Daily WORDLE - 2022

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From Pearls Before Swine : https://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2022/03/10?ct=v&cti=2329588
As much as I do the "big sigh" when I get a blank row 1, I learn almost as much from it as a scattering of yellow.

Even with an objectively good first row today, I still just made par.

Wordle 264 4/6


I don't sigh at all when I get zero hits on my starter word. As you say, you learn a lot from the eliminations. And I have a second word all lined up with the next most common letters and no repeats, so that's fast and easy.

Today, I got three greens on the starter word. It really wasn't a very fun game for me. Very little strategy, as there were only a few words to match at that point. Might have got it on try 2, but no fun in that for me. That's just luck, not skill - boring.

I like it when I have to figure out how to avoid going down a long path of possible words that could cause me to run out of tries. Figuring out if I can test two letters in one word that will eliminate the long path. That's a challenge that I like.

Wordle 264 3/6

Wordle 264 4/6*


Slow and steady won the race. From 1 letter, to 3 letters, to 4 letters, to jackpot.
Wordle 265 4/6

New first word plus lucky guess...there were several available choices by row 3.

P.S. This is from my laptop; I still can't copy colored squares.

Wordle 265 3/6

First loss��

Had 4 letters in a row at 3.
Too many options for correct word.
Bad guesses.
Bad day…:(

Wordle 265 6/6

Wordle 265 3/6

Wordle 265 4/6*

Wordle 265 5/6


Wordle 265 4/6


A lucky second guess.
Wordle 265 5/6


My empty second guess caused me to scramble. After the third guess, there were still way too many words possible. Went for the bogey by placing as many unused letters as possible with the fourth guess. Managed to avoid my first double bogey or fail. I'll take it.
Almost went down that rabbit hole

Wordle 265 5/6

Sweating bullets along with you.
Me too.
Wordle 265 6/6

4th guess was a knee jerk (emphasis on "jerk", because I didn't slow to consider the rabbit hole aspect). 5th guess (easy mode, of course) had 3 possible starting letters, so then I could get it without being my first loss. My 3rd "6" so far.
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