Daily WORDLE - 2022

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Wordle 250 5/6

5 for me. Went for a safe guess on the 4th in order to get me a 5.
Wordle 251 5/6


Hard one for me.
Wordle 251 4/6*


My#3 guess was good, I'll bet it get used in the future.
Hard one for me today. Took 6 guesses.

Wordle 251 5/6*

Wordle 251 3/6


I have a few combinations of words I use (I don't always start the same). The combination I chose today really limited what words I could have by the 3rd guess. Sometimes, an easier word takes me longer.

Now at 18 in a row (6 each at 3 guesses, 4 guesses, and 5 guesses) since I started. A few of those with 5 guesses were sloppy on my part.
Wordle 251 4/6


I've never struck out in the first 2 rows before
Wordle 251 5/6*


Wow, a tough one!
Wordle 251 5/6*


Happy to get this one. I only had 10 letters left and still had to stare at it a long time before getting that aha moment.
Due to my starting word, this one played out fairly straightforwardly for me.

Finally, I can say for ERD50 that, in Watts, I put 2 V across 1 Ohm, giving me 2 A. (I have been waiting for a 4 to say this! :) )

Wordle 251 4/6*

Not a good start but I did finish.

Wordle 251 6/6

Thought today would end badly after first two guesses weren't to helpful and then I pulled it out of the hat. :O)

Wordle 251 3/6*

Thought today would end badly after first two guesses weren't to helpful and then I pulled it out of the hat. :O)

Wordle 251 3/6*


Congrats to you and statsman. This was a really tough one for me:

Wordle 251 5/6*

Wordle 251 5/6*

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