Daylight Spending Time


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 21, 2011
This weekend much of the US transitions from Daylight Saving Time to, what else, Daylight Spending Time. On early Sunday morning set your wallets back 1 hour. This is a non-taxable exchange. It gives you one extra tax-free hour that day to convert your dryer sheets to Roth.
be sure to burn both them and subtracts in your FIREplace, it's just one of many things we all can do with the extra tax-free hour
This weekend much of the US transitions from Daylight Saving Time to, what else, Daylight Spending Time. On early Sunday morning set your wallets back 1 hour. This is a non-taxable exchange. It gives you one extra tax-free hour that day to convert your dryer sheets to Roth.

Dryer sheets?

Wool dryer balls or death!

If I can get them away from the cat...
It got down to 42 degrees last night. I'm looking forward to stokin' the first fire of the season!
Did I read somewhere that this is the end of daylight savings time forever?
So, did you make the balls yourself by unraveling an old wool sweater? Or were you a spendthrift, who bought the balls? :LOL::angel:

I can't imagine there being a cat who wouldn't go after those dryer balls! I'd be afraid of the cat eating them, though. Wool and cats' insides don't play well together.

We hang the laundry outdoors, and let the solar and wind dryers make them smell good.

Dryer sheets?

Wool dryer balls or death!

If I can get them away from the cat...
We hang the laundry outdoors, and let the solar and wind dryers make them smell good.

What greed and unabashed consumerism. Using both solar and wind? Just what the hell are the rest of supposed to get by on? Kindly put one or both back where they belong. An apology is probably in order as well. Harrumph!


Have a great day. :)

Now, I need to go find a place to put that extra hour before it gets here.....
Did I read somewhere that this is the end of daylight savings time forever?

only if you're retired. Then, heck, who cares what time it is, or what day it is
DW and I have been sleeping in until the early morning light wakes us, no alarms except on days when we need to be somewhere earlier than usual. Our rise time has been getting later and later as the Fall progresses. I like this schedule, better than the sudden jolt awake of the alarm.
I jokingly told her looks like were are getting up an hour earlier tomorrow. Took her a second, before I got the ha ha!:cool:
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So, did you make the balls yourself by unraveling an old wool sweater? Or were you a spendthrift, who bought the balls? :LOL::angel:

I can't imagine there being a cat who wouldn't go after those dryer balls! I'd be afraid of the cat eating them, though. Wool and cats' insides don't play well together.

We hang the laundry outdoors, and let the solar and wind dryers make them smell good.

Bought them, so maybe I should post on the "Blow that dough!" thread. :)
It got down to 42 degrees last night. I'm looking forward to stokin' the first fire of the season!

We were down in the upper 20's this last week, so I built our first fires of the season. It's one of the few things I enjoy about fall/winter.
Today is my day for putting the fig trees to bed for the winter. They must be tied up, wrapped in burlap, covered with bubble wrap, covered with ground up leaves and a 5 gallon bucket, and then covered with more leaves and chicken wire to keep all the leaves in place. It's a big chore, but it ensures they'll survive the winter intact. I also need to put my mini greenhouse over the rosemary and bring my lemon tree inside. (I expect frost in the next week).
No overnight frosts yet but we have cleared one half of the garage and tucked the car away. Gardening is now officially over. We dug up and ate the last leek yesterday.
Did I read somewhere that this is the end of daylight savings time forever?

Not yet. Apparently states can adopt standard time year round. I think Arizona and Hawaii stay on standard time. But there is some restriction that prevents states from remaining on daylight savings time. Don't know why?

From what I've heard Washington and Oregon both have bills to switch to year long daylight savings, but California would have to agree (all states in the same time zone), then the government would have to approve the change. In other words, probably not gonna happen. :)
It got down to 42 degrees last night. I'm looking forward to stokin' the first fire of the season!

We haven't been down to freezing yet but the fire is so nice that I couldn't resist last night. Getting a couple face cords in today to augment the wood from the various limbs knocked down from various windstorms last year. We usually go through 6 face cords or so.
I'm using my extra tax-free hour to change the smoke in my battery detectors.

And I thought for sure this thread would bring redduck out of hiding.
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Not yet. Apparently states can adopt standard time year round. I think Arizona and Hawaii stay on standard time. But there is some restriction that prevents states from remaining on daylight savings time. Don't know why?

From what I've heard Washington and Oregon both have bills to switch to year long daylight savings, but California would have to agree (all states in the same time zone), then the government would have to approve the change. In other words, probably not gonna happen. :)

In Australia, Queensland and New South Wales are in the same time zone but Queensland does not do Daylight Savings Time. Just have to remember to turn your clocks back one hour when crossing the border in the summer.
and a bill to make DST permanent has been introduced by Sen Rubio (FL) but no action has been taken. personally i don't mind the switch.
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