration studies.

"It is the Center's mission to expand the base of public knowledge and understanding of the need for an immigration policy that gives first concern to the broad national interest. The Center is animated by a pro-immigrant, low-immigration vision which seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted."

Let me help you Artie...the bolded part means their agenda is to severely reduce immigration. Now how can we go about doing that...? Hey! Lets produce studies we pulled out of our ass that look legitimate and make people think illegal aliens are a huge problem!

Lets look at a few of their nonpartisan story headlines...

"Births of illegal aliens at all time high!!!"
"Illegal alien uses american wife to help buy illegal handguns!"
"Illegal mexican immigrants smuggling arab terrorists!!!"
Nice articles on how illegal aliens are really cutting into black americans ability to be useful as a 'residual labor pool as historically regarded' and how they only get jobs now when the 'preferred immigrant supply' is unavailable.

Funded by lobbyists for a number of groups with vested interest in stemming immigration of any kind, deep right wing conservatives, and for lack of a better term, redneck racists.

Good source Art. Got any more I can rip open for you?
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

VOL. 38, NO. 4 P.O. BOX 618, ALTON, ILLINOIS 62002 NOVEMBER 2004

Time Magazine Exposes Illegal Aliens

Time Magazine broke through the media silence about illegal aliens with a cover story on September 20 called "America's Border: Who Left the Door Open?" The well-documented article is a sensational expose about the big issue of the 2004 political campaign which the media and the presidential candidates gave the silent treatment. Time describes how the illegals invade our country:
"In a single day, more than 4,000 illegal aliens will walk across the busiest unlawful gateway into the U.S., the 375-mile border between Arizona and Mexico. No searches for weapons. No shoe removal. No photo-ID checks. . . . At night as many as 100 will take over a vacant house. Some crowd into motel rooms, even storage-compartment rental units. During the day, they congregate on school playgrounds, roam through backyards and pass in and out of apartment buildings. Some assemble at the Burger King, waiting for their assigned drivers to appear. Sometimes stolen cars are waiting for them, keys on the floor. . . . They will ride in thousands of stolen vehicles, often with the seats ripped out to accommodate more human cargo, on the next leg of their journey to big cities and small towns from California to North Carolina."

Time describes the post-9/11 increase in numbers of illegals:
"The U.S.'s borders, rather than becoming more secure since 9/11, have grown even more porous. And the trend has accelerated in the past year. It's fair to estimate, based on a Time investigation, that the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million — enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year. It will be triple the number of immigrants who will come to the U.S. by legal means. (No one knows how many illegals are living in the U.S., but estimates run as high as 15 million.)"

Then Time warns us about the terrorism threat:
"Who are these new arrivals? While the vast majority are Mexicans, a small but sharply growing number come from other countries, including those with large populations hostile to the U.S. From Oct. 1 of last year until Aug. 25, along the southwest border, the border patrol estimates that it apprehended 55,890 people who fall into the category described officially as other than Mexicans, or OTMs. . . . But that's just how many were caught. Time estimates, based on longtime government formulas for calculating how many elude capture, that as many as 190,000 illegals from countries other than Mexico have melted into the U.S. population so far this year . . . [including] intruders from Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Russia and China as well as Egypt, Iran and Iraq."

Who's to blame for this shocking state of affairs? Time answers:
"The government doesn't want to fix it, and politicians, as usual, are dodging the issue, even though public-opinion polls show that Americans overwhelmingly favor a crackdown on illegal immigration. Many citizens quietly benefit from the flood of illegals because the supply of cheap labor helps keep down the cost of many goods and services, from chicken parts to lawn care."

But this is a bad bargain for Americans. In addition to the terrorism risks, Time explains:
"Washington's failure to control the nation's borders has a painful impact on workers at the bottom of the ladder and, increasingly, those further up the income scale. The system holds down the pay of American workers and rewards the illegals and the businesses that hire them. It breeds anger and resentment among citizens who can't understand why illegal aliens often receive government-funded health care, education benefits and subsidized housing."

Time points out that the reason why the number of illegals is increasing is because President George W. Bush offered "the millions of undocumented men and women now employed in the United States . . . a new temporary-worker program that will match willing foreign workers with willing American employers when no Americans can be found to fill the jobs."

Time says: "In Mexico that statement was widely interpreted to mean that once Mexican citizens cross illegally into the U.S., they would be able to stay and eventually gain permanent residence. . . . A run to the border has begun. . . . The border patrol is no match for the onslaught. For every person it picks up, at least three make it into the country safely. The number of agents assigned to the 1,951-mile southern border has grown only somewhat, to more than 9,900 today, up from 8,600 in 2000."

