Celebrity Look Alike - Fun for FIRE


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Feb 13, 2008
East Nowhere, 43N Latitude, NY
in my never-ending quest to NOT LOOK at the m*rk*t, i came across this old bookmark in my IE Favorites.

MyHeritage face recognition - Find the Celebrity in You - MyHeritage

find a face only pic, or one where you are looking directly and straight ahead, and see who you look like. the face recognition software will do an auto face search on a full picture. it's pretty cool.

my results were Loretta Lynn, Janeane Garafolo and Nicolas Cage. there were pretty good resemblances to all of them in different aspects of my facial features.

have fun! :D
Been a while since I laughed that hard.

I am a white, moderately receding, lean male with a match with none other than.... Ravi Shankar.

With all respect to Ravi (and Nora), not even close. What is close is that he has a smile on his face in the matching photo that is very similar to the one I have in my pic.

Fun program to play around with, though. Thanks for the link.
Ahhh freebird...you've done it again! That is one of the coolest sights I've ever seen! :D The software compared me to Petra Nimcova, Debra Winger and Ali Landry. The only one I've heard of is Debra Winger. I have to squint to see the resemblance.

I couldn't get a male celeb option, dang it! :rant: I wanted to see what I would look like if I were a dude! :D
I ran my husband. The top match was Oded Fehr, (whoo who!) who I had never heard of. Coloring, lips, and facial hair a good match. Maybe Oded 30 years from now.

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oh my!

When you are done talking to him, send him over, ok??

Penelope Cruz
Takesaki Kaneshiro
Larry King
Jessica Alba, huh?

Unreal, but the first or second ones would do for a facelift.
Ali Landry is on Heroes, and was in the Final Destination movies. But I don't see any similarity between her and Debra Winger. Interesting.

Oded Fehr I think was the guy with the face tattoos in the Mummy movies, and in the Resident Evil flicks. My wife isn't into the movies, but she thinks he's hot, especially with the tattoos.


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Okay, here are my matches:

Dan Rather
Michael Jordan
Aki Hakala (?)
Bae Yong-Jun (?)
Kelsey Grammer
Eugene Levy
Park Chan-Wook (?)
Kevin Spacey
Paul Allen

Dan, Bae, and Kevin are probably the closest in my opinion. It seems many of the matches were because of my glasses.

Oh, and if I include women, I apparently look like J. Garafalo also. Maybe freebird and I are long lost twins ;-)

Hilarious! - I don't think I look like Jessica Alba, Carson Daly, Elizabeth Shue, Kim Cattrall or American Pie's Alyson Hannigan or Jason Biggs, maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger at 61%
James Hetfield, Joseph McCarthy,Bruce Willis, George Clooney,

but best one was James Doohan...oh and David Arquette,Tim Allen was way off. Well George Clooney is way off too..:D
Of the names I recognized, Warren Beatty, Mick Fleetwood, Arnold the Governor, Jason Alexander and Usama bin Laden. Interesting mix!

The first photo I came upon was one when I was wearing contact lenses, rather than glasses.

Matches: Ryan Reynolds, Nick Lachey, Alexis Denisof, Shoko Asahara, Omar Bradley, Joey Fatone, Hal Sparks, Nobuo Uematsu, Edward Norton, Rudolph Valentino :cool:

Next, a photo with glasses.

Matches: James Hetfield, Jeremy Irons, George Harrison, Ivo Andric, Jose Carreras, Amitabh Bachchan, John Mayer, Robert Downey Jr., Monica Belluci :p, Paul Ricoeur...
Just had to run this again with a pic of me with long hair. My matches were: Melinda Clarke, Sela Ward, Raquel Welch and Angelina Jolie. I need to let my hair grow long again...and get some plastic surgery...:p
I ran my husband. The top match was Oded Fehr, (whoo who!) who I had never heard of. Coloring, lips, and facial hair a good match. Maybe Oded 30 years from now.


Maybe it keyed in on the underarm hair.

I've been wondering how they do this on the Conan O'Brien show (where they do "casting" for movies about current events). Thanks Freebird.

Your Friend,

Elton John
Mary Tyler Moore
Liza Minnelli
Annette Bening

Not bad company. It took me hours to find the right picture of myself to get those matches. The first picture I tried gave me Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt....

Love the site!
When I had my 'stache and medium length hair, I could not go a week without someone telling me I looked like Sam Elliot. If you have seen Roadhouse, the scene where Elliot arrives at the bar on a Harley, we could have been twins when I was in my mid to late 40's.

The returns were, Bob Dylan and Helmut Schmit.
i'm really glad you're all enjoying this. :D
i used several pics of me with medium hair length and very short. all were full front facing. some pics returned very odd matches. so i cropped my pics using other photo editing software to just the face, saved it, and reran it on the MyHeritage site. the results were better.
Loretta Lynn kept coming up as the first match at 75%. we have different eye color and she has thinner eyebrows, but our chins, face countour, and smile are identical.
Nicholas Cage and I could be first cousins. we both are of Mediterranean ethnic background, so that fits.
Janeane Garafolo was identical to me in the eye area.
Gender - i entered my gender as F, and it ran it on the default (both genders). see if there is a button for ALL gender on the upload pic or results page.
I think my Dan Rather match was only about 60%.

I tried my two gorgeous realtor friends, one matched Kate Hudson at like 81% and the other matched Kelly Clarkson at 71%. My ex was a 72% match for Sharon Tate.

This tells me what I already sort of suspected...<Sigh> It's what's on the inside that counts, right ladies?

"It's what's on the inside that counts" always makes me laugh too, like when people say someone is beautiful on the outside AND the inside--yes, take a look at these arteries and intestines, you won't see any prettier!
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