Are you stooped?

Thanks for the information, Nemo. Yeah mine is more like a slouch too. This gadget might help, but it's so comfy to slouch lol. I bought an inversion table several weeks ago, and now I'm in a habit of keeping my back straight(er) so my slouch has gotten a little better too, I think... I hope...
DW has one that she uses when going for walks in 'cooler' weather; cooler because she likes to wear a light t-shirt under it and something above it.

She's not stooped, but after working as a software developer, hunched over a 'puter, has a tendency to fall into a slouch. This item basically acts as a reminder to stand up straight, somewhat similar to the finishing schools in the days of yore where girls balanced books on their heads.

(I hardly notice guys, but on the rare occasion I/we see a young girl/woman walking with 'perfect posture' it's very refreshing and quite the motivator.)
“Did you never hear how the life of a man is divided? Twenty years a-growing, twenty years in blossom, twenty years a-stooping, and twenty years declining.”
― Maurice O'Sullivan, Twenty Years A-Growing
I am 6'6" and lately my DW "gently" says honey you need to straighten up and quit slumping. Your are beginning to look like my mama. (her mom had some kind of bone problem and was very stooped b4 she died). She is only 5'4" so when we have a pic made I have always tried to "stoop" to get closer to her level. The device Nemo referred to looks interesting,I may investigate it some more.
Any success stories?

To improve my posture, I stopped using a laptop PC screen and bought an external 32 monitor that I raise 6" above my desk (could be higher). The larger raised monitor allows me to sit back or lean back when on PC. This improves posture.
13 years of yoga is keeping me on a straight and even course, so far.
I don't know if this is exactly related to stooping but I've had some neck issues partly as a result of all the computer usage lately. This is a nice pad and phone holder to avoid looking down so much:


Amazon link:

Now I can sit straight at my table with a good chair and maintain my posture while reading on my iPad.

Thx for that info Lsbcal.
I recall decades back a number of newly minted MDs considering how to address this inherent coming medical problem.

There are exercises that help. However people being people, most would treat it akin to "everyone thats going on a diet" for better health @ New Years!
Good Luck & Best Wishes....
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I do yoga, and sometimes lean or lay on a back stretcher / archer (from Amazon), foam rollers, balance ball, yoga bolster or bed pillow to push my back out after front leaning computer work. A yoga book called Relax and Renew that has many restorative yoga poses has been helpful for me. I also have a lumbar roll on my computer chair.
Right as I get up from sitting, my first few steps are stooped. I can change it if I concentrate. Sometimes, I do not realize I am stooped until my DW reminds me.

I could have written this exact thing. Are you married to my wife?
We need to keep this thread up on top every day because every time I see the title I automatically straighten my spine :LOL:
Some years ago in an exercise class the instructor guided us to stand up straight, shoulders back, and, for women, "stick out your headlights." I've never forgotten that.

If you're usually hunched, "sticking out your headlights" feels bizarre & you think everyone must be staring at you for trying to call attention to your chest.

But try this: in front of a mirror, stand the way you usually do. Then, with shoulders back, "stick out your headlights" -- looks perfectly normal, but what a difference!
I read once that beauty pageant contestants are told, "Bust out, belly in, butt under."

Some years ago in an exercise class the instructor guided us to stand up straight, shoulders back, and, for women, "stick out your headlights." I've never forgotten that.

No, not stupid, stooped.

I've become aware that I've developed a decidedly head forward posture over the years, probably from spending too much time here. I've found a number of YouTube videos with various exercises to strengthen the muscles that pull the head more upright, but have had limited success so far. Any success stories?

Hi travelover, I too have "developed a decidedly head forward posture over the years" as you, most probably from sitting with my head closer to the monitor. Bad habit! But have you tried sleeping without a pillow? I did and I use 2 wash cloths rolled down under my neck. You'll be surprised how easy it is to sleep that way. I used to do that a lot when a young woman, but as an older one decided to use pillows. Then as an OLD woman I started to sleep without pillow again and my back (and my neck a little bit too) feels much better when I get up.

Unfortunately I still have the same computer bad habit of pulling my head toward the monitor, even more now since my sight isn't so good. I guess if it isn't one thing is another... isn't it? lol! Oh and also when just reading at the computer you must remember to lean back on your chair with your arms up and your hands together over your top of your head and stretching plenty. It feels so good!!!

P.S. What does the "D" in front of DW and DH mean? Thanx.
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Hi travelover, I too have "developed a decidedly head forward posture over the years" as you, most probably from sitting with my head closer to the monitor. Bad habit! But have you tried sleeping without a pillow? I did and I use 2 wash cloths rolled down under my neck. You'll be surprised how easy it is to sleep that way. I used to do that a lot when a young woman, but as an older one decided to use pillows. Then as an OLD woman I started to sleep without pillow again and my back (and my neck a little bit too) feels much better when I get up.

Unfortunately I still have the same computer bad habit of pulling my head toward the monitor, even more now since my sight isn't so good. I guess if it isn't one thing is another... isn't it? lol!

P.S. What does the "D" in front of DW and DH mean? Thanx.

Dear or darling.
Tried this, did nothing for me, waste of money.

Not sure that it's supposed to 'do' anything for you, (I've never tried DW's), other than (post #11) act as a reminder to do it yourself.......À chacun son goût.....I'm not selling them.

Glad you found something that worked.
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An executive coached advised how yoga can help in myriad ways. Started about 4 years ago and continue the exercises today. Balance, core, posture, strength and flexibility all improved. I took a health and nutrition class at university and One of the biggest things to focus on with aging was keeping flexible.
An executive coached advised how yoga can help in myriad ways. Started about 4 years ago and continue the exercises today. Balance, core, posture, strength and flexibility all improved. I took a health and nutrition class at university and One of the biggest things to focus on with aging was keeping flexible.

Yoga has made a huge improvement in my posture and flexibility. I started about 3.5 years ago at a local studio with an owner who trains all her instructors with a focus on proper alignment and core strength. I was starting to feel a bit stiff and my back was bothering me so I decided I had to do something. Thank goodness my studio is doing many classes a week via Zoom. So nice to just walk to the bedroom and roll out my mat 10 minutes before class. That reminds me to sign up for the 10:30 class tomorrow morning!

One of our instructors is originally from England and she has gone back to help her mum after surgery. One day last week, the local instructor lost her Zoom connection early in the class so the instructor in England, who was taking the class, jumped in and completed the class. It then occurred to me that anyone in the world can now take classes 'at' our studio now!
No, not stooped.
I've been doing yoga 2 or 3 days a week for 15 years. I have actually "grown" 1/2 inch in height, so not stooped. Yoga is an excellent exercise for aging bodies (and minds).
For years I have used a yoga bench against a wall to flip myself upside down - resting on my shoulders with my head hanging - for 5 minutes after exercising. Stretches out your entire body.

I always have had bad posture since young.
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