What is it like for the Americans in Arizona who bear the brunt of this invasion? Time explains:
"When the crowds cross the ranches along and near the border, they discard backpacks, empty Gatorade and water bottles and soiled clothes. They turn the land into a vast latrine, leaving behind revolting mounds of personal refuse and enough discarded plastic bags to stock a Wal-Mart. Night after night, they cut fences intended to hold in cattle and horses. Cows that eat the bags must often be killed because the plastic becomes lodged between the first and second stomachs. The immigrants steal vehicles and saddles. They poison dogs to quiet them. . . . They punch holes in the barbed-wire border fence and then tear up the many fences intended to separate the breeding cattle — Brahmin, Angus and Hereford."

And what happens when the border agents catch the smugglers? Time explains:
"The judges let them off, and they get a free trip back to Mexico, where they can start all over."

Time vividly describes how the hospitals along the border are required to take care of illegal aliens. Time quoted one hospital administrator:
"We used to have 250 emergency-room visits a month. Now it's 500. They range from a lone man or woman rescued in the desert, suffering from dehydration or a heart attack, to multiple victims injured when vans jammed with 20 or more illegals crash during high-speed chases. Along the way the hospital is seeing more and more tuberculosis, AIDS and hepatitis. . . . The Copper Queen Hospital's shortfall from treating illegal aliens this year will be about $450,000, bringing the total for the past few years to $1.4 million."

Time added: "Not all the free care is going to illegal aliens passing through on their way to other states. About half goes to Mexicans who use the Copper Queen Hospital as their personal emergency-care facility. In effect, the hospital, which performs general surgery, has become the trauma center for that stretch of northern Mexico."

Time explains why corporate America loves illegals:
"Many [illegals] have their jobs lined up before they leave Mexico. That's because corporate managers go so far as to place orders with smugglers for a specific number of able bodies to be delivered. For corporate America, employing illegal aliens at wages so low few citizens could afford to take the jobs is great for profits and stockholders. That's why the payrolls of so many businesses — meat-packers, poultry processors, landscape firms, construction companies, office-cleaning firms and corner convenience stores, among others — are jammed with illegals. . . . Nonenforcement of employer sanctions, which is in keeping with the Federal Government's nonenforcement of immigration laws across the board, has been the equivalent of hanging out a Help Wanted sign for illegals. . . .

"For nearly 20 years, it has been a crime to hire illegal aliens. . . . The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, provided that employers could be fined up to $10,000 for every illegal alien they hired, and repeat offenders could be sent to jail. . . . President Ronald Reagan called the sanctions the 'keystone' of the law. . . . But companies had little to fear. Neither Reagan nor subsequent Presidents or Congresses were eager to enforce the law. . . .

"Now many corporate managers feel emboldened to place orders for workers while the prospective employees are still in Mexico, then assist them in obtaining phony documentation and transport them hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles from the interior of Mexico to a production line in an American factory."

Time included evidence of this racket from the Tyson Foods Inc. trial in 2003. Time printed the recorded phone conversation in which the chicken-plant manager arranged for up to 500 illegal aliens to come directly to work at Tyson plants after getting phony documents.

Time then explained: "One of the arguments that is regularly advanced to justify hiring illegal workers is that they are merely doing jobs American workers won't take. . . The two Tyson managers who pleaded guilty contended that they had been forced to hire illegals because Tyson refused to pay wages that would let them attract American workers. . . . A government consultant estimated that the company saved millions of dollars in wages, benefits and other costs. . . . George Borjas, a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, calculates that all immigration, by increasing the labor supply from 1980 to 2000, 'reduced the average annual earnings of native-born men by an estimated $1,700, or roughly 4%.' Borjas says African Americans and native-born Hispanics pay the steepest price because they are more often in direct competition with immigrants for jobs."

Time warns about alien criminals:
"The most alarming aspect of having 15 million illegals at large in society is Congress's failure to insist that federal agencies separate those who pose a threat from those who don't. The open borders, for example, allow illegals to come into the country, commit crimes and return home with little fear of arrest or punishment. From Oct. 1, 2003 until July 20, 2004, the border patrol's Tucson sector stopped 9,051 persons crossing in the country illegally who had criminal records in the U.S., meaning they committed crimes here, returned to Mexico, then were trying to re-enter the country. . . .

"The numbers suggest that tens of thousands of criminals, quite possibly hundreds of thousands, treat the southern border as a revolving door to crimes of opportunity. The situation is so out of control that of the 400,000 illegal aliens who have been ordered to be deported, 80,000 have criminal records - and the agency in charge, the Homeland Security Department, does not have a clue as to the whereabouts of any of them, criminal or noncriminal, including those from countries that support terrorism."

You are urged to go to a library and read the entire 12-page Time article.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Oh s**t. Another "pissing match" post.

