Consolidated 2020 (2d half) RIP Thread

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Loved the band with Roth or Hagar.
Eddie Van Halen is dead

Eddie Van Halen is dead at 65.

A cautionary tale for those waiting until 65 to retire and live the good life.
Eddie certainly had a lot of life experience in those 65 years. He will be missed.
This one was so shocking and sad. I thought he was so cute when I was a teenager. Loved his guitar playing, loved those classic Van Halen songs of the early 80’s. RIP, Eddie. :(
2020 just keeps getting worse. We lost a guitar great today. Eddie was amazing in concert.

This album blew my mind in 1978. How did he make all of those sounds?
He built his own hybridized guitars, that's how! Van Halen's lyrics weren't totally to my taste, but he was a card-carrying rock n roll genius.

This album blew my mind in 1978. How did he make all of those sounds?
He built his own hybridized guitars, that's how! Van Halen's lyrics weren't totally to my taste, but he was a card-carrying rock n roll genius.

Yep, he was quite the inventor. He was also a big fan of Les Paul, another great musician/inventor.
Eddie van Halen died? So sad. Seems like every day we lose yet another legendary rock star musician or other icon.

I should probably order a t-shirt like this one, which says it all.


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One of my high school era favorite bands. Eddie was a guitar master, but also pretty good on keyboard as well.
Sad. My favorite rock lead guitar player after Jimmy Page, underrated in lots of polls IMO. Eddie was amazing! I’ll have to listen to Eruption tonight and some of his live solos where he makes one guitar sound like three!
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My first concert was VH’s 5150 tour in ‘86. I listen to them a lot when growing up and not nearly, or at all, as an adult. I think I’ll listen to their albums again for fun and see what I think now. I’m sure some songs will bring back fond memories.

RIP Eddie.
I have the first on vinyl. I knew back then (still in school) this band was goin'

Lot's of covers suck, "you really got me" was better than the original. Easy.

I didn't know he had cancer, took me by surprise. Gonna be a lotta Van Halen on The Hawk tonight.
Heartbreaking. Eddie was in that rarefied air with Chuck Berry and Jimi... they truly redefined rock guitar. RIP.
I have never heard anyone wring so much sound out of a guitar.

RIP - Johnie Nash

2020 gets more brutal :(.

RIP - Johnie Nash.

Johnny Nash, the angel-voiced reggae-pop singer-songwriter who had U.S. hits with “I Can See Clearly Now,” “Stir It Up” and “Hold Me Tight,” died Tuesday at his home in Houston. He was 80. No cause of death was revealed.
Nash scored a pop smash in 1972 with his self-penned “I Can See Clearly Now,” which spent a month at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. He followed up that success with a cover of reggae legend Bob Marley’s “Stir It Up” that just missed the top 10. Nash’s first big pop hit was “Hold Me Tight,” which reached No. 5 in 1968.
Bummer....too close to home.
My first concert in 1981. Little did I know beforehand that I would witness guitar playing at such a level....I was blessed. RIP
I didn't know he had cancer, took me by surprise. Gonna be a lotta Van Halen on The Hawk tonight.

I don't think I ever saw him without a cigarette in his mouth or his headstock, even in a few videos. At least, back in the day. Not sure about more recently. It's a huge loss, but not a surprise to me.
Another reminder how short our lives can be. Another reason to quit work (and enjoy life on own terms) as soon as FIRE milestone is reached !
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