Are your neighbors insane?

Neighbors are fine in an analog sense.

NextDoor, however, and everyone on it, is terrible. I wanted to move within a month of joining, it was actually a little depressing. I wish I never had joined, and quickly changed it so I'm only notified for crime/safety/urgent alert stuff (which still is abused by the loonies).

When I do move? I'm now very definitely not joining NextDoor in my new neighborhood!

It's kinda like that saying "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and erase all doubt." NextDoor opens those mouths and they start yelling foolishly...
My immediate neighbors are great.
I see some people who are genuinely afraid of many things. They just worry too much.
I see many people who are extremely helpful.
Maybe because we all enjoy living the in the Social Paradise of the City & County of Denver.

+1. I don't think it is limited to our beautiful city though.
Yes, but don’t tell anyone because I have my house for sale. I do have stories that could almost fill a book. My other neighbors are awesome.
All my neighbors are very nice, friendly, helpful and decent people. I very much enjoy living on my street.
Sadly half of our neighbors are special, except for 5 houses not in the list:

  • The 2 fake disability ex-postal workers couple, who cannot work but mow lawn, go for bike rides, etc.
  • The paranoid bigoted ex-postman, whose wife works to get a break from him.
  • The Vampire - harmless but enters and leaves house like batman in and out of the bat cave, and otherwise never see outside, weird hammering sounds from inside the house.
  • The mommy's boy who is Yelling big business deals on his phone in the open garage every day for years.
  • The Sex offender who has guns (which IL does nothing about) and likes to complain about nearly everything.
I have learned to not to talk everyone I can avoid, but wave as I drive by so I look friendly. :angel:

^This x100
Generally I have had pretty good neighbors but I have run into a few nutty neighbors myself. In 2010 during the great recession I bought a house in a very nice neighborhood with large houses and large lots. I bought the house in a foreclosure, it had sat empty for 6 month, I had to do alot of work on the house because the prior owner who let it go into foreclosure let it run down, roof leaks, etc. The first week after I moved in I tried to introduce myself to a neighbor who let me have it for buying the house so cheaply and bringing down the prices in the neighborhood. I continued to live there for a couple of years but this neighbor was so awful and threatening I sold the house after 2 years.

Now where I live the next door neighbor never mows his yard. I have to report him to the city every few months (the grass gets to 2 feet high). The city comes out and mows it and sends the neighbor a big bill.

There are a lot of nutty people out there.
We had a truly insane neighbor (actually he was living in his GF's house) that 4 of the neighbors (including us) have to put a restraining order on him. Neighbors also reported him to police when the dude was playing with neighbor kids. He was brandishing a real sword. He spent 1 week in county jail when the police chased him down.

When we went to police station to file a restraining order, we ran into another woman who was filing a restraining order on the crazy dude. She (a former coworker living about 5 miles away) said he was stalking her. That made 5 restraining orders we knew of.

The most frustrating thing was that police can't do anything unless he committed a crime. For a guy who boasted that he has guns, that's like waiting for disaster to happen.

Eventually, his GF kicked him out of the house.
I live on a dead end street that is 2 miles long. Parcels are minimum 5 acres, so we have a little 'elbow' room between each other. All homes are custom built and most are very well appointed. I got lucky with my neighbor. I call her 'batshitcrazy-goatlady'. Both she and her husband are lawyers in private practices. She in elder law and he is personal injury. She is nuts. She raises goats and sheep, has over 40, all fenced into about an acre area. The stench is unbelievable, but fortunately the prevailing winds do not blow it my way. I see and hear her out in the pasture often, talking to the goats. I can't make out what she's saying, but she gets quite animated. Her husband is into golf and is out of town for week or more at a time officiating at PGA tour events. I think he does that to get away from her. When he's home, there's a lot of screaming and crying from their place.
I live on Sarasota Bay in a small neighborhood of either small houses that have been in the family forever or large remodeled homes . The values range from $400,000 to way over a million . We were driving home and noticed a lot of cop cars on our street . Our neighbor had been slowly going insane and now called himself "The Enlightened One " and for $19.99 via paypal you could listen to his rambling . So yes I know crazy !
I subscribe to the more land and space is better theory. We live out in the country on 2.5 acres. Can see my neighbor's houses, but far enough away don't hear much. Sufficient buffer space works well.