Please, please, please do not respond to this thread. Let's discuss FIRE, dryer sheets, or animals wearing pancakes on their heads...anything but another "my old man can beat up your old man" thread. :p

Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Step 1: Close the border
Step 2: Make sure step 1 is working
Step 3: Establish a guest worker program.  Some pretty good ones have been floated, but all lack step one.
Step 4: Pound on the heads of employer violators.
Step 5: Check on step one again.
Step 6: Abolish the nonsense of illegal babies becoming automatic citizens.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Whooo need a dose of immodium AD!

Dont worry REW...I'm done. Just wanted to see if this troll is wearing the same underwear as the last time. Yep. Hasnt been washed either...
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

You are here:About>News & Issues>U.S. Gov Info / Resources  

Illegal Immigration Costs California $10.5 Billion Annually
From Robert Longley,Your Guide to U.S. Gov Info / Resources.

State's "cheap labor" costs average household $1,183 a year  
Dateline: December, 2004
In hosting America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.

Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become."

The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians focuses on three specific program areas because those were the costs examined by researchers from the Urban Institute in 1994. Looking at the costs of education, health care and incarceration for illegal aliens in 1994, the Urban Institute estimated that California was subsidizing illegal immigrants to the tune of about $1.1 billion. The enormous rise in the costs of illegal immigrants over the intervening ten years is due to the rapid growth in illegal residents. It is reasonable to expect those costs to continue to soar if action is not taken to turn the tide.

"Nineteen ninety-four was the same year that California voters rebelled and overwhelmingly passed Proposition 187, which sought to limit liability for mass illegal immigration. Since then, state and local governments have blatantly ignored the wishes of the voters and continued to shell out publicly financed benefits on illegal aliens," said Stein. "Predictably, the costs of illegal immigration have grown geometrically, while the state has spiraled into a fiscal crisis that has brought it near bankruptcy.

"Nothing could more starkly illustrate the very high costs of ‘cheap labor' than California's current situation," continued Stein. "A small number of powerful interests in the state reap the benefits, while the average native-born family in California gets handed a nearly $1,200 a year bill."

The Federation for American Immigration Reform is a nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization advocating immigration policy reforms that would tighten border security and prevent illegal immigration, while reducing legal immigration levels from about 1.1 million persons per year to 300,000 per year.
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Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Saved me the trouble of even looking for the bias on this one...thanks!

"The Federation for American Immigration Reform is a nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization advocating immigration policy reforms that would tighten border security and prevent illegal immigration, while reducing legal immigration levels from about 1.1 million persons per year to 300,000 per year."
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Art babe,

For those of us that might conceivably be interested, links will suffice.

Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Wowie kazowie art...maybe you should be more careful about your cutting and pasting...lets see from that last one...
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Thats all I can handle. Laughing too hard.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!



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Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Vol. 37, No. 12 June 20, 2005

Research News
Immigration and Its Impact on the Health Care System
The United States/Mexico Border Counties Coalition is taking a good look at the issue of immigration and uncompensated health care. The coalition is a nonpartisan consensusÐbased policy and technical forum founded by the 24 county governments that are located on the United States/Mexico border.

The elected officials from these counties created the organization to address the unique challenges border counties face in serving their residents. One of their major concerns is the current medical emergency created by the increasing numbers and proportion of uninsured immigrants and underinsured American citizens and the escalating costs associated with providing health services to this population.

According to the Census Bureau, in 2000, there were more than 32 million foreign-born residents in the United States, or 11 percent of the population. The vast majority are legal residents. However, a growing number are undocumented. It is estimated that 27 percent of the total entered the country legally, but have overstayed their visas.

An immigrant’s access to health care and coverage disparities are caused by multiple barriers. Citizenship status and language play a large role, as does the lack of health insurance.

Uncompensated care is a major concern for the states, counties and communities where the uninsured flock: immigrants who arrived between 1994 and 1998 accounted for nearly 60 percent (2.7 million people) of the uninsured population.. This escalating burden has caused a major strain on health care resources and has many hospitals and medical facilities facing bankruptcy and local governments facing additional financial burdens.

Uncompensated care is the unreimburseable or uncollectible cost incurred by a medical provider for health services. Under current law, hospitals must treat and stabilize anyone who seeks emergency care, regardless of income, insurance or immigration status.

Providing care to illegal immigrants is a huge expense in counties with high concentrations of poor, uninsured and undocumented persons. Although a national total of annual unreimbursed medical expenses for illegal aliens is not available, the costs are estimated at more than $1 billion, using estimates for Texas ($393 million), Los Angeles ($350 million), Florida ($40 million) and the U.S.ÐMexico border counties ($300 million).

In 2002, NACo surveyed its membership on this issue, and 67 percent of responding counties cited an increase in immigration as a cause of the rise in uncompensated health care expenses.

Federal actions
During the past 15 years, Congress has passed numerous laws that directly affect the delivery and financing of emergency healthcare services for undocumented immigrants.

