Class of 2021

Class of 2021 Planned Retirement Dates (in ~chronological order)

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
goingtotravel TBD summer 2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Beyond done

Today at w*rk my manager had a meeting to tell all her managers (my level) that due to starting a new project but not having a contract or funding in place for the work that we would be losing *some* of our consulting staff. I am losing 50% of my consultants and one manager has it worse, she is losing 75% of her contract team. Our work is not really decreasing and we were basically told to deal with it. :mad:

Soooo.... the first day I'm eligible to retire with full benefits is May 15. I might stay another week to finish the pay period but if I can I will work out a deal to take all my PTO (2 months or so) and then come in the last day to turn in my laptop and badge.

Adding my date now to the list:

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Last edited:
Today at w*rk my manager had a meeting to tell all her managers (my level) that due to starting a new project but not having a contract or funding in place for the work that we would be losing *some* of our consulting staff. I am losing 50% of my consultants and one manager has it worse, she is losing 75% of her contract team. Our work is not really decreasing and we were basically told to deal with it. :mad:

Soooo.... the first day I'm eligible to retire with full benefits is May 15. I might stay another week to finish the pay period but if I can I will work out a deal to take all my PTO (2 months or so) and then come in the last day to turn in my laptop and badge.

Adding my date now to the list:

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Aramis TBD 2021

I’m in, planning on retiring at 58 on June 1st 2021, planning to spend the summer right!!
I’m in, planning on retiring at 58 on June 1st 2021, planning to spend the summer right!!

So you mean this?

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Today at w*rk my manager had a meeting to tell all her managers (my level) that due to starting a new project but not having a contract or funding in place for the work that we would be losing *some* of our consulting staff. I am losing 50% of my consultants and one manager has it worse, she is losing 75% of her contract team. Our work is not really decreasing and we were basically told to deal with it. :mad:

Ugh! An all too familiar story :rolleyes: Well, the silver lining is that it helped you pick your date!!
Ugh! An all too familiar story Well, the silver lining is that it helped you pick your date!!

It sure did! I was trying to justify staying through next summer. Told DH last night that I was absolutely sure that I was done.
I subscribe to 2021 class as well. See more about my status in my Hi I am thread.

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Welcome Nougat to the class of 2021! :dance:

There is a lot of pre-retirement anxiety, second guessing, and rehashing my decision going on in my head right now. Last night a former co-worker posted that a family member who was 56 dropped dead unexpectedly. I also found out a co-worker who retired a few years ago passed away this year. Even understanding that statistically those deaths are one far side of the curve they do help reinforce that it's more important to me to FIRE then to wait because I want to save more $$$$. Our financials work on retirement calculators but I'm still nervous that I missed something.

This pre-FIRE timeframe is rough for me as I pull my attention away from work and start to focus on retirement. I guess I don't like to have one foot in each world and that it will get better once I FIRE. Anyone else not happy being between your decision to FIRE and waiting for the actual date to arrive?
Hi Everyone! I just posted in the "hello" thread and think I'm joining you all in 2021! Looking forward to it! :dance:
Hello all! I am also Class of 2021!! Notice in 2/21 and leaving at the end of 5/21

I've been planning this for a while- can't wait!

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
Well, add me to the list. My end date will be decided on in December. Still nervous about making the move but I'm mentally done with corporate life.

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021
I will take it upon myself to take a stab at ordering these!

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
I may have given notice today.... I was on a conference call, and a colleague flat-out asked me my retirement plans. So I told 'em! (I have the autonomy to make this decision, so it is not binding. But I still went home and opened a nice bottle of wine!)
Although I have another 7 years (hope to retire at 62), we are working on getting my wife retired next year at 56 years old. We have paid off all of our debt, including the house, and I believe she could do some small CAD projects from home for extra coin.

She is currently running around like the proverbial headless chicken trying to keep up with new home sales. She is a project manager for a local home builder, (so lots of site visits, and permit pulling), and has done about 40 new houses this year with no end in sight.
I may have given notice today.... I was on a conference call, and a colleague flat-out asked me my retirement plans. So I told 'em! (I have the autonomy to make this decision, so it is not binding. But I still went home and opened a nice bottle of wine!)

Last week after a particularly stressful conference call, I had a colleague say that he may have to dust off his retirement plan. My reply was that mine was polished and shiney. :)
Might as well add me in there too! I've waffled on how much to tell my coworkers - some know I'm close, some are 'worried' about me with the layoff. I just tell them I've been expecting it and will be fine :cool: its nice to know even if its just a sabbatical and not the real thing, I have plenty of time to let it marinate!

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
LeeLee2021 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
I am glad to find this thread and just added my name below!

I am sure there must be plenty of posts devoted to this, but any tips on how to stay focused at work now that I am approaching my one-year countdown? I honestly find it hard to avoid browsing Zillow in search of a new home in our target retirement location while at work. Social interaction with coworkers and maintaining enthusiasm for projects are becoming increasingly difficult.

I liken this feeling to my single days and the feeling you have when you have decided not to continue a relationship with someone but haven't told them yet.

