Boring Stuff [some] Older People Say

Another Pryor bit: "anyone here remember those switches? The ones you used to have to go get off the tree yourself?"

My father only tried that once. I ran out to get the switch and kept on running thinking "I'm not that stupid!" Didn't come back until after dark and by then he'd cooled down about whatever it was.
My father only tried that once. I ran out to get the switch and kept on running thinking "I'm not that stupid!" Didn't come back until after dark and by then he'd cooled down about whatever it was.

That was my dad's whole plan. Threaten to beat us so we'd clear out and stop doing whatever was going to earn us discipline. I like to say I was raised on threats. In a good way. :)
That was my dad's whole plan. Threaten to beat us so we'd clear out and stop doing whatever was going to earn us discipline. I like to say I was raised on threats. In a good way. :)

My dad used to take a razor strap to us kids. When he died only two of five kids showed up at his funeral. I had to go, as I was only 13. Otherwise, I would have skipped it, too.
I only got spanked once (ran out in the street when very little, Mom considered this spanking a necessary expedient). Other than that I got the "we love you, but we are very disappointed in what you've done" treatment. These talks were never short and I spent every minute feeling truly sorry about how I'd let them down. I'm sure this approach fails with some kids but it worked great on me. A quick spanking would have been a relief.
Mom used to say 'You're a pistol'. Never quite sure what she meant other than I was getting on her nerves.

My parents (especially Mom) had no problem spanking us kids when we deserved it. And I deserved it a lot, being the only boy.

As a little kid, I used to roam around the grocery store when Mom went shopping. One day, I started pulling the shelf tags off the shelf. A store employee caught me, and we went and found Mom, and they told her what I'd done. She was horrified. Mom did NOT like to be embarrassed in public (she had kind of a "what would the neighbors think!" complex).

I'll never forget what she did next...she left the entire basket of groceries there, took me to the car, and we drove home. To be honest, I can't remember what happened after that. Probably a spanking followed by "just wait until your father gets home", followed by another spanking from him. But I remember that basket of groceries being left behind. She'd spent probably an hour shopping, that basket was full...and she just left it there to take me home. I think seeing her leave that basket behind was more terrifying than any spanking :)
But I remember that basket of groceries being left behind. She'd spent probably an hour shopping, that basket was full...

I can't tell you how many times I've done the same thing. Till a kind Dr. told me I was probably agoraphobic. Now I shop off hours, haven't left a full cart at the cash register for many years.

One thing Dad used to say was, "Three kids, and Mom all we had was 3 cabbages to eat for 3 weeks and we were grateful for it". Then he would get mad. That was his childhood after his DF was killed in an accident in 1929. Really wish he'd of told me what that felt like, instead of getting mad. Him getting mad, made an impact, but how much more I could have learned. Maybe it was too painful to talk about. I'll never know.

My father used to say "children should be seen, but not heard". That was something he was told when he was young, I guess. It seemed to apply when we had company or were at someone else's house or were out someplace with other adults who were trying to have a conversation. Basically I think it meant "shut up, the adults are talking and you kids are making too much noise".
I was told 'when you use the outhouse, take 2 red and one white corn cobs with you'! Didn't require any more questions from me.


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