"Bank error in your favor" .. so we decided to pull the plug .. but ....


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Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
Work has been more painful than usual, no need to go into details, but I decided that I may RE rather than stick it out for another 28 months and get the extra bennies. I decided to run my ER numbers again, and I checked the pension website for my company but the calculation didn't seem quite right. (I am more complicated than the average employee as I transferred to a JV company from one of the JV's owners).

I e-mailed HR to check it out and the next day they replied that they had checked my HR record from when I transferred in '92 and have corrected the mistake in the pension calculation, and expected I would be much happier now. What an under-statement, my accured final salary pension had increased by 35% over what I had calculated and planned for :cool:

So, a couple of weeks back I called up the HR manager in Louisiana where the JV is located and said that I had decided that I have had enogh of IT and was going to leave in the new year unless he had anything on offer there. He told me they had been looking for a senior project EE and would I be interested. I said I was, so he went off to check and called me back 2 hours later to offer me the job, which is going to start in January.

I'm making the post to illustrate what has been posted many times before. If you really can't take it any more and work for a Megcorp, then go talk to them because if they value your talents they can surprise you and make some effort to keep you. Since word has got out that I was on the move, I have been approached by 2 other engineering managers at other sites who said that they would have snapped me up if they knew I was unhappy in IT.

I'm now all motivated again, going back to my career roots as an I&E engineer, with all the international travel gone and one two large projects to work on over the next couple of years.
Yes. Being able to walk away makes your negotiating position much stronger.
Sounds like a dream come true! Congratulations on the job offer, not to mention the higher pension should you choose to ER. And welcome to Louisiana. :)
Alan, your experience illustrates what I might do when I decide to pull the plug. Rather than go cold turkey, I might see what other options there are, if any are offered. When you truly are ready to go, and they know it, it might spark some surprises. If not, then ER city!:D
Thanks to all for the supportive replies.

W2R - We'll be bringing our fishing gear with us, we used to love fishing in Grande Isle when we lived in Baton Rouge before. We are also looking forward to visiting New Orleans again. (We'll be living in Baton Rouge again).
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