Colonoscopy prep / Miralax or Suprep


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 20, 2018
Hi all,

Not a pleasant thing to take about but my procedure is scheduled in 3 weeks. I am in my early 50s. I went to two GI doctors and consulted with both. One doc advised use the Miralax day before for bowel prep. The other doc advised use the Suprep day before for bowel prep. Has anyone used either of these bowel preps or both and what were your reactions and reviews of them. I appreciate any advice in the matter. Thank you.
I have always been advised to do the Miralax and Dulcolax cocktail with lemon-lime gatorade. I never have trouble getting all the fluids down.

Always clean as a whistle.
I have done a few, and Miralax plus Dulcolax has been the easiest for me, worked just fine.

Geez, I've had a whole bunch of them, (do they come in bunches?), over the past 32 years and couldn't tell you what the muck was that I took.

Don't sweat it, it's a colonoscopy, not open heart surgery. ;)
I just had my most recent colonoscopy in December and use the Suprep approach that my GI doctor requested. It's the same approach a different GI doctor had me do 5 years previously. It's not awful. It has a bit of an odd taste and by the time you drink all of it, you really don't want to drink more of it. But I've always been able to handle it. It cleans you out, for sure.

Don't over think it. Neither the prep or the procedure is anything to worry about. Piece of cake.
On my last colonoscopy, the doctor gave me a kit that consisted of a large empty bottle to fill with water and a packet to mix with. It tasted exactly like the salt cleanse mixture you see people do on YouTube. Yes, I've done one of those in the past.

DW insists on being awake for her colonoscopy. The doctor argues with her but then allows her to be awake with the caveat that he can put her under if she doesn't "relax" enough during the procedure.
I had a colonoscopy in Feb. I am allergic to Miralax (broke out in rash when I took Miralax at last colonoscopy). So I had the Suprep this time. Suprep does not taste great but I think I liked it better the Miralax. It seemed like there was less liquid to drink and it worked faster so I got to sleep some. My best news was that at age 70 they told me I did not have to have another colonoscopy. :)
Supraprep did a great job of prepping me. Thanks to the good prep, my Dr. got a good look inside, didn't' find much to worry about, and gave me permission to not to ever come back unless I notice something wrong.
There is a new prep available. Sutab is the name. All pills. Just approved last year. Not covered by my insurance but office had a free coupon. Much milder, and easier.
On the plus side, SuPrep is half the fluid volume compared to Miralax/Dulcolax. However SuPrep is more expensive, and it was not covered by Medicare or supplement policy - Miralax/Dulcolax might be? Both taste bad, both equally effective.

See post above: I’ve also heard/read the Sutab tablets are better/easier than SuPrep or Miralax/Dulcolax. But the cost of tablets may not be reimbursed either.
On the plus side, SuPrep is half the fluid volume compared to Miralax/Dulcolax. However SuPrep is more expensive, and it was not covered by Medicare or supplement policy - Miralax/Dulcolax might be? Both taste bad, both equally effective.

See post above: I’ve also heard/read the Sutab tablets are better/easier than SuPrep or Miralax/Dulcolax. But the cost of tablets may not be reimbursed either.

Miralax and Dulcolax are both available over the counter now, so most insurance no longer pays. Sneaky how they do that. We now pay for Voltran, Zyrtec, and other meds that were once covered by insurance. But we did get two free covid shots. Not sure who paid for that!
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On the plus side, SuPrep is half the fluid volume compared to Miralax/Dulcolax. However SuPrep is more expensive, and it was not covered by Medicare or supplement policy - Miralax/Dulcolax might be? Both taste bad, both equally effective.

See post above: I’ve also heard/read the Sutab tablets are better/easier than SuPrep or Miralax/Dulcolax. But the cost of tablets may not be reimbursed either.

