Cheapwad Finds--Opposite of Blow That Dough!

I used to get sprouting seeds from They have bulk sales. I have shelves with LED lights and use plastic trays. I'm sure you can do this on a smaller scale....You can also sprout mung beans quite easily in a big pot with a metal steamer, cheesecloth, and lid. Ready just in a matter of days...

I would like to get to that point to have shelves and lights. I bought a Victorio Seed Sprouter from Amazon. I think I added too many seeds the first time.
Ever since COVID, I had my wife cut my hair.

The first few cuts, she butchered it, and my head looked really bad. I took photos of it to remind my wife of what not to do. But we mostly stayed home and my hair grew out. She's doing better now on the hair cut.

I used to get a hair cut every 2 months (I hate getting hair cut and tend to let it grow too long). Each time $20.

It's not the money saved that I care about, as much as avoiding the hassle of going to a shop and sitting there waiting for my turn.

Yep, pre-COVID I'd wait too long between haircuts (w/ tip, $15 back then)

But cutting my hair is so simple & quick with the Wahl clipper & guards (#3 back/sides, #6 front) I can't imagine going back to a barber.
You can also sprout mung beans quite easily in a big pot with a metal steamer basket, cheesecloth, and lid. Ready just in a matter of days... I don't understand Chinese, but my setup is the same except I use a steamer basket in a pot.

I saw that the above video has caption in English.

When we travel, we each take an elastic braided band that hooks to balcony railings, shower heads, towel racks, trees, and the like. Then, we can wash our clothes in the sink or shower and have them dry overnight.

(Granted, we had to buy the quick drying/wicking clothes first.)
Do Chromebooks sync with android phones the way that iPhones sync with iMacs/iPads? For example, if I enter something in my calendar, it automatically goes to the other hardware and they stay in sync.

Not using a Chromebook but, yes, it's got to because Chromebook is made by Google so it pairs with your Google account (e.g. Google calendar, Gmail, etc...)... same stuff used on Android.
Do y'all visit the clearance shelves of your local supermarket? We do.

Occasionally, we find a good deal, when the store no longer carries an item, and just wants to get rid of the remaining stocks. I once found roasted tomato soup for 10c/can. I am a soup eater, and should have bought more than 10 cans. I think the marking down is done by the manager in charge, and he/she can feel generous one day and not the next.

Usually, the deals there are not that good. There are a lot of odds and ends that nobody wants.

We need to walk around for exercise, so some good still comes out of the attempt, even if we do not score.
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Not using a Chromebook but, yes, it's got to because Chromebook is made by Google so it pairs with your Google account (e.g. Google calendar, Gmail, etc...)... same stuff used on Android.

If you’re only referring to calendar, email and probably anything else in the Google ecosystem, those things are in sync regardless of platform. I use a mixture of Android, iOS and Mac OS platforms and can access my Google apps from any of them. Proprietary stuff, like Apple calendar, won’t sync with anything but Apple. Same with text messages, unless using a 3rd party like Signal.
Recently got an Elfa “freestanding” desk on NextDoor for free. I suspect the person got it during the early part of pandemic to work remotely and no longer needed (she is a teacher). She included shelves and other extras. I estimate it would cost about $700 new. She said I was the only person who responded. I’m still gobsmacked, and very grateful. Plan to donate some money to a local teacher organization in recognition.
I gave away my home office furniture on NextDoor when I retired. I was glad to do so and could tell the person who took it was very grateful.
After reading this ongoing thread, saw Wahl clippers at Costco for $39.99 and bought them. Have a j*b interview on Tuesday and paid $25 for a haircut.

Just realized the ROI for barbers. The next time for a haircut it will be attempted at home. Excited and nervous.
Around this time of year, Walmart needs to clear the store of many products to make room for seasonal Christmas items. Gardening products are usually among the casualties.

My sister-in-law once spotted garden soil bags going for 1/4 the price. I myself once scored MiracleGro fertilizer for the same good deal. Ditto for insecticides, snail baits, etc...

Buy, buy, buy...
Around this time of year, Walmart needs to clear the store of many products to make room for seasonal Christmas items. Gardening products are usually among the casualties.

My sister-in-law once spotted garden soil bags going for 1/4 the price. I myself once scored MiracleGro fertilizer for the same good deal. Ditto for insecticides, snail baits, etc...

