Bacon Poll - How Do You Like Your Bacon Cooked?

Bacon poll - How Do You Like Your Bacon Cooked?

  • stovetop - fried

    Votes: 43 56.6%
  • stovetop - boiled then fried to crisp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • oven baked

    Votes: 20 26.3%
  • microwaved

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • air fried

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • other

    Votes: 3 3.9%

  • Total voters


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
Full disclosure .. I'm a low sodium turkey bacon (yeah, I know) from Aldi type of guy. Their turkey bacon and my air fryer makes bacon I'm happy with (the right amount of crispness no the preset bacon setting).

But lately (as in for several months now) Aldi hasn't had any turkey bacon. When I went there last, I decided to stock up on some lower sodium pork bacon.

On my try with the air fryer that was a fail for a couple of reasons. First, too greasy. Made my air fryer basket much more greasy than turkey. Not the easiest to clean. Second, the bacon was rather limp and under cooked. At least on the preset setting.

Looks like until I finish all the bacon I bought and Aldi has turkey bacon back in stock, I'm going to fry in stovetop using a cast iron pan.

When doing some investigating, I find there's more than one way to cook bacon and no consensus as which is best. So, thought I'd give a friendly poll to see what folks here get there morning bacon fix.
I voted for oven-baked, with the added caveats of its having baked on parchment paper and its NOT being turkey bacon. Ick.

For our anniversary one year, my DH gave me a little plaque that said, "I love you more than bacon." That's how we roll at this house. Yum!
I was in London for the first time last year and fell in love with back bacon, much tastier, way less fat. Found a store nearby that carries Beeler's, now we usually use that instead of regular bacon.

When we have regular bacon it is usually in the microwave between paper towels to cut down mess, not as tasty as on the stove, but easier.
Oven baked in coconut oil, slow cooked on low temp 325.
I usually cook a pound at a time on the cast iron griddle on the grill. Have a few slices with breakfast and the remainder and the paper towel goes into a large plastic bag and into the refrigerator for future breakfasts and BLTs.
I voted for oven-baked, with the added caveats of its having baked on parchment paper and its NOT being turkey bacon. Ick.


In fact, just made some tonight. We have breakfast for dinner occasionally.

Best bacon and deal on bacon: Fresh Thyme Deli Style Thick Cut bacon. On sale last week for $2.99/lb (3 lb packs).

I bought 2. One will be made into small packs and put in the freezer, the other will be baked for Bloody Mary's for our neighborhood Bloody Mary Brunch on Monday.
DH uses a bacon press in his fancy cast iron skillet. Low heat.

For a couple of years I made our bacon - cured, smoked, sliced. I’m ready to do it again, so much tastier than what we buy.
As long as it is very crispy, I don’t care what cooking method was used.

If you haven’t tried candied bacon, that’s fabulous as well.
Oven or stove is fine, but not too crisp.
I selected stove top, but really don’t care as long as it’s bacon and not too crispy. DW likes it crispy, so mine comes off first.
We rarely eat bacon but maybe if it was not so messy and then dipped in chocolate I might give it a go.

I rarely eat bacon, but when we do, I make in in the cast iron skillet on low until crispy but not too crispy.
I've done the bacon explosion a couple of times on the grill.

Had never heard this term, But its similar to a dish we have made several times. It got nicknamed at one of our camping gatherings that is defiantly not PC... If you wish to try it....
Pork Loin, Spicy Sausage and Bacon.... Lots of bacon.
Fry up your sausage to almost done and drain.
Take the pork loin and fillet it lengthwise to unroll it.
Spread the sausage on the loin and roll it up.
Make a Bacon weave and wrap it up.
Smoke at 225 till the internal temp hits 150.

As for regular bacon, mostly gets cooked on the Blackstone Grill.
stove top fried. I cook 2 to 3 pounds on low to medium heat until medium crisp. eat some for supper put the rest in a ziploc bag for future blt's keeps quite a while that way and heats up easily in microwave.
I always save the bacon grease and add it to my (old) cast iron skillet to fry bacon. Sometimes depending on the bacon thickness I'll use my bacon press. Other times in the oven if I'm cooking a lot at one time. BTW I like to cook it outside on my induction burner.
I like mine still attached to the living pig.

I pass on the bacon.
Occasional bacon eater, would eat more, but my gut doesn't like it.
Pork belly is good, too.
Usual way is crisp, not burned, fried on the stove top.
Less mess--baked in the oven.
Even less mess (for me)--DH smokes on the treager.

Really decadent: coat with brown sugar, bake/carmelize. Bacon Candy!
Have you ever been to the restaurant "First Watch"? They have candied bacon and call it "Million Dollar Bacon". It's good.

Sounds tasty, but wow, there are 22 grams of carbs in that stuff (7 protein, 15 fat). And why does it have soy?

As to cooking - this summer I've been cooking it on the grill to keep the smokiness out of the house (too much of a good thing).

I have a heavy duty cookie sheet with a baking rack in it. On this I place a heavy duty aluminum foil vessel (to catch the drippings for later use) and place the (Benton's) bacon inside. Low heat and lots of flipping results in perfect bacon and lots of delicious bacon fat for use later.
Fried on a stovetop for me, although tried it once from the microwave and not too bad.
I microwave it. Even have a special microwave bacon cooker tray. But cover with paper towel to help keep splatter off the microwave.
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