In 1986, Congress authorized the federal government to reimburse healthcare providers for emergency medical services and childbirth care delivered to immigrants who, except for their immigration status, would otherwise qualify for a state’s Medicaid program. In 1996, the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRAIRA) was passed. This legislation approved reimbursement to hospitals for emergency care for illegal immigrants, as well as reimbursement to state and local governments for ambulance services provided to illegal immigrants injured while crossing the border. However, neither program has been funded.

Federal restrictions enacted in 1996 make it harder for immigrant children to receive health care through Medicaid or a state Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Most immigrants who entered the United States on or after Aug. 22, 1996, must wait five years before they are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP. Federal law excludes other legal immigrants from these programs, regardless of when they entered the country.

Nobody can prove precisely how many illegal immigrants live in the United States, much less whether they drain more from public funds as recipients of public services than they contribute in economic activity and tax revenues. Additionally, no single policy or program will reverse this escalating problem.

One recommendation proposes that the federal government, in cooperation with local hospitals and state and local health authorities and providers, establish an annual reimbursement allotment to states, counties, and hospitals to cover the medical costs for providing health services to immigrants.

America’s immigration policies have played a significant role in creating a national health care crisis, in which more than 41 million Americans lack basic health insurance. NACo’s policy position on this matter states that Congress should enact legislation that will reimburse counties for providing health care services to all immigrants and there should be no federal financial reduction should states and counties use their own funds to provide services.

(For more information on Immigrants and Access to Health Care, visit the Federation for American Immigration Reform at or The Access Project at
(Research News was written by Christina Crayton, research associate.)
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

« Typological confusions: The New York Effect and scaling subjectivity with facts | Gene Expression Front Page | Basic Economics »
January 13, 2004

The reality of illegal alien crime
A must read:

It is a measure of how topsy-turvy the immigration environment has become that to ask police officials about the illegal-alien crime problem feels like a gross faux pas, not done in polite company. And a police official asked to violate this powerful taboo will give a strangled response—or, as in the case of a New York deputy commissioner, break off communication altogether. Meanwhile, millions of illegal aliens work, shop, travel, and commit crimes in plain view, utterly secure in their de facto immunity from the immigration law...
Police commanders may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal-alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. Some examples:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

More inside:

• A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California is illegal; police officers say the proportion is actually much greater. The bloody gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on complex drug-distribution schemes, extortion, and drive-by assassinations, and commits an assault or robbery every day in L.A. County. The gang has grown dramatically over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters, most of them illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

• The leadership of the Columbia Lil’ Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to control the drug market around L.A.’s MacArthur Park, was about 60 percent illegal in 2002, says former assistant U.S. attorney Luis Li. Francisco Martinez, a Mexican Mafia member and an illegal alien, controlled the gang from prison, while serving time for felonious reentry following deportation...

Cops and prosecutors universally know the immigration status of these non-gang “Hollywood dealers,” as the city attorney calls them, but the gang injunction is assiduously silent on the matter. And if a Hollywood officer were to arrest an illegal dealer (known on the street as a “border brother”) for his immigration status, or even notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service (since early 2003, absorbed into the new Department of Homeland Security), he would face severe discipline for violating Special Order 40, the city’s sanctuary policy.

The ordinarily tough-as-nails former LAPD chief Daryl Gates enacted Special Order 40 in 1979—showing that even the most unapologetic law-and-order cop is no match for immigration advocates. The order prohibits officers from “initiating police action where the objective is to discover the alien status of a person”—in other words, the police may not even ask someone they have arrested about his immigration status until after they have filed criminal charges, nor may they arrest someone for immigration violations. They may not notify immigration authorities about an illegal alien picked up for minor violations. Only if they have already booked an illegal alien for a felony or for multiple misdemeanors may they inquire into his status or report him. The bottom line: a cordon sanitaire between local law enforcement and immigration authorities that creates a safe haven for illegal criminals.

For all those who haven't lived in Southern California, this is the reality . It is not that we are trying to enforce our laws and losing out. We have not even tried! We have not even begun to fight! I mean, jesus christ, when the police are prevented from deporting illegal criminals because of Hispanic pressure groups...something is terribly wrong.

For those who cite the false binary and say "we can't deport them all", you should read this:

We’re told by handwringers and the political and media elites that there is really no workable solution to the Illegal Alien problem, so we might as well legalize them so we can get track of them. Thouughtless people on both sides of the debate jawbone about silly ideas like building a wall at the Mexican border, or house to house searches, as though they were viable solutions, or the only alternatives to Amnesty ore the status quo.
It’s disappointing, frankly. There is a great disconnect when people claim that while we can put men on the moon, or win the Cold War and the War on Terror, there is no reasonable or cost effective means of solving the Illegal Alien problem without infringing on the civil liberties of all Americans.