Although I will admit that my current neighborhood all the close neighbors are good, no problem ones by me. Thankfully.
In our previous home NextDoor was great. We sold a lot of stuff on it as we downsized. We knew a lot of the folk from school.

Joined up at the new house and was shortly asked not to return by the mod. The mod actually lives pretty close by and has asked Mrs Scrapr for some favors. As in organizing neighborhood get togethers. The actual neighbors on our street are very good

I check in about once a year. Now Ring has added a community location. It is getting very similar to NextDoor. As in...this kid came to my door & rang the bell. Should I answer the door? I guess I'm going to have to go to Facebook
Neighbors insane? Don't know, some are furry and mean, others not so much. The two legged kind are ok except for the guy who works on his vehicles all night long. It's not the noise but the light in a very dark neighborhood. No street lights for miles except the neighbor.

We had some really nice neighbors in a remote area outside of KC years ago. One day the sheriff, state police and FBI came and took them away. Oh well, they seemed nice.
Most of my immediate neighbors are over 70 (55+ community). The only residents I routinely see outdoors are walking dogs (as I am). We know each other's dogs and our dogs know the dogs, but I know very little about the owners. I have not met anyone in the general neighborhood that is on "NextDoor". I am not on it and see no reason to do so.

My next door neighbor (on one side) died 3 1/2 years ago at 94 and her only son has not sold the house yet (sits there vacant). Her house is a great neighbor! The widow on the other side of us is 75 and is OCD. She is occasionally seen blowing the downed pine needles off her driveway in a rainstorm. :facepalm: She has figured out that I am "handy" and calls me for a variety of things that break or just mystifies her. She is really a nice person, but it's apparent her late husband "handled" everything for her. (sad)

When we want to socialize, we drive over to our old neighborhood and visit the old neighbors who are still our good friends.
I don't know too many of my neighbors, but I definitely have my doubts about the closest one.

He mows his lawn 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes 2 days in a row. And when he mows, he does it for hours, going back and forth over the same area several times.

Sometimes I think he's just driving the tractor and the mower is not engaged. I don't know why he'd do that, but it would make more sense than mowing his lawn when it was just mowed the day before.

We always wave when we see each other, and I have never had any problems with him. While listening to his tractor going back and forth for a couple of hours can sometimes be annoying, it's certainly better than a lot of the neighbor stories I've heard! :LOL:
when he mows, he does it for hours, going back and forth over the same area several times.

Sometimes I think he's just driving the tractor and the mower is not engaged. I don't know why he'd do that, but it would make more sense than mowing his lawn when it was just mowed the day before.

I think his brother lives a couple houses down from me. I’m actually interested in what he’s doing. He cuts his grass very short. I think he goes over it multiple times in leu of a mulching mower. Not sure, but surprisingly his grass still lives.

As for Nextdoor, it seems okay around here. Like anything online, you can’t engage the few times when people go off the rails.

As for weird, apparently many people want to have things like bird feeders despite many notices from the city not to because they attract rats. The weird thing is that people actually said that they have live trapped rats and relocated them. Seriously? I’ve never seen a rat, but if I did it would be all out war and I sure wouldn’t be taking any live prisoners. That’s just crazy.
I live in a good neighborhood near downtown and have great neighbors on my block. There is a weird musician guy in the next street over that likes to run around nude in his backyard and in the nearby park - he lived with his parents until they died and has now inherited the house. At least his brother doesn't live there - the brother went to prison for a Ponzi scheme involving prepaid funerals.

Our Nextdoor discussions are rather civil - mostly crime, lost and found pets, and coyote sightings. There is a current debate over outdoor cats and the harm they do to birds that has gotten a little heated. The naked guy got a lot of discussion. The Nextdoor thread notifications I receive seem to include surrounding neighborhoods and I find some of the downtown folks to be kooky and weird. So I often change the settings to exclude those notifications.
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Most of my neighbors are nice people. We do have one registered sex offender in the neighborhood, who is weird and crabby.

