CMS to provide more secure Medicare ID cards

It's about time. I currently black out my husband'sSS from his Medicare card.
It's about time. I currently black out my husband's SS from his Medicare card.

I did that, too. This is good news- wonder how many people had to deal with identity theft and other fraud as a result of the current stupid government process.
Yeah, it's kind of like saying "ID theft victim HERE!" Steal his wallet or her pocket book and you're in! In fact (don't get me started - wait! Too late!) the entire USA medical system is set up to provide ID thieves with easy access to all they need.

May have relayed the story that I went to a Physicians clinic (multiple docs/multiple specialties.) They wanted MC card, DL and SS number. All was either entered or photocopied and placed in an in/out box at the reception desk. I whined to the receptionist that this didn't seem like a very secure system and she as much as said "take it or leave it." I considered waiting until she left for a moment and then take the wad of forms from the box and send them to the administrator. I figured "better not" as that's probably a felony, though that would not deter an ID thief. Alternately, I thought about sending the wad of forms to the local newspaper, but they are so stupid they wouldn't get it.

I checked with SS and they agreed with me that it is not required to give an SS number to anyone for other than SS or tax purposes. Unfortunately, those other services can refuse you service if you don't. But, back to the topic at hand. At least this is a step in the right direction. Personally, I would like to see us get away from our "national ID card" aka SSN as it simply makes ID theft too easy. YMMV
Now, can someone get us plastic cards? Those paper ones are so flimsy!

(My first day on Medicare was YESTERDAY! 6/1)

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