Nonsense, this nation is plenty capable of solving any problem we decide to solve, and poll after poll shows that the American people want the problem of Illegal Aliens solved, and that Amnesty isn’t a solution to us.

Dealing with Illegals doesn't have to be the enormous burden on resources many imagine, not would it have to infringe on civil liberties.

I've posted this on a few threads, but today seems like a good day for a revised reposting of as a stand-alone thread.

This problem is no harder to solve than wanting to solve it. We can get rid of Illegals rather effectively, by rolling up our sleeves and getting the Illegals to get rid of themselves.

The first order of business, of course, is to enforce existing laws on the books against Illegals and those who employ them. Also, politicians must be held to account when they pander otherwise.


1: Eliminate all mention of Section 245(i), even if expired, from the US Immigration and Naturalization Code. No more Amnesty, ever.

2: Get legislation through Congress that would enable States to deny goodies to Illegals, a la Prop #187.

3: Outlaw Mexican matricula consular IDs, and kick banks accepting them out of the FDIC. Legal depositors will withdraw from recalcitrant banks.

4: Beef up Border Security with manpower, resources, and a Volunteer Reserve, if necessary. No troops, and no messing with posse comitatus, this should be a civilian effort.

5: Beef up the immigration courts and set deportation hearings for two weeks after apprehension, with no bail.

6: Run sting operations at day laborer sites.

7: Establish two-way communication between the IRS and Border Security, and start apprehending and deporting Illegals using false SS numbers (no, the current overhyped voluntary program doesn't count).

8: Seize the assets of businesses knowingly hiring Illegals under the RICO Act, as they are ongoing criminal enterprises. Prosecute executives who knowingly hire Illegals.

9: Compile biometric information on Illegals, and declare that they will be permanently ineligible for immigration and citizenship.

10: If the United States declares that the above proposals against Illegals will be diligently enforced after a certain date, many Illegals will leave beforehand, and a relatively small number of well-publicized cases of enforcement throughout the Lower 48 will result in millions of Illegals deporting themselves.

11: End the busting of immigration caps by limiting family reunification to spouses and dependent children, and counting them against the caps when they are brought in. Require all future immigrants to declare their future intent to bring in family upon arrival. This way, families can immigrate in a controlled, orderly fashion without the current deceptions being used against the American public. We must have truth in immigration.

12: Outlaw anchor babies, and give the option to the Illegal parent of taking the child with them upon deportation, or putting them up for adoption.

13: Outlaw bilingual ballots, and resume the English-speaking requirements for citizenship.

14: Establish English skills as a prerequisite for future immigrants. Let's start admitting folks who will hit the ground running toward assimilation.

15: Shut off new immigration to nations that offer dual citizenship. Disqualify current immigrants from those nations from future American citizenship.

16: Make Mexico and Central America our cheap import sources of choice with tariffs on manufacturing from other sources, especially China.[I disagree with this, but agree with everything else]

17: In return, Mexico must open up to American investment by allowing the sale of real estate to us and guaranteeing property our rights. Getting Mexico to fix its economy is crucial.

18: Establish a guest worker program where an initial bond is posted by the Illegal and his employer, say $500 each, with more withheld from the Illegal's earnings, as security for his departure from the US by the specified date. Guest worker visas must be applied for in the workers' countries of origin, and participants are only eligible to be employed by their sponsoring employer. Violation of these terms will render the worker ineligible for any future visas or residence in the US. Any guest worker program can only come after anti-Illegal measures are in place. Handshake promises of future diligence will not be trusted from any politician of either party, including President Bush.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

July 1, 2005

You are here: > Publications > Capital Ideas

Vol. 2, No. 35: September 2, 1997

Illegal Immigration and Crime
SACRAMENTO-Since the passage of Proposition 187 in 1994, illegal immigration has faded as a political issue in California. The problems caused by illegal immigration, unfortunately, are still with us.

Take, for example, the fast-growing crime wave connected with illegal immigration. Crime at the border is increasing in frequency and severity. Just last week, the Clinton administration, which earlier this year admitted to naturalizing thousands of illegal immigrant criminals, announced that it was beefing up the Border Patrol because of increased criminal activity along the U.S.-Mexican border.

Ranchers on the U.S. side of the border are arming themselves because drug traffickers on mountain bikes carrying 100 pound marijuana loads are pouring over the border and riding through their property. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) also acknowledges that Mexican traffickers are sending tons of cocaine and heroin across the border. And, according to the New York Times Magazine, these Mexican traffickers are "often exploiting illegal aliens to carry the drugs." The Times Magazine quotes a local police chief who says, "They're hauling drugs just down from my house. I even carry a .38 to mow my lawn, but those guys are carrying assault rifles." One rancher angrily says, "It's getting worse every day, and nothing's being done about it." Indeed, a top local Border Patrol official admits that the agency is overmatched, with traffickers using night-vision equipment, scanners for eavesdropping on the Patrol's radio communications, superior weaponry, and an intelligence network that spans both sides of the border. Shoot-outs are increasingly frequent with automatic weapon fire often coming from the Mexican side of the border.