I also had a paranoid woman who rented the house across from me, for a while. The landlord later told me that the woman thought I was spying on her. So I guess to her, I was the crazy neighbor.
We've been very fortunate with neighbors. And even on Nextdoor, most people are pretty sane.

But Nextdoor has its characters. We have two competing preachers:
1) Tell the world how to save all wildlife, even poisonous snakes, and what to do and what not to do.
2) Tell the world how to exterminate all wildlife, especially snakes.

They just randomly post every few weeks. Most people ignore the posts. Although I have to say the pro-wildlife lady kind of got buried on the copperhead bite thread.

The latest weird thread regards hearing gunshots. The discussion follows as to whether it is firecrackers or not, and whether it should be reported to the police. Then some guy comes on and calls all the worried people "hypochondriacs" [sic] and goes off on talking about oiling his guns or something. So, yeah, maybe a bit of insanity.
Our neighborhood is a bit unique. Ocean front, enclave-like where just about everyone is living not only in the house they grew up in, but many times (like myself) in their grandparent's house. My brother up the street is living in our great-grandparent's house!

As such, not having 20-30 year mortgages for many has led to an odd FI and ER demographic. We have a few trust funders, two retired pro-athletes, some just wealthy but few in the area have ever had a 'real' job, or at least needed a real job. FIRE light?
We do have one deadbeat who tries to keep up; we almost know the repo guys by name.

Most here don't work/never worked but don't need a lot of money despite living in houses that are priced on the high side ($800K to $1.2M).

Insane? We prefer 'eccentric' but most times in a pleasant sort of way. The time after a few drinks that about 20 people carried someone's piano out into the middle of the street for a singalong comes to mind.
We have a guy who fires off a giant (I mean giant) cannon on special occasions.
We have one guy who is so meticulous that he vacuums the cracks in his sidewalk. We have a hoarder. We have the old lady who hasn't been seen outside in over 40 years. We have the 50 year old 'kid' who's still trying to launch a rock and roll career...or acting; whichever comes first.

The most insane thing? one neighbor who blew through a $1MM, her inherited house and another inherited house on Keno games. She still lives here; pays rent in the house she once owned free and clear; sad.

I won't get into my own grandparents who lived here and owned monkeys for the purpose of entertaining their drunken friends (get the monkey drunk and watch what happens!)

It's not all roses though. Some have had minor issues escalate to near nuclear level and you do have to be careful who you associate with..."the friend of my enemy is my enemy" sort of thing. But it does work most of the time.
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Well, I just plugged our new street into Nextdoor and it looks like our neighborhood does not participate. It is a mix of ell-dah-lee who've been here forever, and kids who've inherited the house.

Anyway, turns out we don't need Nextdoor. The self-described neighborhood snoop came by the other day and wanted to know everything about us. He was the sort of Old Person who immediately announces "I'm 86 years old," as if we should care. Did not appear demented, merely a yenta. He made a guess, based on my facial features, that I must be Polish. I wasn't insulted - Polish women can be gorgeous.
The little bit I saw of Nextdoor in my area scared me off from it. We try to be friendly. I talked to more of my neighbors when my last dog was still alive. Most of my neighbors are inside a lot, which works well for me as I like to be out in the yard when it is nice.
In my experience Nextdoor is neighborhood dependent. In our old ‘hood there were a few who would act like trolls and jump down people’s throats, but it was always the same few people.
Now in our new ‘hood, I have yet to see an uncivilized discussion, but people also post mainly about asking for contractor recommendations and posting lost pets.
The new ‘hood is a bit more upscale. Not sure if that is any factor.
Wow! Interesting stories! My story: all my neighbors are 'harmless' currently, except for my immediate neighbor, in my 4 unit townhouse. Single woman, successful, nice car, maintains her property well. But we had arguments over awful stuff she wanted to do with her property, that was NOT allowed according to zoning regulations. Now we just avoid each other at all costs. Example: I trim the grass around a downspout on her property since she apparently doesn't want to. I didn't ask. And she hasn't said anything about it.

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