What's in YOUR kitchen?

Hmm. Still have a 7" Forgecraft knife bought from a hang bar in the middle of an aisle in a grocery store back when I was in College, so 1974? Flexible blade, cheap steel that won't stay sharp for beans, but a couple passes on a garage sale steel and it's quite serviceable - probably the grain is so coarse that it ends up with a fine serration. Also have a couple other wood handled Forgecraft knives - one had a few chips in the blade from a prior owner, as well as a concave edge from lots of sharpening - had at it with a belt sander and turned it into a 7" chef's knife. We've a drawer full of other knives, but these are the two that get the most use. Silly, as they rust in a heartbeat, but they are so easy to make serviceable again and just work right in our hands.

Lots of Griswold cast iron pots & pans, some from before I was born, again, high maintenance, especially when my gal decides to cook tomato sauces or other acid things and the coating goes away, but we normally have a skillet and the bottom of a dutch oven stacked on a back burner of the stove.

We have different ideas about flatware - I like heavier stuff that will not bend, she likes lighter stuff that doesn't fall off a plate or out of her hand - right now we seem to have Wallace Taos stuff down south and another set just came in up here. It is handsome, but needs to be stouter.
The two things in my kitchen that I love are my Franke ORX-110 Kitchen Sink - single bowl with shelf and Sous Vide (allows me to get steak, chicken to be perfectly cooked).

The temperature controlled electric kettle makes green tea more mellow at 175 degrees than boiling water which made it bitter... and unlike its predecessor, it just fits under the microwave door.

Corelle bought from Walmart lasted so long that after 10+ years I was bored of the sunny yellow flowers and splurged on a more modern pattern.

My son likes Cafejo My French-Press which can take K-cup or ground coffee.

My 26 year old Wiltshire Staysharp Knives (automatic sharpening scabbard) drive my daughter crazy as I couldn't get replacement sharpening cassettes - so they are no longer sharp. A random breadknife was a fairly recent and valued addition to our kitchen - serrations surely make a difference!

I no longer use my Breadman Ultimate breadmaker... but really liked it when I did.

Daughter couldn't survive in my kitchen - no dutch oven, no kitchenaid, no food processor, no Global knives, no blender (actually have a blender but the lid broke so using it can be interesting), but I was quite happy until I started reading this thread... maybe I could use a toaster oven and a cast iron frypan and...
Tiuxiu, I think I found your grill at Amazon: Amazon.com: Livart Orange BBQ Grill, Electric Barbecue Grill: Home & Kitchen

It has 28 5-star rave reviews and only 15 not 5-star. I could see getting it too. Thanks for posting the photo!
Yup thats the one, the Liveart Orange. Photo isn't mine I just nicked one off the web, but I'm planning on doing some chicken skewers today so maybe I'll be motivated enough to take a picture. :D

The electric grill by Tiuxiu is interesting. I imagine that when the fat or meat juice hits the red-hot electric element, smoke will be emanating just like my outdoor gas grill. Do I cover the smoke alarm before using this electric grill indoors?
Surprisingly it doesn't smoke much at all, most drippings fall right into the water in the catch-pan underneath it.

I've done all kinds of kabobs on it, a couple hamburgers, and it works great for the finishing stage of phallic meats. Really nice to be able to make just a couple brats for lunch by braising in pan with beer and onions then transferring to this thing at the end instead of having to walk in and out the house to work the main outdoor grill

The biggest negative is the size, you aren't making a meal for a bunch of guests on this thing, at least not without a lot of time and a big warming drawer.
After using many different kinds - these have become my favorite spatulas....

I only have the two smaller sizes (in red - no worries about being stained by spaghetti sauce). Smooth stainless handles. Dishwasher safe. I use them to stir/scramble eggs as well.

RSVP Endurance Silicone Rubber Spatulas


I am withdrawing my recommendation of these spatulas. Turns out - at the end of the handle, the stainless cover on the handle stops and a small silver plastic cover caps it off. This silver plastic has started to deteriorate. (Wish I could figure out who manufactures them.)

Kindest regards.

I am withdrawing my recommendation of these spatulas. Turns out - at the end of the handle, the stainless cover on the handle stops and a small silver plastic cover caps it off. This silver plastic has started to deteriorate. (Wish I could figure out who manufactures them.)

Kindest regards.

I bought one of these ~ 8 months ago. It's great, I think I'll get the other two sizes (search for "Progressive International spatula"). It is all one piece silicone, nothing to trap junk in. I got grossed out after pulling the handle out of a standard spatula - a bunch of gunk get trapped between the handle and rubber part. This one-piece design solves that. Any negative reviews were mostly that it is more brick-red color than fire-engine red. Fine by me.

Small Spatula : Amazon.com : Kitchen & Dining

When my spouse and I got married in 1986, we were gifted a set of steak knives.

I spend no time taking care of them. I've never ever sharpened them. I clean them in the dishwasher. I leave them in a silverware drawer where they can bang into each other. I have no idea what brand or model they are. They're just steak knives.

The varnish has worn off the wooden handles, and they're a little dinged up. But they still cut a tomato into hamburger slices, and they still cut stew beef up into cubes. I also use them for carving turkeys. I can hack apart any piece of fruit or veggie we eat.

Why would I spend any time or money on a knife sharpener?

Everyone who watches me cook laughs at me because I use a big serrated steak knife for all my prep cooking. They are at least 10 years old and I love them.

  • I don't have a mixer. I wouldn't even know what to make with one.
  • I have blender that I use 1x every 3 years (if that much)
  • Molenex food processor that I use about 2x a year - wedding gift
  • Air popcorn popper - use that 1x a week - its 30 years old !
  • Crockpot - use 2x a month - love it
  • Mini food processor (2 cup capacity) - love it and use it often when I need to finely chop something and don't want to work the steak knife
  • Toaster oven - use it just about every day. Except for whole chickens and turkeys just about all protein is cooked in it.
  • Corningware dishes - for company I use Chinette platters ! (big eaters :LOL:)
  • Pyrex - measuring cups (4 cup and 2 cup), pie pans (fit perfectly in the microwave for steaming veggies or in the toaster oven for roasting protein), loaf pan, 8" square and 12" oblong
  • Emerill pots - didn't really need them but my 25 year old Farberware couldn't go in the oven because of the handles and I bought them as a "gift" to cheer me up after a surgery. Pretty weird gift.
  • Black and Decker $25 coffee maker.
  • Knifes - they were a wedding gift 30 years ago. Never use them - I like my steak knife. :blush:
Almost forgot about this thread...
I posted a pic a while back... and thought at least one person would comment yea or nay, or what's the big deal? Now I wonder if everyone has one, and it just doesn't qualify. Took me over 75 years to find it, and it's indispensible.


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Speaking of tools you probably already have in your kitchen...

After watching several instruction videos from this guy, I realize I've been using the wrong end of the spoon to mix no-knead bread....

Speaking of tools you probably already have in your kitchen...

After watching several instruction videos from this guy, I realize I've been using the wrong end of the spoon to mix no-knead bread....

I scored a banneton for Christmas this year - a nice upgrade from the rattan basket I'd been using. Ditto this dough whisk - easier on the wrist than the wooden spoon I'd been using. Talk about a special tool!
Danish Dough Hand Whisk / Mixer 11" or 14" : Amazon.com : Kitchen & Dining
Sousvide machine

The ultimate in kitchen gadgetry, couldn't resist buying this to try it out. I've been looking at these for a long time.

SousVide Supreme

Only $299.99 plus tax at Costco, while stocks last! (I'm not on commission :LOL:)
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