Myu Suprep was covered by part D, but since my deductible is rather large, I still had to pay for it.
My doc provided a discount coupon for suprep along with the RX. It was pretty bad though not as bad as the first prep I ever took (which is now off market). I struggle gagging down the muck and not throwing it up before it can work. But a lot of people don't mind it I'm told. I find it hard to get that much in me at once in either case. One would think a 100 lb woman would not need to drink as much as a 250 lb man but they apparently do so your personal size may be a factor. I will ask for something else next time. I think I am a supertaster as well - cilantro tatses like soap, etc, so that might affect how much it bothers you.
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I've done suprep twice.

Did you ever see that scene in Harry Potter where Dumbldore has to drink all of the poison in order to find the horcrux? And then it turns out there wasn't really a horcrux there afterall?

I think its a bit like that.

Thankfully, no horcrux, but that's the best I can say for it!
Same here, but I wonder if I've had this done too many times.

I'm starting to like it.:D
On the last thread with the same question, I said the same thing, and I'm serious!

Then again, I chug it all in one shot so I just get a bit of aftertaste. Chugging works for me. It leaves a little grape soda taste.
Supraprep isn't terrible, and I had a coupon so it wasn't so bad price wise. Mixed it with sprite, downed it pretty easily. For me the hardest part is drinking all the extra water.

But I have to say, if someone comes up with something simply, like pills, I would not care if they were covered by insurance. Paying a few extra bucks for comfort and ease is why having some money is nice.
But I have to say, if someone comes up with something simply, like pills, I would not care if they were covered by insurance. Paying a few extra bucks for comfort and ease is why having some money is nice.

Some pills were taken off market due to kidney damage. I think there still is a brand of pills out there that is fairly safe.

You won't like this, though. You still have to take in all the water even if you have pills. Water is -- ahem -- a necessary part of the clean out.
Supraprep isn't terrible, and I had a coupon so it wasn't so bad price wise. Mixed it with sprite, downed it pretty easily. For me the hardest part is drinking all the extra water.

But I have to say, if someone comes up with something simply, like pills, I would not care if they were covered by insurance. Paying a few extra bucks for comfort and ease is why having some money is nice.
Just for reference SuPrep cost me $112+, but I have the cheapest Part D available (because I rarely have Rx). I expect to use the pills too, in 3 years...
I've never been given an option, it's always been suprep or another awful salty liquid!!
I think I would prefer Miralax.
To me suprep tastes rather like salty cough medicine. I can't chug even drinks I like though - YMMV
The last couple of preps I've used have been with the Miralax/Ducolax combo. Using the generic equivalents, cost is less than $10. I get my choice of gatorade liquid and I have no problem with getting it all down. Doctor says my preps have always been good. I find it helps to not eat heavy meals the day prior to prep.
Then again, I chug it all in one shot so I just get a bit of aftertaste. Chugging works for me. It leaves a little grape soda taste.


That's when all that practice chugging beer pays off.:) Who'da thunk it would turn out to be a practical skill later in life?
Avoided both: fasted.
I have had 3 of those colonoscopies the 1st at age 50 and every 5 years since. The first prep drink was called " move prep" and it was terrible tasting stuff. I was supposed to drink a whole gallon of it. I probably barely drank a qt. I chased it with unsweetened lemon juice which kind of erased some of the taste. I told the doc that i only drank about 1 qt and he said that was fine.. they know very few people will drink the full gallon as prescribed. Then 5 years later I don't recall the name of the prep drink.. it was not superprep, it was almost like a lemon lime gatorade. the name escapes me, it did not taste nearly as bad as the move prep It was a half gallon and I probably drank slightly over a quart. My doc said the key is to eat very light for 3 days prior. So I just ate mostly chicken soup with noodles and drank a clear liquid protein drink to get protein. My last prep the doc said eat lightly and take some Swiss Kriss tablets the day before, then drink the gatorade type prep mix he gave me. Wish I could recall the name of the stuff but it worked well and did not gag me to drink it. seems like it was called "PlanGO' or something similar. Of the 3 it was the most palatable in terms of taste.. still need a chaser though.

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