Attention~Credt Card Users~What's your fall-bacvk Plan?

I would just cancel them pronto if they charge a fee and get another one without or do cash. They threatened this before and people just went to other cards with no fees so they backed off and made the "platinum" cards with fees that supposedly gave you more cache or something. Crocodile tears from greedy mega banks again. 3% per transaction seems like plenty for them to keep it going. CC's are strictly a convenience for me. The cashback makes me use them instead of cash tho.
Its just business. No sense cutting off that nose to spite that pretty face :)
Merchants pay a transaction charge every time you use your credit card. Banks make a lot of $ on those fees. I suspect I'm a pretty profitable credit card user for the bank even though I never pay a penny in interest and get several hundred dollars per year "cash back". That's probably why none of the terms on any of my cards have been changed.

If they do change for the worse, I'm with the rest of you in either switching cards or going to cash. I won't use a debit card though. When my CC number gets stolen and a fraudulent transaction gets through, it's the card company who's mostly on the hook. If someone gets access to my debt card information, not only am I on my own, my entire bank account is at risk. Not sure why I'd want to wear that risk if I don't have to.
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