Breaking Point Reached: Bye Bye to Windows

I've used Linux (Gentoo) exclusively for 15 years and scanner software (SANE) was always a pain. So much so, I didn't bother setting it up when I bought a new HP scanner/printer. About 3 years ago I realized HP had an app for my android phone which lets me scan (to email, gdrive, etc), check ink levels and other cool stuff.

So, I print from my Linux machines and just scan from/through the phone. A couple of added bonuses; the pdfs the phone app creates are smaller than the ones Linux creates and it can scan many pages into a multipage pdf, which was always an adventure in Linux.

Not sure if true, but I think the printer/scanner combo type machines are less compatible than just printers or just scanners.

With this scanner situation, since I'm not scanning all the time, if running on a virtual machine to do a scan, that I read on some thread may actually be a viable solution.

I'm still in evaluation mode, in my own mind weighing the pros and cons of jumping in the future from Win 7 to Win 10 or Win 7 to a Linux machine. I had my mind all made up thinking no way I'd want a machine like on Win 10 staring at tiles all the time. But in with test Win 10 laptop, I got a piece of software called Start10 which filters all those tiles out of the start interface. Thus, maybe Win 10 isn't that bad :popcorn:.
Hello from my iMac 21.5.

It's a big improvement, but the sailing hasn't been completely smooth. Tech support is fast, but the reps always don't know what they're doing.

Current problem is that download speeds are <1 MB/sec whereas they are 5 MB/sec on my windows laptop.
Hello from my iMac 21.5.

It's a big improvement, but the sailing hasn't been completely smooth. Tech support is fast, but the reps always don't know what they're doing.

Current problem is that download speeds are <1 MB/sec whereas they are 5 MB/sec on my windows laptop.

Al, I'm really sorry to hear that. Everyone knows Macs are perfect so it must be you. :LOL:
Hello from my iMac 21.5.

It's a big improvement, but the sailing hasn't been completely smooth. Tech support is fast, but the reps always don't know what they're doing.

Current problem is that download speeds are <1 MB/sec whereas they are 5 MB/sec on my windows laptop.

Wow! Al, either one sounds awfully low. Maybe it's due to your location or available services out there? Oh well, at least if you go outside it's not humid, hot, and raining like it is here right now (I don't mind our weather but most people do).

Anyway, here's what I am getting on my $450 Windows 10 machine, for $79.99/month and a theoretical 50 Mbps.


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The download speed from is around 30 Mbps for both machines, but when downloading a file, it's much slower.
Upgraded to the latest Mac version, and the problem went away. Now the Mac downloads faster than the PC.

I was certain that wouldn't fix it, since tech reps always tell you to upgrade to the latest version (or to reboot).
Okay, good advice. Thanks.

2012 Macbook is out, sadly. It would be so quick and easy to just buy one from Amazon, but your arguments are compelling.

DW has a Chromebook, and I'd go that way, but my novel-writing software (Scrivener) doesn't work on that.


It works fine on my roll top desk. Until I get my image sharing stuff going, you'll have to click here to see it. This is a temporary keyboard setup. I have to build a nice keyboard tray.
I got about 75% through this thread and realized I'm like a lot of you, but *worse*. I had a 2011 Toshiba Portege that I loved. It had Windows 7 and Office 2010. I had opened the computer up two years ago to add another SSD and BIOS battery. I had replaced some of the keyboard cover. I loved it.

A month ago the ability for the computer to get an internet connection failed - it could hook up to my wifi but would not recognize the internet connection. I worked on that issue for over a week - regedit, command line, everything. It would not work. So I started looking for a new computer.

I wanted another Toshiba Portege like what I had because it is very light weight <2lbs. I looked at all the ultrabooks and could not find what I liked. Also, I was leery of Win 8 or 10. While I was looking, I dusted off my ASUS eeePC with WinXp, downloaded Chrome and was able to do all of my computing work while researching. It was slow, but it worked well enough.

In the end, I purchased a refurbished Toshiba Portege from Frys with Win 10. When it showed up it was in pristine condition. I set up a small network and transferred all of my files from the old computer to the new computer, re-installed my Office 2010 from
the discs, set up Win10 so it doesn't auto update all the time and I am very happy. My machine is much faster than the previous one, I have a 256 SSD so it is wonderful.

Moral of the story: refurbed equipment can be purchased and be a good deal if you know what you are looking for and buy from a reputable source. I bought my Samsung Galaxy 5s from Samsung refurbed and love it. Also, those discs of software can still be valuable as you change out hardware as long as you like your app environment and jut want to try to replicate it.

I did peruse the Linux route and may still look at a USB boot up option, but not until I have more time to dedicate to learning more about it.

Good luck with your MAC switch out, TromboneAl. I know that Nords did the switch years ago and hasn't looked back since.
It's been smooth sailing since those early glitches (the first glitch involved migrating and the problem was on the PC side).

Most of the problems have been related to my not having figured things out yet. For example, once yesterday, the screen blacked out, then required me to enter my password. Uh-oh.

Then I realized later that I'd set up a "hot corner." Move the mouse there, and the computer goes to sleep. That's what had happened.

The extra screen real estate is nice, and I like the standardization. I always know where to find an app's preferences, for example.
This is a test ...

of skipping lines. Looks like something is adding extra lines (I only had one blank line).
Here it is with the tray:

Nice lookin' work area set up!
I really like Macs... at home. About a year ago, my company started to offer Macs as well as Windows laptops. As my old Dell was way past warranty and I was due for a replacement, I chose the Mac option.

It has been... an adjustment. As I am still w*rking, I am very dependent on MS Office. The Office products are different enough, and slightly lacking (though getting better) on the Mac, to make office work painful. Especially Outlook and Skype. That, coupled with different keyboard shortcuts, made the transition difficult.

If I had a do-over, I would have stuck with Windows for w*rk.
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... coupled with different keyboard shortcuts, made the transition difficult.

I've been using Keyboard Maestro to set up my own shortcuts for things that are missing or inconvenient.

I've realized that I enjoy getting things all set up. Arranging things on the dock, etc. I'm also liking the bigger, clearer screen.

I finally moved from LastPass to Enpass, which seems more convenient and less flakey.
Brings back fond memories back in the day when I had a Mac Plus. I had bought a macro recording programing and would record stuff like dialing into Smartcom software to check my w*rk email from home. Dial up and Smartcom for Mac. Good times.
I've been using Keyboard Maestro to set up my own shortcuts for things that are missing or inconvenient.

I've realized that I enjoy getting things all set up. Arranging things on the dock, etc. I'm also liking the bigger, clearer screen.

I finally moved from LastPass to Enpass, which seems more convenient and less flakey.

Heh, heh, sounds like a new c*reer to me! You could start your own Ge*k Squad in the neighborhood. But seriously, it looks very good - very professional and just what you will need to (as someone hinted) become a Nobel Prize (lit) winner. Good luck with that!! Use it in best of health.
And now, I like the Mac so much that I'm going to buy a laptop, too (12" Macbook).
BTW, good to consult this site before making Apple purchase decisions.
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