This funny Chicago Trib article prompted the post
The Village Idiot by Jim Mullen: All I don't want is another gadget
The Christmas shopping Season, brings out the creativity of merchants to provide the "latest" in "stuff" we buy, and need. As DW and I reminisced over the dozens of "must haves" that we've had over the past 50 years, we looked at the items we've actually used, and kept for an extended length of time, in
particular, the kitchen items.
Surprisingly, we couldn't find any of the utensils or small appliances that we had as we started out in "keeping house", even though by their nature, most of them are designed for permanent use... not as planned obsolescence. Given these multiple purchases, a natural question is why?... and have we learned anything along the way?... Are there brand names that we've found to be reliable? Are there mistakes we've made over and over?
Here, in no particular order are some thoughts... brands we've found to be good... items that we use regularly, items that we're still not happy with, etc, etc.
Electric Can opener - Still haven't found one we like
Knives - After dozens of knife sets, we found a good "Henckels" set. Have wasted many hundreds of dollars buying cheaper sets.
Toaster - Current inexpensive Proctor Silex works well... good for bagels.
Toaster Ovens - Owned many, used very little... don't have now.
Pots/Pans - We still haven't worn out our Revere Ware copper bottom set from 1950's...Over the years have bought many, many teflon sets, all brands... eventually worn out. Now, have invested in hardened anodized aluminum no stick.
Bakeware - have found no good metal ware... Use Pyrex only... other glass has broken in use.
Collander - Use and replace plastic collanders.
Coffee maker - Can't afford Keurig @$.70 to $1.00/cup. Use the no-carafe Hamilton Beach Brew Station and like it, but we're on the third one... easy to prep and clean, but had switch problems.
Blender- When the Oster Glass Top broke, we didn't replace. Don't miss the blender.
Slicers, Dicers - We don't use... sharp knives instead.
Pineapple corer - $5 from Aldi's... use it two or three times a week. (priceless)
Potato Parer- The same one we used in the Army. (swivel slotted blade)
Dishes - Corelle ware (Corning)... bought when the brand came out, around 1970.. Indestructable and as bright as the day we bought it. Grandma's China for guest dinners.
Glasses - We buy the best sets at Goodwill.
Wine and cocktail glasses - The most expensive lead crystal.. even Riedel. Also from Goodwill $.50 for $8 to $15 glasses. "ping" the glass!
Wine opener - Simple Wing Corkscrew
Pizza Pan - Heavy Stainless Commercial 18" - also for serving tray.
SS Dinnerware Utensils - Oneida
SS Barbecue set -
Spatulas, Scoops, Ladles - Dollar Store
Giant white ceramic cups - for soup, coffee, warming in microwave, mixing (most used item in kitchen)
Pizza Wheel -
Meat Thermometer -
Turkey Baster -
Pyrex Measuring Cup Glass -
Scissors - 7" 8" Fiskars. (Kitchen, Den, Bedroom, Garage) Buy once, Buy the Best.
What's in YOUR kitchen? ... and
anything you don't use?
The Village Idiot by Jim Mullen: All I don't want is another gadget
The Christmas shopping Season, brings out the creativity of merchants to provide the "latest" in "stuff" we buy, and need. As DW and I reminisced over the dozens of "must haves" that we've had over the past 50 years, we looked at the items we've actually used, and kept for an extended length of time, in
particular, the kitchen items.
Surprisingly, we couldn't find any of the utensils or small appliances that we had as we started out in "keeping house", even though by their nature, most of them are designed for permanent use... not as planned obsolescence. Given these multiple purchases, a natural question is why?... and have we learned anything along the way?... Are there brand names that we've found to be reliable? Are there mistakes we've made over and over?
Here, in no particular order are some thoughts... brands we've found to be good... items that we use regularly, items that we're still not happy with, etc, etc.
Electric Can opener - Still haven't found one we like
Knives - After dozens of knife sets, we found a good "Henckels" set. Have wasted many hundreds of dollars buying cheaper sets.
Toaster - Current inexpensive Proctor Silex works well... good for bagels.
Toaster Ovens - Owned many, used very little... don't have now.
Pots/Pans - We still haven't worn out our Revere Ware copper bottom set from 1950's...Over the years have bought many, many teflon sets, all brands... eventually worn out. Now, have invested in hardened anodized aluminum no stick.
Bakeware - have found no good metal ware... Use Pyrex only... other glass has broken in use.
Collander - Use and replace plastic collanders.
Coffee maker - Can't afford Keurig @$.70 to $1.00/cup. Use the no-carafe Hamilton Beach Brew Station and like it, but we're on the third one... easy to prep and clean, but had switch problems.
Blender- When the Oster Glass Top broke, we didn't replace. Don't miss the blender.
Slicers, Dicers - We don't use... sharp knives instead.
Pineapple corer - $5 from Aldi's... use it two or three times a week. (priceless)
Potato Parer- The same one we used in the Army. (swivel slotted blade)
Dishes - Corelle ware (Corning)... bought when the brand came out, around 1970.. Indestructable and as bright as the day we bought it. Grandma's China for guest dinners.
Glasses - We buy the best sets at Goodwill.
Wine and cocktail glasses - The most expensive lead crystal.. even Riedel. Also from Goodwill $.50 for $8 to $15 glasses. "ping" the glass!
Wine opener - Simple Wing Corkscrew
Pizza Pan - Heavy Stainless Commercial 18" - also for serving tray.
SS Dinnerware Utensils - Oneida
SS Barbecue set -
Spatulas, Scoops, Ladles - Dollar Store
Giant white ceramic cups - for soup, coffee, warming in microwave, mixing (most used item in kitchen)
Pizza Wheel -
Meat Thermometer -
Turkey Baster -
Pyrex Measuring Cup Glass -
Scissors - 7" 8" Fiskars. (Kitchen, Den, Bedroom, Garage) Buy once, Buy the Best.
What's in YOUR kitchen? ... and
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