Okay, let's see:
53 trucks worth of concrete, 10 cu yds per truck, 3000 lbs per cu yd, 139 watt hours of embodied energy per pound of concrete = 221 MWH of embodied energy.
96,000 pounds of rebar, .0025 MWH/lb embodied energy per pound (at industry avg recycled content) = 240 MWH of embodied energy
Base tower: 97,000 pounds, .0025 MWH/lb embodied energy per pound = 242 MWH of embodied energy
Mid-tower: 115,587 pounds: 289 MWH
Top Tower: 104,157 pounds: 264 MWH
Nacelle: 181,000 pounds: 453 MWH
Total embodied energy for these components: 1709 MWH.
The average US 1.5 MW wind turbine produces 3,285 MWh per year (that's with a 25% capacity factor, typical for the US. In Europe, the capacity factor is generally lower)
The total embodied energy costs didn't include everything (site prep, transportation of the components, dredging of the sand for the concrete, power lines going to the site, etc), but it still looks like the average US turbine will have "paid back" the energy needed to create it in relatively short order, probably between 1 and 2 years. That's better than I would have guessed.
Now, if we could just run all those steel and concrete mills only when the wind is blowing . . .
Embodied energy source: