Baanista is glad to be here


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jun 28, 2002
I am really proud of Dory36 for putting this board up.  Back when we were wondering what would happen if the Fool's boards tanked I had thought that a nice, open source board was the way to go.  Thank you Dory36 for taking the big step.  Please let us now if you need a hand with it.

Mr & Mrs Baanista sort of backed into early retirement.  Not so much by accident since it was the result of reflex thrift and saving, but we certainly hadn't been doing all that saving while dreaming of retirement.  We were simply cheap and saved early and often.

A few years ago it dawned on me that, gee, we could maybe chuck it all, move to somewhere like Costa Rica and eek out a living on our savings.  A fun dream and far more possible than winning the lottery, but not likely to fly with Mrs B.  Still, an antidote to the increasingly frequent, This JOB S**KS mornings.  I did a few internet searches and found Intercst's web site, even made a post or two on his pre-Fool board.  I followed the Motley Fool board faithfully until they decided to charge.  Of course it was pretty hard to keep up with it at the end.

Eventually I managed to wangle us an expat gig.  We spent a couple years in The Netherlands and England trying to install Baan ERP software, hence the moniker Baanista.  

When we returned to the US in early 2000, we had no jobs waiting, no great desire to find any, and enough stashed away that maybe we won't ever have to look seriously for one.  We returned to the Texas Hill Country community that Mrs. Baanista grew up in and have been seriously nesting since then as we recover from our years constantly traveling about on business.

Recently we have been doing the odd consulting gig, putzing about with computers for small business types.  No big bucks yet, but then again, not too much time wasted at it either.  Turns out to be rather entertaining to do a little bit of work.  Hopefully it doesn't turn into something like a job. <grin>

We both are enjoying life a lot more these days.  I am still not sure that we have enough to stay out of the rat race permanently, but we can at least manage a long hiatus.  

No regrets yet,

...Please let us now if you need a hand with it...
Thanks for the kind words, and the offer of help!

One sizeable bit of work I haven't gotten to is putting together some FAQs for that section. So if anyone wants to compose (or cobble together from other sources) any FAQ type stuff, those would be great in the FAQ section.

dory36 writes,

Thanks for the kind words, and the offer of help!

One sizeable bit of work I haven't gotten to is putting together some FAQs for that section. So if anyone wants to compose (or cobble together from other sources) any FAQ type stuff, those would be great in the FAQ section.
I've copied the FAQ from the TMF board to the REHP web site. You can either link to that or use it as a starting basis for an improved FAQ for this board, see link:

I've copied the FAQ from the TMF board to the REHP web site. You can either link to that or use it as a starting basis for an improved FAQ for this board...
Thanks -- For the time being, I've copied most of that into the FAQ section. I may edit/revise some later, but days are filled with the annual maintenance on the boat.

How is it that I'm working harder after retirement than I did for years before retirement?

Thanks for bringing the FAQ over Dory36. I was half afraid I might be responsible for it since the subject came up in a thread I started. I have been trying to shed responsibility since I retired but I have noticed them starting to sneak back.

As far as working harder in retirement, I have found it easier to work hard when you don't have the assistance of a supervisor and a human resources department.



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