Blue or Red?? Take the test

Economic / Left: -4.63
Social / Libertarian: -8.72

In there with Nelson Mandela, the Dhali Lama, and Ghandi. I don't see any better company than THAT on the chart, IMHO.

Score was 15 when I skipped the questions that were not answerable. 19 if I forced my self to pick  a barely approrpiate answer. So I am pretty much in the middle with a hardly noticeable tilt to the left.

MY question is, who  dreamed up that scale of Leftiness/Rightiness?  Reagan "Conservative"?  That is a Left Wing shibboleth that I still cannot fathom after 25 yrs.

He spent like a Liberal to bankrupt the country.  He did nothing to end abortions or  enhance gun rights. The gov got bigger and bigger and he raised taxes a lot (after he lowered them) so that make it alright I guess?

His biggest contibution to "law and order" was NOT stopping abortions. The Libs ought to love him. And the Conservatives really ought to be re-assessing his whole regime.

Yes, he punched up the Military but after what...10-12 ys of neglect...? ANY moderately postioned Pres, Dem or Repub would likely have done what was a crying necessity. He just played a titty bit here and a titty bit there to his Rightward freinds the  way Bill Clinstone liked to play to his Abrotionist/bra-burning/Homosexual/Hate Whitey Leftward friends..but notice he never ever really DID anything  that mattered a GD, in their direction either.

And the worship BS piled on BOTH of them from their respective camps on economics...PLEASE!  Reagan was standing there when a favourable business cycle happened. And 12 yrs later Clintstone was standing there while it continued to happen.  

If Reagan had been elected in 76, which if you'll recall WAS a possibility, he'd have been standing there when the late 70's happened and, even tho I think he'd have been better at it than Carter was, he'd have been a one term pres remembered for 12% unemployment and 19% inflation, a hollow military, gas lines, etc.   He would have ensured at least 12 more years of Democrat presidents

And he might be remembered also for killing a few hundred thousand Iranians too. That wouldn't have been so bad
28. Where are people getting the more granular output about social conservatism vs libertarianism?

I would be much more socially proactive if I lived in a smaller more cohesive society. The US is too big and socially fragmented to work. I may as well keep as much of my money away from the government as I can, knowing that whatever they get will be wasted either on stupid wars or equally stupid social programs.

Like one poster mentioned, abortion funding is about the only social program that has likely improved life for those of us who did not get aborted. Also, a very good ROI.

Unintended consequences indeed!

Ha ~ The other test is linked in Moghopper's reply at the top of page 2.
Alas - must be because I'm left handed - on the other test I fall in the empty corner with nobody famous.

What Carter did in the late 70's is why the economy prospered under Reagan and Clinton.

He appointed Volker and started the policies to spike interest rates when inflation was bad and to ease off when it wasn't. Do you understand why the Prime interest rate was over 20% during the Carter Admin? - This was the bitter pill that that the U.S. needed to swallow to get inflation under control! And Carter paid the Political Price. -

This is not unlike all us ER's do in the past to make the Present better.
Cut-Throat said:

What Carter did in the late 70's is why the economy prospered under Reagan and Clinton.

He appointed Volker and started the policies to spike interest rates when inflation was bad and to ease off when it wasn't. Do you understand why the Prime interest rate was over 20% during the Carter Admin? - This was the bitter pill that that the U.S. needed to swallow to get inflation under control! And Carter paid the Political Price. -

This is not unlike all us ER's do in the past to make the Present better.

Wow really do live in a different world. Carter was clueless. Still is. I can think of little he did right and am pretty
sure it must have been an accident. He should have stayed in the peanut

26 but I rue the day that this country elected George W Bush as president, then I rued the other day that this country elected George W Bush as president.
McCain no matter what the #
uncledrz said:
26 but I rue the day that this country elected George W Bush as president, then I rued the other day that this country elected George W Bush as president. 
McCain no matter what the #

The voters get what they deserve.

shiney said:
Ha ~ The other test is linked in Moghopper's reply at the top of page 2.
Thanks, Shiney.

