Backup for laptop??

I am rethinking and may get a NAS. I can use that for local backups, instead of a
USB HDD. I also plan on ripping my CD collection to the NAS.
I use a couple of 5TB external drives. Cost was $100 each.

I looked at a NAS, but it was more expensive and complex.

While I ripped my CDs to the computer, I simply copy the music to my external drives.
My older laptop had a docking station with a drive inside that I used for backups. For the new laptop I'm doing automatic backups to the Synology NAS. I have it set up to do incremental backups starting 10 minutes after it first boots up for the day. We'll see how that works out. My "big storage" desktop already backs up to the NAS, but over ethernet. Then I think I'll use the USB port on the NAS to do a periodic copy off to external drive for off site storage. If all this works out then I'll switch my main desktop to backup to the NAS as well. Still need to create or update the external boot drives that would be used for catastrophic disk failure.
For me, besides backups, the NAS will provide a networked storage area for my music collection. This will work well with our Sonos system.
Well, I went and ordered a Synology DS220j NAS. Now, to pick out some drives.
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