If I could pull the plug earlier I would, but I am counting on employer-subsidized health insurance that doesn't kick in until I reach 56 and 2 months.

Anyone feeling something similar? Any tips on how to make it through a whole year?

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021

GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021

ATX78701 3/1/2021

ClearSky 3/5/2021

LeeLee2021 4/30/2021

Georgia Girl 5/2021

goingtotravel 5/15/2021

Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021

BGH1 6/1/2021

RobotMom June 2021

Caramel 6/25/2021

ChicagoGal 8/16/2021

Ospreyjp 9/27/2021

Nougat 11/1/2021

Aramis TBD 2021
any tips on how to stay focused at work now that I am approaching my one-year countdown?

Honestly, WFH has been my best friend - I don't have to visually justify what I'm doing or what I look like I'm working on! I just focus on doing at least the minimum effort and not leaving any of my coworkers hanging. It doesn't mean I'm not doing a good job, it just means I'm maintaining status quo vs pushing for more :). It also helps that my work is dwindling as my layoff date nears...

Others mention that knowing the end is near makes it easier for them to speak their mind without worrying so much about the consequences. If you can't just skate through, then maybe this path of trying to do more/improve things before you leave could benefit you...
I agree that WFH has come at a really good time. I attend meetings, try to judiciously delegate when taskers come my way, and (as you said) try not to leave my coworkers hanging. I have wondered when the speak mind feeling would kick in. I am hopeful that once I have put in my retirement plans with HR that that feeling will come.
If I could pull the plug earlier I would, but I am counting on employer-subsidized health insurance that doesn't kick in until I reach 56 and 2 months

Are you a federal employee by chance? Only asking because I have to hang on to 56 and 2 months also to get my full FERS benefits including HI.

What you are going though sounds just like my experience. I was super distracted when I hit the 'one year to go mark' but recently I've throwing myself a bit more into my work to (hopefully) make the time pass more quickly.

Due to COVID our office is having all sorts of virtual events like happy hour, coffee chats, and now clubs are being formed to meet virtually at lunch. Completely uninterested in spending any of my time on those virtual meet ups, nice people, but I've done enough team building events during my personal time throughout my career and I'm done giving my family and friends time to the office.

Yes, I am hanging in there to hit my FERS early retirement and more importantly keep my subsidized health insurance. The health insurance is big for me since I'll need to keep my wife and three kids insured following retirement.

Your description of virtual happy hours and all the rest of the socializing is spot on! I am not sure that any of it would be appealing at any point to me, but with retirement nearing it is even less so. It has always been hard for me to understand folks who derive so much of their happiness from the social interaction they have with coworkers. Not to disparage those who do, but I have never felt that way. We have a WhatsApp group that doubles as a work announcement and social platform. Unfortunately, you never know throughout the day (and night!) whether it is someone craving social interaction sending out a cutesy meme or an actual work-related piece of information.

I guess throwing myself into the work is probably the best way to make the time go by. I am sitting on a ton of sick leave and honestly it it tempting to use some of it. Unfortunately, I think pangs of guilty conscience would make me not be able to actually enjoy it. Oh well, next week I hit the one-year mark!
Are you a federal employee by chance? Only asking because I have to hang on to 56 and 2 months also to get my full FERS benefits including HI.

What you are going though sounds just like my experience. I was super distracted when I hit the 'one year to go mark' but recently I've throwing myself a bit more into my work to (hopefully) make the time pass more quickly.

Due to COVID our office is having all sorts of virtual events like happy hour, coffee chats, and now clubs are being formed to meet virtually at lunch. Completely uninterested in spending any of my time on those virtual meet ups, nice people, but I've done enough team building events during my personal time throughout my career and I'm done giving my family and friends time to the office.
How long do you have to go, by the way? You must have the same birth year, so January at the earliest. If you don't mind me asking, have you informed CPO and your manager? I ask because I am planning to six months out and hoped that it would help me feel more liberated...
No real news here, but my employer just announced a RIF package (~6 mos. pay). I am "eligible," broadly speaking, but they are going to give invitations as they see fit. It won't change my plans, but fingers crossed!

Here is the scoreboard so far:

HNL Bill 01/TBD/2021
GATime 1/2021 or 3/2021
ATX78701 3/1/2021
ClearSky 3/5/2021
LeeLee2021 4/30/2021
Georgia Girl 5/2021
goingtotravel 5/15/2021
Out-to-Lunch 6/1/2021
BGH1 6/1/2021
RobotMom June 2021
Caramel 6/25/2021
ChicagoGal 8/16/2021
Ospreyjp 9/27/2021
Nougat 11/1/2021
Aramis TBD 2021
How long do you have to go, by the way? You must have the same birth year, so January at the earliest. If you don't mind me asking, have you informed CPO and your manager?

The current plan is to FIRE in May. I haven’t told anyone yet although I’ve dropped general hints when projects that Will last for years get kicked off. I am not telling anyone until 2021. A co-worker announced about 12 weeks out and she wasn’t treated very well after a long career. Several people have already announced that they are retiring next year but I’m holding out a bit longer. I have talked to HR though to get some specific questions answered but haven’t had my pre-retirement estimate run yet.

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