Are You A Christmas Scrooge?

Mountainsoft: You are not alone. For the few of us that are self aware, something has gotten completely "elfed" up about this time of year. The reality is that there are alot of things in play, in my humble (not at all) opinion:

1. Days are shorter...less sun...proven to be depressing...
2. Break in honest are creatures of habit and all this fa-la-laing breaks your routine.
3. Christmas gift giving is for "da chitdrens"...make them happy ok...but how in the heck is getting (or receiving) the crazy brother in law a salt crystal lamp and thinking that "that's the spirit" and expect anything other than a ho-hum reaction is unrealistic.
4. Phony people...truth is during this time people put on a facade...those of us who can tell what they are doing, we want to them put on a medieval times torture rack and slowly turned. People go back to being the self-absorbed narcissistic people they usually are around December 28th.

5. Strong Christians are usually fulfilled...the rest...not so much.
6. Gift giving. To you "give to charity" folks. You usually give to make yourselves seem better than you really are. Here is a couple of suggestions...give only to strangers directly...the bus boy, supermarket clerk, mechanic, fast food worker, is amazing what a simple $10 will do to those who don't expect it. That is enjoyable...not a tax deductible receipt to an organization that spends 50% or more on overhead (kudos to Salvation Army and Disable American Veterans for really serving their mission...and a few others)

7. Here is a new rule for you, try it. Absolutely no gifts for anyone over 17 years old at Christmas...however, during the year, when no one is looking, and you see a need for someone you care about...fill it with a gift. I don't give birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day, Millard Fillmore's Birthday, Mothers/Fathers/Secretaries day...but I give gifts of time, effort, and sometimes a physical gift during needed times of the year...guess what is remembered? If people don't like or respect your decision...elf em.

8. Try going away during Christmas for one year. Went to Australia in 1999, was amazed at the lack of consumerism there...but still the feeling of Christmas. Head to the beach...don't get stuck at parties you don't want to go to.
9. If you are forced to go to an event you don't want to attend, see who can make the best armpit fart sounds like when we were kids. Bet your invitations lighten up next year!
10. The myth of family. Many of us are still guided by the myth of family and the obligations that entails. Be honest, 1/2 of your family are insufferable dregs of society and you would rather drink your own urine rather than be around them, but you do anyway. Recognize, and resolve this in your life.
11. I just saved a few of you many thousands of dollars in counseling...some others I have annoyed (COOL!). But for a few of you, some of this might ring true.

Merry Christmas!

Golden! :LOL:

:greetings10: Why aren't you posting more?
Joy, Joy, Jingle, whatever. Bah Humbug.

I'm with you. My husband is with you. We've pretty much given up all holidays being as we're not religious and find them otherwise manipulative. Such a relief. So we are both humbugs and have no problems with that at all.
Not a good idea. They'll need dusting.

Then run them through the dishwasher again at that time.

Or, just put them in a box in the attic? :LOL: Or give them to Good Will. I'm figuring that of the 20, probably 3 will survive the dishwasher.
Lots of folks tangle their emotions in their stuff. I spent half a day reviewing my donation history on itsDeductible today. Sold and donated everything, left the house in an old Jetta. Met some retirees selling and moving from VT. They could not even donate their possessions. It was cheaper to pay for a rolloff dumpster. An entire life of stuff that could not be given away.
I like travelling and visiting for Thanksgiving. But Xmas has a bit too much baggage for me too. Volunteer labor likely my best xmas recently.
Believe me, I've tried. It's not like I'm asking to cancel Christmas, just to keep it small, personal, and less stressful. Apparently I'm a mean and horrible man who doesn't like anything. Or so I've been told. Oh, and keeping my feelings to myself is also no substitute for full on Christmas nirvana. So I've learned to play along to the best of my ability.

Enjoy the season "your way" and let everyone around you enjoy it "their way".

I don't do any gifts, decorating, or materialistic trappings. My wife loves "that cr*p" - decorates the house, buys all kinds of little gifts, goes overboard on food, etc. I don't judge or try to change her, she doesn't judge or try to change me.

We both focus on genuine time with family and close friends.

