Birds are wiping me out...

We love feeding the birds, and the feeder is set up close to the living room windows. We go through the big bags of black sunflower seeds, purchased from the farm supply store: 50 lb bags for about $25 on sale. This time of year, we have orioles passing through (grape jelly in a hanging espresso cup), grosbeaks, lots of finches and cardinals. The mourning doves and squirrels clean up. I used to get squirrels raiding the feeder, but one of those metal cones on the feeder pole quickly put a stop to that. On the back deck and kitchen window, we have numerous hummingbirds at that feeder.
Thanks for the tip on black sunflower seeds, grabbed some at the local hardware store this morning. The finches aren't throwing it around and the cardinals are digging it. I'm sure more species will be happy as well.
In providing water, food and shelter for birds, bees & other critters, you may be eligible to make your yard a certified wildlife habitat. Once qualified and for a small donation ($20?), you receive a nice plaque that can be posted in your yard, or mailbox post.

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