The crime problem, however, isn't limited to just the border area. Once in the U.S., many illegal immigrants continue to engage in criminal activity, including gang-related crimes. For instance, the 18th Street gang in Southern California is one of the nation's most violent street gangs with a staggering 20,000 members (which dwarfs the number in the more publicized Crips and Bloods). More appalling is the fact that 60 percent of the 18th Street gang's membership consists of illegal aliens. The gang's crimes range from armed robbery to arson to murder. Since 1990, the gang has been responsible for 100 homicides. The Los Angeles Times notes that, "Wherever [the 18th Street gang] surfaces, the quality of life inevitably suffers." Law enforcement admits that it is losing the battle against the gang. One state official says, "They're worse than a cancer. A cancer you can kill. These guys keep growing."

California's prisons are testimony to the growing illegal alien crime wave. Nearly 15 percent of California's state prison inmate population is made up of illegal aliens (approximately 22,000 prisoners). In 1997-98, the state expects to spend a whopping half a billion dollars for incarceration and parole supervision of convicted illegal alien criminals.

It's time for America to recognize the awful enormity of this problem. As one DEA official warned, when surveying the criminal anarchy to our south, "You have to look at Mexico. What's going on there, is coming here."

-By Lance T. Izumi

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Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Illegal Alien Immigration Bonanza: Special Order 40
Commentary by Frosty Wooldridge
September 3, 2004

Illegal alien criminals fill a whopping 29 percent of America’s state and federal prisons. Still, many more are violent criminals running around in the general population. However, in dozens of cities where aliens commit violent crimes, police cannot use the most obvious method for apprehending them—their illegal immigration status.

Why? The answer: SPECIAL ORDER 40.

In Los Angeles, the 20,000 member “18th Street Gang,” comprised of 60 percent illegal aliens, runs a crime network second to none in America. According to Heather MacDonald’s investigative report, “The Illegal Alien Crime Wave,” criminals run free because governors, mayors and city councils across America adopted “Special Order 40.” Because of it, MacDonald said, “The bloody 18th Street Gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on drug-distribution schemes, extortion, drive-by assassinations and commits an assault or robbery every day in Los Angeles Country.”

With this sanctuary policy in place in Boulder, Colorado, eight illegal aliens were free to work, live and gang rape eight women in that city in 2003. Only one was caught while seven fled back to Mexico. Another woman jogger was raped and killed by four illegal aliens in New York City last summer. The violence to Americans grows in city after city.

What is Special Order 40? Daryl Gates, LA police chief in 1979, bowing to illegal alien immigrant advocates’ growing power, introduced the order. Much like Lord Chamberlain’s bowing to Hitler to preserve the peace for a ‘moment’ in history, the order prohibited officers from "…initiating police action where the objective is to discover the alien status of the person.”

As illegal alien migration grew, so did its powerful advocates. The order was adopted by cities across America. Today, illegal alien criminals are free to move about the country in San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Denver, Phoenix, Miami, Detroit, Houston, Dallas and most other cities across the United States.

Even if caught for a violation, one that could deport them before they commit a greater felony, they cannot be detained for immigration violations. Even though it is a federal offense!

Such is one of the reasons for 9/11. Illegal immigration had gotten SO far out of hand and unenforced, terrorists assumed they could succeed. How? Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani sued all the way to the Supreme Court to defend the city’s sanctuary policy for illegals. He lost. He claimed that the INS ‘terrorized’ people. “On September 5, 2001, Giuliani hand-picked a charter-revision committee that ruled New York could still require that its employees keep immigration information confidential to preserve trust between ‘immigrants’ (illegal aliens) and government. Six days later, several visa-overstayers who had been stopped and released by police for traffic infractions, participated in the most devastating attack on the city and country in history.” It’s now referred to as 9/11 and is the reason for the war on Afghanistan and Iraq where nearly a thousand U.S. soldiers have died and over 10,000 Iraqi civilians. Ironically, Giuliani became Time’s ‘Man of the Year’ for his perceived heroics but nothing was mentioned about his aiding 9/11 with his illegal alien advocacy.

Fresh on Giuliani’s tails, Mayor Bloomberg stands front and center for New York continuing as a haven for illegal aliens. In Maine, Governor Baldacci, in March of 2004, made his state the first illegal alien sanctuary. As can be imagined, illegal aliens flock to Maine for welfare, free schooling, free lunches, assisted housing, free medical care and jobs. Little wonder Maine’s finances run blood red.

