I don't want to PO the various LEOs on the forum, but I'm not sure this works if you really run the numbers. Law enforcement isn't in the top 10 most dangerous professions, and over half of the police deaths are from traffic accidents. And most of those were not the result of chasing a criminal or rushing to the cene of a crime, but just standard driving while in their "offices". It's mostly a result of their not being required to wear their seat belts. The fatality rate for police would be basically the same as the average American if they wore their seat belts.
Most dangerous jobs - Aug. 16, 2006
The New York Times > Health > Vital Signs: Safety: Unbelted and at Risk
I'm not picking on cops, but I think these issues need to be looked at generally and using facts, not anecdotes. Just like the general complaints about public servants and double dipping and spiking. If it is all looked at clearly, a fair, equitable, and sustainable pension system for everyone might be the result.
Edit: I'm certainly excluding military from this "most dangerous jobs" factoid. Counting death in combat military jobs are definitely in the most dangerous job category. At least during the current war du jour stage. I don't know about firefighters, but I'm sure there are meaningful statistics out there for them too.