Best Non-electronic new product

There was another thread recently about stuff you wish you hadn't done without, or something like that. I was going to post a second thing there (first was electric garage door opener), but it fits here better as it is non-electric:

Shower valves that avoid the hot/cold swing when someone runs water in the house! One of the greatest things ever. I guess I was reminded since I was re-caulking the shower today (perhaps worthy of a thread in itself).

Previous to this new shower valve, if anyone else was home when I was showering, I was on edge the whole time. Flush a toilet, run water to wash hands, rinse a dish, brush teeth, and I'd be dancing and screaming "WHO'S RUNNING WATER!!!! I'M IN THE SHOWER!!!!!".

But I put these in when I remodeled our baths. Fantastic. And they are so simple. There is just a little bobbin-thingee that sits in the valve body. IIRC, it has some pass-thru holes in it, with the hot water coming in one side, cold on the other. With equal pressure on each side, this bobbin just floats in a mid-point. When the pressure on one side decreases, the flow/pressure is such that it rotates a little, blocking the flow a little from the other side, and it hits equilibrium again. So it keeps the pressure even on both sides going into the valve, so no change in the hot/cold water mix when someone draws water in the house. It's so simple, and works so incredibly well.

It's so nice to get into the shower and not have to worry about a hot/cold scald/freeze.

Another thing I've started using a lot lately - painters tape. Like post-it notes, but it stays if you want 'cause the whole thing is adhesive.

Thanks! I may consider this because it sounds like exactly what I need.

RE - knee braces. A few years ago, I had some real bad knee pain, don't know why, but it seemed more like muscle pain. I finally tried wrapping it with an ACE bandage I had, and it was so much better it was hard to believe. But it was kind of hard to keep in place, so I went to the local Walgreens and bought every knee brace type thing they had. One simple one just eliminated the pain completely and immediately! Like night and day, turning a switch on/off.

I'm sure it is specific to the individual and the underlying problem, but try some to see if they help you.

Oh, and those roller shower curtain things are great too. Won't allow another kind in the house now.

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