A 12 on the Quiz, in between Hillary and Bill.

On the other:
Economic Left/Right: -0.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.

Down in the (centre) Left Libertarians
Well lemme see.. yes, Carter did "do something" in the most marginal way: Appointing Volker. I was a bit young to be very versed in things that arcane to teh process. Did Carter KNOW the genetic reason for the inflation and did he appoint Volker KNOWING that those necessary policies were going to be enacted? Or did he just appoint a "banker type/next in line" type who just so happened to enact the right policies? Or did he just  throw it up against the walll and the mop flopped his way so we now give him credit for doing "the right thing"?  By the way, I'm not trying to argue with you here.  

The inflation of teh 70's was MOSTLY (so dont anybody bust my balls with trivia or red herrings) caused by LBJ being George F Bush. great big spending, great big drawn out wars, greasing of Industry freidns but.... not wanting to actually PAY for any of it  . Starting the pissing press... I mean printing presses.  We were in a massive generational business cycle. Like having big thighs. Can run a long time but sooner or later you give out anyway.

Reagan was able to spend spend spend and lower taxes (then raise them because he sh*t his pants over the bleeding debt)  and everything just kept looking better and better because the next generational business cycle has started. yes, and Clinstone... didnt he have the "largest tax increase in hitsory" according to Rush Limbaw? I remember the world was supposed to end in 1995 or something because of confiscatory tax rates. But we all got richer didn't we?

Volker's policies were not without effect  but they were not the sine qua non.
Hey, I scored a 31. Amazing. That makes me less conservative than
Reagan. I think what skewed the results was my sympathy for environmental issues. This is one area where I kind of coexist
with the libs.

At 14, I am somewhat left of center.
Hmm 17, between Bill and Colin, and I plan on supporting McCain, I think my true score should be a little higher, or maybe I'm slipping more liberal....
razztazz said:
I've been under the impression you were quite a bit older

Truth be known, I'm really 16 and TH is 10, CT is 15, unclemick is 83, and JG, well, he's ageless. ;)
Made a 29. Took it as honestly as I could and made a 29...

And you are correct JG, Carter was clueless. Just awful.

Just watch out for killer rabbits....
I don't think this is a good test of liberal vs conservative or even a very good test of Dem vs Rep. If you could take this test and feel like the answers were a legitimate representation of your views, then I think you can conclude that you are fairly simple minded in your political thinking.

This test came up over at the Nofees board a few days ago and I offered my own test. It's simple and you may find it useful:

Here's my own test:

Instructions - Read each of the three questions and write your answers on a sheet of paper. Follow the scoring instructions at the end of the test. Then look up the meaning of your score.

1) Which is harder? red or vacuum?

2) Which do you trust most? apple or cherry blossom?

3) How high is up?

Scoring - Now. Look at your sheet of paper. For each question that you have a written answer, add 1 point to your score. If you numbered your answers add an additional 3 points. If you wrote complete sentence answers, add an additional point for each sentence.

What does it mean -

Score 0 -------- You have a life or at least there is hope for you.
Score 1 - 3 ---- There may be hope for you but you are pretty gullible.
Score 4 - 6 ---- This goes beyond gullibility. You need to get a life.
Score 6 - 9 ---- I'm terribly sorry. It would be best for everyone if you institutionalize yourself right now.

:D :D :D
I don't have to take a test... I am liberal in that I support women's rights, the right not to be a white male Southern Baptist, and the right marry/date/love whomever you want. I am conservative in that I get sick to my stomach everytime I see another $80billion appropriated for being a military police force, and the freaking federal government trying to take over education. I am a democrat because in my hometown in kentucky, everyone is a democrat, and local elections are generally decided in the primaries, so to be otherwise would mean I'd have no vote.

I think what we really need is to get rid of this ridiculous two-party system.
George F Bush

Ah crap, you mean theres ANOTHER one?

No. It's the same one you read about in all the newspapers. Just let your imagination play with it for a few seconds

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