The results of this Special Order 40 grow with startling speed. “In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide, at 1,500, target illegal aliens,” MacDonald said. “Two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants, 17,000, are for illegal aliens.”

MS-13 gangs now operate with impunity in 28 U.S. cities. They distribute drugs to high school and college students as easily as Dairy Queen sells ice cream. One officer said, “If I see a deportee from the Mara Salvatrucha gang crossing the street, I can’t touch him.”

Aiding and abetting this alien crime wave, immigration lawyers, now over 7,000, have won due-process rights for criminal aliens that keep them in the U.S. indefinitely. One probation officer in Brooklyn supervises an illegal Jordanian and Saudi whom, “Look ready to blow up the Statue of Liberty.” The Jordanian had been fencing stolen Social Security and tax refund checks. The Saudi used a fraudulent Social Security number to gain employment. Intelligence reports linked him to terrorism. Again, thanks to Giuliani and Bloomberg, any number of terrorists may use America for their workshop and breeding grounds.

Where does that leave average citizens? For starters, American women are at risk for rape in cities where thousands of illegals reside. You could be killed if you’re in the wrong city at the wrong time. Kids buy drugs at the drop of a hat—addiction follows. You may suffer extortion if you run a small business in one of the 28 cities occupied by MS-13. You could be killed on the highway by illegals driving stolen cars loaded with illegals (Phoenix became the car-jacking capitol of the world with 57,600 stolen vehicles last year). Note they feature 500,000 illegal aliens in that state. The United States moves quietly and horrifically toward the crisis of Third World Momentum.

What does that term mean? It means the corruption, bribing, deceit, concealment and loss of the rule-of-law that strangles most Third World countries is now moving methodically into the United States.

Finally, what it means is that any terrorist can remain in this country as he plans the next 9/11. It means he’s protected and shielded from deportation by a deadly self-inflicted Special Order 40. It means he’s assured of a positive result. It means Tom Ridge may call for a green, yellow, orange, pink or red alert. It means absolutely nothing but a good laugh and a beer to an illegal alien criminal or terrorist. It means our federal, state and local officials aid and abet illegal criminal aliens to remain in our country without concern for abiding by our laws. It means if you’re here illegally, you’re protected legally. What a country!

Frosty Wooldridge is a teacher and author who has bicycled 100,000 miles on six continents to see overpopulation up close and ugly. His explosive book published August 13, 2004: ‘IMMIGRATION’S UNARMED INVASION—DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.’ Copies may be obtained at: 1-888-280-7715 at
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!


Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform

Crime and illegal aliens in Colorado
Updated May 19, 2005

Also see Crime and illegal aliens in the U.S. The most reliable estimates are that Colorado has from 250,000 to 300,000 illegal aliens, or about 5% of the state's population. In 2004, over 6,000 illegal aliens passed through the states jails and prisons according to the U.S. Department of Justice, which is about 20% of the state's total jail population at any given moment.

Colorado's counties and the state Department of Corrections were reimbursed a total of $5,791,648 in 2004 by the federal government for the costs of incarcerating illegal aliens. The federal reimbursement formula covers only the pro-rata cost of correctional officers' salaries, not capital costs, food, health care, recreation, equipment and supplies, court proceedings, transportation or police functions.

The actual cost of incarcerating illegal aliens was estimated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in 2001 to be four times the amount of the federal reimbursement. This would be over $22 million annually in Colorado's case. Over the decade since 1995, Colorado's state prisons were reimbursed $36,550,989 for incarcerating illegal aliens, so Colorado's true costs over that decade were probably over $140 million.

The Denver Immigration enforcement office no longer does routine checks of all jail bookings. Based on the federal data, on average less than 10% of illegal aliens arrested in Colorado cities and towns are ever deported, and the others are released back into the community. Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on the total number of illegal aliens arrested or prosecuted annually in Colorado.

There is no serious effort made in Colorado to enforce laws against employment of illegal aliens. Not a single Colorado employer was fined for this unlawful activity in 2004. Immigration enforcement officers site lack of manpower and cost of investigations as the reason. Meanwhile, thousands of citizens are losing jobs in construction, manufacturing and retail service industries to the unfair competition of low-wage illegal workers.

Denver, Boulder, Pueblo and other Colorado cities have policies making them "sanctuary cities. They do not allow police officers to check the immigration status of people they encounter in routine police work. Many other towns and cities follow the same policy unofficially. Criminal aliens in these cities do not have to worry about being turned over to ICE for deportation unless they are caught committing a very serious crime. An illegal alien who goes to jail in a "sanctuary city" has less than a 20% chance of being deported.

One in every four fugitive murder warrants issued in Colorado is for someone who flees to Mexico. A majority of these fugitives are most likely illegal aliens. The total number of murders committed by illegal aliens in Colorado is unknown, since no one in Colorado government is monitoring this category of crime.