Merry Christmas !
DW and I opened boxes tonight! New luggage! Life is good! Here we go again!
I can't get rid of it for fear of offending someone, but I know I'll never use it. Like coffee mugs, I don't drink coffee, I prefer my set of 4 that match the rest of our dishes, but I keep getting mugs. Hand wash only, of course, and who do you think ends up having to wash them. I can barely close the cabinet door because there's like 20 coffee mugs in there.

Go ahead. Put them in the dishwasher. Only the strong survive. Voilá - more room in the cupboard!
I think I FINALLY have it right. Gave the 3 littlest GKs footed pjs, 1 mini toy, $10. Gave 3 older ones candy + $100. Gave 2 kids $1000. If that's not right, I give up! Plus we had a talk. Only 1 present per person. No more ripping through 8 presents representing the 8 nights of Hanukkah. Except dog is getting a few ---- treats, a ball, & something from my sister that her dogs like.
One year, my second in the US Navy, I was 18, 4000 miles from home, newly arrived and completely uninformed about the area, and everyone I did know has saved leave and went home for Christmas. I have never felt so alone. I even felt alone in the packed church at midnight mass. I vowed to never be away from family on Christmas again, and on the 45 since I have not, and I’m thankful every year. Are some family a pain? Yes, and so am I occasionally. I still wouldn’t miss it for the world.
I feel your angst too

Traditions, Sheesh. WHY do we have to do the same thing every year. Why do we always have ham for Christmas. Why can't we have a stir-fry, or bratwurst, or chili? I like ham, but just because it's Dec 25th doesn't mean I'm in the mood for it. I'm probably not gonna be in the mood on the 26th, 27th, or 28th either, but I can bet I'll still be eating it.

Actually, several years ago my father-in-law was in the hospital at Christmas. We ended up going out to Shari's for our Christmas dinner since we didn't have time to prepare anything. Not the greatest food, but I enjoyed doing something different and it ended up being one of my most memorable Christmas's.

Mountainsoft, I truly do get you! As the mother / grandmother I called the shots this year and said NO to all the Christmas fakery. We are not religious so why do we celebrate the birth of a baby who was born centuries ago and to such excess? I don't agree with the waste generated and I am tired of the whole experience.

This year I said I don't want to participate in this extravaganza anymore, please go ahead and have fun, but not at my place. I suggested we go out for lunch next Sunday at a nice hotel and NOT exchange gifts. I don't want any more gifts and I don't intend to gift anyone other than the youngest members of the family who are all still children.

My family are going along with it too. Dad and I had a quiet day at home today, Christmas Day. We've chatted with friends and family on the phone, sent and received text messages and feel loved and secure but glad to be out of the craziness. Turns out there has been some family dramas, nothing to do with us but we are glad to have missed out.

You've done a wonderful job of articulating what Christmas is like for people who struggle with it. I couldn't agree with you more. You put into words exactly how I feel. I thought I might be the only one. It's comforting to know there are others.

Yesterday we went to a movie and dinner. Lots of people at both places. Today my DIL is making a traditional polish Xmas dinner. We don’t exchange gifts. We are all going to Europe together in August so probably will be talking a lot about that. Every year is different depending on the kid’s work schedules and if I feel like inviting people over or going out.
We just gave almost $3000 to my sister-in-law who had to go to the hospital. She would have died if we didn't because she didn't have money and did not want to be hospitalized, and would rather die. She's recovering now.
@cyber888, that's the spirit of the season, IMHO. And for your sake, hopefully her medical coverage/income situation can be improved in the future.
There's more going on with mountainsoft than just an attitude about Christmas. Looking for the negative in every aspect of the season instead of the fellowship is an indicator of perhaps something going on medically. Even expressed a wish to die early in the post is a real cry for help.
Lord just take me now!
Any aspect of life that causes such despair and loathing of life itself is serious. I would imagine this feeling expressed goes beyond just the Christmas season or it wouldn't bother so much. More likely it crests at this time of year, but is present year round.

I hope he finds the help he is needing and seemly asking for.
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There's more going on with mountainsoft than just an attitude about Christmas. Looking for the negative in every aspect of the season instead of the fellowship is an indicator of perhaps something going on medically. Even expressed a wish to die early in the post is a real cry for help.
Any aspect of life that causes such despair and loathing of life itself is serious. I would imagine this feeling expressed goes beyond just the Christmas season or it wouldn't bother so much. More likely it crests at this time of year, but is present year round.

