Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Got in 4 attempts.
Now I have 43m, can I retire?:cool:
OTOH, I have yet to see an article about the game that doesn't discuss the starting words people use.

On the bright side, for every explanation of why a particular starting strategy is good, there is another for why it's bad. So don't worry about it. :cool:

Some programmer is probably working on a Wordle solver right now. :rolleyes:
Some programmer is probably working on a Wordle solver right now. :rolleyes:
I'm below average at word games, but above average at spoiling games with too much analysis :LOL:


I didn't spend too much time on this, but the above 3 words gives me 84.2% coverage. Can anyone think of three words higher than 84%? A puzzle within a puzzle!!

Letter|English Expected
E |0.111607|
A |0.084966|
R |0.075809|
I |0.075448|
O |0.071635|
T |0.069509|
N |0.066544|
S |0.057351|
L |0.054893|
C |0.045388|
U |0.036308|
D |0.033844|
P |0.031671|
M |0.030129|
H |0.030034|
G |0.024705|
B |0.02072|
F |0.018121|
Y |0.017779|
W |0.012899|
K |0.011016|
V |0.010074|
X |0.002902|
Z |0.002722|
J |0.001965|
Q |0.001962|
Mod or not Mod Note:

Do not spoil wordle - not even one letter, not even a hint of the word please.

Let's keep thread this completely spoiler free - I will edit posts aggressively.

- The whole world gets the same one word every day.
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I'm below average at word games, but above average at spoiling games with too much analysis :LOL:


I didn't spend too much time on this, but the above 3 words gives me 84.2% coverage. Can anyone think of three words higher than 84%? A puzzle within a puzzle!!

We all have a different idea of what spoils a game for us. For me it would be too much analysis. I find it very fun to analyze, analyze, analyze stock investing. But something like Wordle I personally want to keep sort of irrationally off limits to a lot of analysis. Just my take.
We all have a different idea of what spoils a game for us. For me it would be too much analysis. I find it very fun to analyze, analyze, analyze stock investing. But something like Wordle I personally want to keep sort of irrationally off limits to a lot of analysis. Just my take.
Oh, I totally get it! I'd rather be like you....I wish I my brain didn't go there, but it does.

I went to one of the copy-cat sites just now with my three starter words and had no clue with the three words. So I found a 4th word "SMOCK" that, although "wastes" 2 letters by re-use, gets me to 92.9% coverage. And more words start with "S" than any other, so that's a benefit. But STILL, I couldn't guess the word! I typed in the only word I could think of that followed the general rules of English, and it was correct, so 5 tries, and I'd have said it was a "fake word"... I had never heard of it before.

DW has an app on her phone where you can get word after word, and we played as a team for a few minutes earlier this afternoon. She LOVES to shoot from the hip, and doesn't like it when I point out that her wild guess couldn't have been right, based on the earlier disclosures :LOL:
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I might like this game if I could turn the dang sound off, or even just down.

This is the iPad app.

There is no app for the real Wordle game. It is strictly a website.

Any apps that mimic it are from others, usually trying to make a buck.
Oh, I totally get it! I'd rather be like you....I wish I my brain didn't go there, but it does.

I went to one of the copy-cat sites just now with my three starter words and had no clue with the three words. So I found a 4th word "SMOCK" that, although "wastes" 2 letters by re-use, gets me to 92.9% coverage. And more words start with "S" than any other, so that's a benefit. But STILL, I couldn't guess the word! I typed in the only word I could think of that followed the general rules of English, and it was correct, so 5 tries, and I'd have said it was a "fake word"... I had never heard of it before.

DW has an app on her phone where you can get word after word, and we played as a team for a few minutes earlier this afternoon. She LOVES to shoot from the hip, and doesn't like it when I point out that here wild guess couldn't have been right, based on the earlier disclosures :LOL:

Sounds like some of my interactions with my DW. I have to recognize where the line is in the rational analysis becoming something more (like an argument). :LOL:
i'm below average at word games, but above average at spoiling games with too much analysis :LOL:


i didn't spend too much time on this, but the above 3 words gives me 84.2% coverage. Can anyone think of three words higher than 84%? A puzzle within a puzzle!!


No. Because everyone else is doing it.

Sorta like Farmville and Candy Crush.
See by default I play hardmode. Wherein you must use the "learned" letters from your prior guesses to build. IE, if that first "EARTH" tell you yup, the E is good, you cant make another word guess without it.

For example, let's say my first word guess is "first" and wordle tells me that T is perfect, and the S is also there but in another spot.

My second guess must then include that T and that S. I'm not allowed to just stab for letters. And honestly, for me the goal is less about completion at any cost, but about getting it in less rows. So blowing 3 rows to get an 85% chance in row 4 every day? Boring. Why play.

I do have a current first word that I start with. For now. I find it fun trying the combos in my head based on what I know (greens), what I think I know (yellows, including where I've tried them and where makes sense, given the greens and the prior rows), and the unused letters on the keyboard list.

Twice in recent memory I got to where there were truly only two words in the english language that would work, and each time I picked the wrong one first...doh!
Can't beat that!! Round 1 winner.

Now we need to expand to 4 words, lol!
A quick check on the free dictionary led me to "BIGFY", but it's an acronym:

Beer Is Good For You

This HAD to be a message from the seven. So with that, I will quit for the day, and get a beer. Thanks for playing.
A quick check on the free dictionary led me to "BIGFY", but it's an acronym:

Beer Is Good For You

This HAD to be a message from the seven. So with that, I will quit for the day, and get a beer. Thanks for playing.

In other words, Wordle is both a game and an inspiration. Great!
A quick check on the free dictionary led me to "BIGFY", but it's an acronym:

Beer Is Good For You

This HAD to be a message from the seven. So with that, I will quit for the day, and get a beer. Thanks for playing.
GAWKY wastes one letter and skips B and F in the table, but gets to 94.2%

I'll quit now for now as well. :greetings10:
Yes, I’ve added Wordle to my morning routine. So now it’s Wordle, Spelling Bee, the Daily Mini at NYT (competing for shortest time against the “kids”) and the NYT daily crossword.

If I finish all those word games, in the evenings I do Sudoku.
Wordle, Spelling Bee, the Daily Mini at NYT ... and the NYT daily crossword.

I have the same morning routine, with the addition of Jeopardy J6, which unfortunately is only available on weekdays.

These are all great ways to get your brain cranked up along with that first cup of coffee.
I'm 100% so far, typically on the fourth guess and typically in a few minutes total, but have only been playing for four days. My freshman roommate from college posts his Wordle grid thing on FB every day, which is what got me interested. It just shows the coloring of the squares (green / yellow / gray).

I did have another college roommate post his Wordle grid thing and it had black squares instead of gray. I assume this means he is either using hard mode or dark mode.

I didn't realize the word could have the same letter in it twice. I haven't seen that yet but again am only on day 4. If that's true, I'll have to adjust my strategy, because I had been assuming unique letters in my guessing process.
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