Back to Work After Being Retired for Almost Four Years


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 22, 2005
I took an early retirement from the Fed Gov after working for 32 years and 8 months 6/2/06. When I was working, I always was talking about what my next job would be. I was going to have a stress free job that I did not take home with me at night. I would say that they would probably see me flipping burgers at Mickey D's. I paid into CSRS doing my Fed career. However, I had 4 yrs of credit working under Social Security before I went to work for the Fed Gov. I have never been one to "leave" money on the table, so I always planned on going back and getting the other 24 credits that I needed for Social Security. I know that the amount of Social Security that I would be eligible for would be tiny and it would also be reduced due to the Windfall Elimination Provision, since I receive a Fed pension. I hope that it would cover my Medicare premium, if I live that long. I really don't want anything else deducted from my pension.

I applied for a part-time receptionist job at an eye doctor on Tuesday and I start work tomorrow. I will be working Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a total of 24 hours per week. I really liked the Office Manager and the doctor seemed very nice. There are only 2 other women (techs) working in the office. It is about 10 minutes from my house. Believe it or not, I am excited to be starting something new. Our house is not the same since my DD, her DH and my beautiful grandbaby moved to the other side of the US! My DH just shakes his head and says that he can't believe that I am going back to work, when I don't need to do it. I look at it this way. Either I will really like this job and finish getting my credits or I will decide that the whole idea of getting the credits is really stupid and will put it out of my mind. I hope that I will like the job, because I will feel bad if I quit in the near future. I stressed to the office manager and also told the doctor that I like to take trips and was looking for a job that had some flexibility and they both said that it should be okay. The doctor is taking off 3 weeks for vacation in 07/10 and the office manager said I could either split the available working hours with the other people wanting to work or I could be off. I already told her to count me off.

I started working when I was 15 yrs old and enjoyed my work years for the most part. I also loved being retired and having no schedule. I wonder which one will win out as the one that I enjoy the most? We shall see! I suspect that most of the people on here will not be able to relate to what I am doing. What do you think?
Sometimes you get paid for a hobby. And if you enjoy work, maybe it's a hobby?
I suspect that most of the people on here will not be able to relate to what I am doing. What do you think?

It wouldn't be MY choice, but if it is your choice I am behind you 100%. :)

Good luck with your new job. :flowers:
Sometimes you get paid for a hobby. And if you enjoy work, maybe it's a hobby?

Easiest way to ruin a good hobby is to make it a business. People told me I took great photos of people and I should go into wedding and portrait photography. I did. And I was really GOOD.

But after awhile taking pictures became a drudge. And though I took them for business, its taken me 24 years since stopping the business to want to take them again as a hobby.

I may do it again, but it won't be a high pressure business, it will be because I want to take the person or the group or whatever.

My story...

About a year after I retired I started volunteering at a help center. After being there a few months the receptionist had to have surgery. They asked me if I would fill her spot and work six weeks. Of course they would pay me. I thought, 'why not' and agreed to help them out. The six weeks turned into three months and as each day passed I thought 'Yuck...I have to go in again.' It put a cramp on my retirement style. :angel:

I have a volunteer schedule now and I stick to it as best as I can. However things have a way of popping up and I simply call in and tell them I won't be there. I don't have the guilt of a coworker having to work my shift and the possibility of hard feelings.

Life is about doing what you want to do. If this makes you happy...I think it's wonderful. Try it out and see if it works for you...if not, you can take your toys and go home. :)
I am similar to you in that I've worked forever so when I retired I knew I would do something but not sure what . I wanted stress free , my hours and totally flexible . I started selling on ebay as a hobby and it grew . It is now a profitable part time ,super flexible job that I do in my p.j's . I do not do it for the money . In fact I donate most of the money I make and skim off some for fun things . It keeps me busy and occupied . Make your retirement what you want not what someone else wants and good luck !
You chose to return to work for reasons of your own, that make sense to you under current circumstances. It's all good, and IMHO you have no reason to either apologize for it or to have any remose.

Go for it, enjoy it, and when it no longer makes sense you can quit. Congratulations on your new job, and I hope it provides you with the satisfaction you seek.
Being FI means you can do what YOU want to. If that includes a job that's your business and I [-]won't[/-] cannot criticize your decision. While I wouldn't do it, you are free to do what YOU want. Isn't life good when you are FI?
I read your post several times, and what I see shining through is a well thought out decision with your hands firmly on your own steering wheel. You have the full freedom to continue or stop anytime. :D
It sounds about where I ended up. I'm working, but I have the option not to. That option makes all the difference in the world. And it's a low stress job.

And if/when I decide I don't want to do that any longer I'll take a page from Moemg's book and try selling stuff on ebay. There are many estate auctions going on all the time around here, yard sales, etc. and I have a pickup truck.

So go for it.
I wonder which one will win out as the one that I enjoy the most? We shall see! I suspect that most of the people on here will not be able to relate to what I am doing. What do you think?
I think the eye doctor didn't see this one coming... an "employee" who's there for her own [-]entertainment[/-] goals without being motivated by consumer-debt fears or even the prospect of wallowing in filthy lucre.

If you're going to spend the next 20 years of your life wondering "What if?" then you need to do this. Hopefully the answer won't send you screaming out of the office in a few weeks, desperate to resume your ER lifestyle.

But it'd certainly make you appreciate it.
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Being FI means you can do what YOU want to. If that includes a job that's your business and I [-]won't[/-] cannot criticize your decision. While I wouldn't do it, you are free to do what YOU want. Isn't life good when you are FI?
Precisely. And the key here is the financial freedom to tell them to shove it if the job starts to suck.

That is the true glory of being FI. And it often makes jobs more bearable -- just *knowing* you're free to quit creates a positive mindset change that makes you feel free rather than enslaved.
Thanks guys for all of the positive comments. I did on the job training for 4 hours today, without any of the patients being there. I scribbled notes and brought them home to rewrite legibly. It appears to be a pretty easy job. I think that I will really like it. It would be nice to be able to stay at it for six years. She told the doctor that I had said that my goal was to work for six more years and his comment was he would be happy to find someone willing to stay for six months! As Ziggy29 stated above, just knowing that your free to quit can create a positive mindset.
I would have loved to find employees like you back when I was in business. Actually coming to work because you WANT to come to work! What a concept.......

Congrats. Enjoy. Don't worry. Be happy.
Dreamer it is your retirement, your way. Good luck with the part time job. Keep us posted.
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