I hope he finds the help he is needing and seemly asking for.

This is a joke right?
There's more going on with mountainsoft than just an attitude about Christmas. Looking for the negative in every aspect of the season instead of the fellowship is an indicator of perhaps something going on medically. Even expressed a wish to die early in the post is a real cry for help.
Any aspect of life that causes such despair and loathing of life itself is serious. I would imagine this feeling expressed goes beyond just the Christmas season or it wouldn't bother so much. More likely it crests at this time of year, but is present year round.

I hope he finds the help he is needing and seemly asking for.

Point taken, but I understood OP to be expressing him/herself in an entirely humorous way. I often express similar myself, and it is never intended nor received as anything other than a comical statement of exasperation.

To be clear I am referring specifically to the "take me now" quote.
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I read Mountainsoft's cry of woe in a similarly lighthearted or colloquial spirit, but I do appreciate the caring and respectfulness on this forum. Perhaps it can be attributed to the, ahem, maturity of the participants, but it's a quality that need to be extended to other corners of the Internet. Happy holidays in whatever way you choose to commemorate them!
No, I am not.
I understand.

I understand and agree gwraigty. I disagree w/skipro's opinion, it sounds like the standard medical communities jargon of treatment*, mostly Pharma centric and self-serving.

Its ADD/ADHD/OCD/XDepression,+yadayadyada. There are industries banking on it;).

What if cancer became "cured", President Carters and others like his and the many, many others w/cured cancers types out there would be :confused:?. Looking for work. If your a medical specialist it's likely you'll find it. But if your one of the many, many others associated with it, good luck!

Life is a theater, what part are you playing?
Conformist or non-conformist, or a bit of both?:blush:
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We have a real tree this year and the women did a fine job putting the finishing touches on;


I celebrated by buying a $100 bottle of Tequila - :)

Tree is very pretty!
There's more going on with mountainsoft than just an attitude about Christmas. Looking for the negative in every aspect of the season instead of the fellowship is an indicator of perhaps something going on medically. Even expressed a wish to die early in the post is a real cry for help.
Any aspect of life that causes such despair and loathing of life itself is serious. I would imagine this feeling expressed goes beyond just the Christmas season or it wouldn't bother so much. More likely it crests at this time of year, but is present year round. I hope he finds the help he is needing and seemly asking for.

Too funny. I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I love my life, and wake up every morning excited to start a new day. I have a wonderful wife and daughter, and am fortunate to do work I really enjoy. I was just having a little fun venting, I'm sorry if that came across as a cry for help, it was just a humorous look at some of the less positive areas of the holiday season.

I am Christian, but that's something I follow in my daily life, not on some designated day in December. Christmas as most people celebrate it is more about gifts, family, and Santa than the birth of Christ.

In any case, we had a good Christmas this year. My wife opted out of her work party and we just had one family gathering that went well and only lasted a few hours. We didn't have an over abundance of gifts, and most of what we received were items we can actually use. And yes, I received a coffee mug, but I actually like it. :) I'm thankful for the time we had together, I ate way too much food, and I'm looking forward to the new year.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
MS, glad your Xmas was good. I took your original post as funny.
Too funny. I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I love my life, and wake up every morning excited to start a new day. I have a wonderful wife and daughter, and am fortunate to do work I really enjoy. I was just having a little fun venting, I'm sorry if that came across as a cry for help, it was just a humorous look at some of the less positive areas of the holiday season.

I am Christian, but that's something I follow in my daily life, not on some designated day in December. Christmas as most people celebrate it is more about gifts, family, and Santa than the birth of Christ.

In any case, we had a good Christmas this year. My wife opted out of her work party and we just had one family gathering that went well and only lasted a few hours. We didn't have an over abundance of gifts, and most of what we received were items we can actually use. And yes, I received a coffee mug, but I actually like it. :) I'm thankful for the time we had together, I ate way too much food, and I'm looking forward to the new year.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I don't think you need to justify yourself. Plenty of us can totally relate. Not everyone is as open minded and therefore anyone who disagrees with their way of doing things must need help. Also known as invalidators.
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