Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Just wasn’t seeing it this morning.

Wordle 338 5/6

Wordle 338 4/6

First thought was uh oh... second line was I'm done for. So was shocked when got it on the 3rd try.

Wordle 338 3/6

Haven’t given up. Failed a couple of times but I’m right around par overall I think.
I have no idea whether anyone has posted in this lengthy thread about Wordle in other languages. I decided to do a search online. Here's wordle in French:


I've played it twice today. Below is my effort for May 24. A new puzzle is posted at midnight Paris time.

Le Mot (@WordleFR) #135 4/6


Here's wordle in Spanish:

Here's wordle auf Deutsch:
Wordle 338 3/6*


The timer says #339 won't show up here for another 20 minutes.
Par… Wordle 339 4/6

Wordle 339 5/6*


Screwed up due to carelessness in letter placement. Slow down!
How often do you just give up for the day?
Never so far after 112 days. I've gotten the answer in 6 or less 111 times, averaging just under 4...
It was a tough one for me today too.

I don't give up, however, I forgot to finish one the other day after the grandkids showed up.
Wordle 339 6/6*

I randomly used a different starting word than the handful I frequently use, and I had some difficulties!

Wordle 339 5/6*

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