Mexico will not extradite a Mexican citizen who faces a possible death sentence or life in prison. When Mexico does arrest and prosecute a person who committed a murder in Colorado (or any state), Mexican law prohibits a sentence of the death penalty or life in prison. More information on this problem is available at two web sites: and

In July of 2004, a young man on a motorcycle was killed by a hit-and-run driver in Thornton, Colorado. The illegal alien who was arrested for that crime had six prior arrests since 1996, but no court or police authority in Adams County or Boulder County asked for him to be deported. The number of similar cases in Colorado, where a violent crime has been committed by an illegal alien with a prior Colorado arrest record, is unknown.

The suspect being sought in the May 2005 shooting death of a Denver police officer is an illegal alien who had been stopped three times previously for traffic violations and appeared in court twice, but was never reported to ICE for deportation. The suspect worked illegally in a restaurant whose part owner is the Mayor of Denver.

NOTE: Colorado correctional institutions and agencies do not publish data on illegal aliens incarcerated in jails and prisons. The inmate data in this Fact Sheet is taken from the U.S. Department of Justice 2004 grant awards report for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP). Some county jails do not participate in that program -- for example, Jefferson County-so data from those counties is not included.

Prepared as a Public Service by The National Center for Citizenship and Immigration
Rep. Tom Tancredo, Founder and Honorary Chairman - A Non-profit Organization
P. O. Box 3044, Littleton, CO 80161

Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Notth said:
Good sources, Art. As usual.

Let me help you further. The largest health care cost (80%+) is keeping drooling vegetables and people who have little hope of long term survival or meaningful existences alive on machines.

Hmmm... You bust him on sources, and then don't have references for your percentages?
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

The thing is, these arent 'sources' and I knew that all along. They're outfits with an agenda that are simply inventing and extrapolating results to suit their directives, which are clearly stated.

As far as references for the health care cost percentages, we have had a number of discussions where the specific health care costs were identified, with actual numbers from insurers and healthcare providers. If you want them, go look for one of those threads. I didnt start this **** and I'd rather play with my kid in the pool.

The vast majority of health care costs are expended on efforts in the insureds last year of life, in other words, the efforts didnt work.

By the way, I have only a modest interest in illegal aliens, health care for illegal aliens, or terry schiavo. If you actually read anything I've written in these threads, i've simply been pointing out that our troll buddy Art has absolutely no factual or actual information to support his insulting opinions that he chooses to state as facts.

The facts are simple:

We dont know how many illegal aliens receive how much free treatment because there is no metric for measuring this accurately. Someone tries to figure out how many people dont pay for their medical care. Someone else tries to figure out what percentage of them are illegal aliens. There is some good data for the first part. The second part is a guess. The guess depends on the guesser. I've seen numbers for California in the under $100M area from pro-illegal immigrant groups. I've seen numbers north of a billion from the anti illegal immigration people. Its a complete wild ass, out of your butt guess.

We dont know what happened to terry schiavo. We wont know. All I know is I havent seen one question or shred of doubt that hasnt been answered 9 times. This matter was under the closest of scrutiny by people in the executive, legislative and judicial brances at all levels, people with vested interests to 'find the truth', with the 'truth' being that she was alert, alive and her husband a killer. In ten years nobody found anything to support that. In the aftermath, I see nothing that denies it.

Sources of factual information <> people with agendas and opinions.

You can have your own opinions. You can not have your own facts.

Being an insulting troll in the process doesnt improve the matter.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Good point, mog.

That 80%+ stat of his- like most of his information- was pulled out of his used and abused, screwed, blued and tatooed butt, and none of us want to go there. It's the Mother Of All Biohazards.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Notth said:
As far as references for the health care cost percentages, we have had a number of discussions where the specific health care costs were identified, with actual numbers from insurers and healthcare providers. If you want them, go look for one of those threads. I didnt start this **** and I'd rather play with my kid in the pool.

To be honest, I don't disagree with anything you've said - just pointing out the consistency.
Re: Numbnuts thinks ILLEGAL aliens are good for us!

Art said:
Good point, mog.

That 80%+ stat of his- like most of his information- was pulled out of his used and abused, screwed, blued and tatooed butt, and none of us want to go there. It's the Mother Of All Biohazards.

Thats really nice Art.

Moghopper...if you're actually interested, search here or on google for 'twenty percent eighty percent chronic insurance'...those keywords will lead you to plenty of insurance company statistics and government health statistics that demonstrate the claim that 80 percent of health care dollars are spent on 20% of the population, largely treating chronic conditions that lead to the end of a persons life, usually within a year. Real dollars, real numbers, no guessing, no hatred of people wearing big hats, no sensationalism to sell a book.

I will also certify that none of those statistics or agencies spent any time in any of my body's orifices. Also I certify that I have no tattoos of any kind.
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