Buy, buy, buy...

Buy, buy, buy then store, store store.

Our storage is so limited, we've virtually stopped buying ahead on things except food (mentioned elsewhere that the Islands have only 7 days of food in stock.) But items we won't use for a while simply take up space we do not have. I guess with a 3 car garage or 3500SF house, it's probably good to buy for next season. With 1000SF, not so much but YMMV.
Buy, buy, buy then store, store store.

The solution is obvious, buy the store. How much can a Walmart Super Center cost? :D

Seriously, I agree with you. I have a relatively small home. That forces me to think twice about what I buy and how much. That can be a real aid while in the LBYM phase of life. I have found that the amount of useless 'stuff' one has expands to fill the available space.
Oh man, my SIL really backed up her minivan and loaded up on garden soil bags. She called her friends, and together they emptied out that Walmart.

We only knew because she stopped by to give us 10 bags. We used them up in a few months.
Oh man, my SIL really backed up her minivan and loaded up on garden soil bags. She called her friends, and together they emptied out that Walmart.

We only knew because she stopped by to give us 10 bags. We used them up in a few months.

Your SIL is smart. Here return those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year. :D
Your SIL is smart. Here return those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year. :D

One of the great things about condo life is no need to deal with "dirt" anymore. I hate to think how many bags of dirt and mulch, etc, I have lifted, carried, poured, shoveled, raked, etc. What a pain.

Of course, the down side is that HOA dues went up 9% this year and that's how "dirt" gets moved around now - by other people being paid with MY money! There is no such thing as a free lunch (or free dirt moving.) YMMV
Your SIL is smart. Here return those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year. :D

Good grief! How did the above get past the editors? It must have been written before the first cup of coffee. :blush:

Her return on those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year.

I still stand by the above as 100% true. :)
Good grief! How did the above get past the editors? It must have been written before the first cup of coffee. :blush:

Her return on those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year.

I still stand by the above as 100% true. :)

After a while here I have figured out what folks meant to say and don't think twice about the error. It took too reads of the post, but I got it:D
Her return on those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year.

I still stand by the above as 100% true. :)

Certainly. A 4x return, as she paid 25c on the dollar.

You can stack the soil bags for use 2 or 3 years later, and the return is still good.
One of the great things about condo life is no need to deal with "dirt" anymore. I hate to think how many bags of dirt and mulch, etc, I have lifted, carried, poured, shoveled, raked, etc. What a pain.

Of course, the down side is that HOA dues went up 9% this year and that's how "dirt" gets moved around now - by other people being paid with MY money! There is no such thing as a free lunch (or free dirt moving.) YMMV

I can only imagine what the HOA fees are in Oahu. It a $35k/year HOA fee that kept us out of a condo as a vacation home in a ski resort. If the fee had been more reasonable, I would have bought the place, but I just couldn’t come to terms with $35k. Of course, had we bought it, I would have doubled my investment given the way real estate in that area skyrocketed, but oh well…
My hairline started receding about 2011. I used to use a clippers to keep it short, then I finally just went to shaving it all off. I buy the good four blade razor blades - smoother and no nicking - and get about 3 months of use per blade, shaving my head every other day and face daily. So I use about $8 in blades and $0 in shampoo. Way ahead having no hair.
Good grief! How did the above get past the editors? It must have been written before the first cup of coffee. :blush:

Her return on those bags of dirt out runs anything I've invested in this year.

I still stand by the above as 100% true. :)

One year, buying forever stamps was my best fixed income move. Sad, really.
I can only imagine what the HOA fees are in Oahu. It a $35k/year HOA fee that kept us out of a condo as a vacation home in a ski resort. If the fee had been more reasonable, I would have bought the place, but I just couldn’t come to terms with $35k. Of course, had we bought it, I would have doubled my investment given the way real estate in that area skyrocketed, but oh well…

Heh, heh, nothing like $35K/year. But they are going up a lot faster than inflation (well, until this year.) I guess they're trying to fatten our reserves. Good news is that our dues cover just about everything except electricity.
Looking at two 100 stamp rolls here - do you know how few stamps i've been using the last few years? Dang interweb is going to kill physical mail.
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