Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Though we may consider ourselves rational investors, many of us are really irrational when it comes to short-term situations.
Once you understand and accept that you really are an irrational investor when it comes to short-term decisions, then you can set up some rational long-term ground rules for your portfolio. And here is a summary of the only six reasonable guidelines that we know work for irrational investors:
Never attempt to time the markets; it's impossible
Live below your means and save regularly
Asset allocation is the key to a winning portfolio
Buy and hold quality, and buy intending never to sell
Compounding guarantees long-term wealth-building
Do it yourself; millions do, especially millionaires.
Bottom line: Nobody wants to think of themselves as an irrational investor. But the chances are four out of five that you are, and that you're probably in denial if you still believe you're rational.
Not only should the 75 million "Irrational Investors" use these 6 strategies but also many of the assets of the 20 million "Rational Investors" are already invested using the same 6 strategies. Why? Because they're long-term investors and they know their brains will react irrationally to short-term market conditions.
Bottom line No. 2: Paradoxically, the biggest secret of the "Rational Investor" is that they know they're irrational! So they use the six rules to protect their portfolio from their own worst enemy, their brains.
Like Pogo famously says: "We have met the enemy and he is us."
Once you understand and accept that you really are an irrational investor when it comes to short-term decisions, then you can set up some rational long-term ground rules for your portfolio. And here is a summary of the only six reasonable guidelines that we know work for irrational investors:
Never attempt to time the markets; it's impossible
Live below your means and save regularly
Asset allocation is the key to a winning portfolio
Buy and hold quality, and buy intending never to sell
Compounding guarantees long-term wealth-building
Do it yourself; millions do, especially millionaires.
Bottom line: Nobody wants to think of themselves as an irrational investor. But the chances are four out of five that you are, and that you're probably in denial if you still believe you're rational.
Not only should the 75 million "Irrational Investors" use these 6 strategies but also many of the assets of the 20 million "Rational Investors" are already invested using the same 6 strategies. Why? Because they're long-term investors and they know their brains will react irrationally to short-term market conditions.
Bottom line No. 2: Paradoxically, the biggest secret of the "Rational Investor" is that they know they're irrational! So they use the six rules to protect their portfolio from their own worst enemy, their brains.
Like Pogo famously says: "We have met the enemy and he is us."