Difference between a Boomer and Millenial

I'm 72 and much prefer texting to voice mail and email. Responses are often almost instantaneous and you get notified if text was not delivered. I keep my backup brain (smartphone) on me most of the time and now purchasing an Apple 4 watch for its medical tracking and emergency response notification to a bad fall. I find internet 'googling', and youtube instructional videos a godsend in retirement.
I'm a boomer, but I prefer text and email for casual communication. Phone calls seem more appropriate for urgent matters... or matters requiring significant back-and-forth communication, which would be inefficient by text or email.

Occasionally, I chit-chat with an out-of-state relative by phone but only after using text to set up a mutually convenient time. Same for calls or video calls to catch-up with the kids and grandkids. With so many alternative ways to communicate that don't demand a person's immediate attention, this seems to have naturally evolved into etiquette for phone calls.

Seems to me that voicemail is fairly passe nowadays. Even my doctor/dentist/drug store/plumber/car shop have converted to text messaging. If I do get a voicemail, Google Voice immediately sends me a text with the transcription. Both my mobile and home numbers are Google Voice. I only listen to the voicemail if the transcription is unclear, which is increasingly rare.
Texting is for 14 year old girls.... use e-mail.....

Texting requires a Phone Signal connection and if you travel, your phone plan may not always be available.....And texting requires that you be on a Single Device (Your Phone) -- If you don't have your phone or lose it, you don't get the message.

OTOH --- Email can be picked up by any device, any where in the world, and WiFi is pretty much everywhere now....

That's why I use Republic Wireless for my cell service- works anywhere in the world over wi-fi. Text, call, data.....no country codes, just dial as usual
Morse Code via Telegraph line was good enough for my Great GrandPappy and it's good enough for me.

Neither DD uses voice mail. Both are constant " mail box is full" if they don't answer. They leave them full so no one can add a message to be checked.
DD2 only checks email if she's expecting something.

Text is what they prefer, with some voice calls to connect now and then. I'm good with it.
Strange, impersonal, and lazy defines the majority of Millennials very, very well

I highly disagree with this. The majority of Millennials I know and have worked with are very hard working, engaged in society and concerned about world issues. There are some who may be "lazy", but weren't some of us Boomers labeled that back in the day, too?. :cool::flowers:
Exactly. I have nothing against text messages and find them practical most of the time (it took a while, but I have come to see the benefits of texting). But I know 2 people who like to carry marathon conversations via text. When I look at the content of a 1-hour texting session, I can’t help but think that the same information could have been delivered by phone 4 or 5 times faster and that I wasted my time.

It works both ways. Some people that like to ramble on and on when they're on the phone. What could have been done with a few texts sometimes turns into a 45 minute conversation.
My observations are they are about the same as other age based groups. Most of differences are those based upon the age related realities of life - like having children vs. having grand children.
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We have four adult children in their 30's and 40's. They all text because we have smartphones. One doesn't listen to phone messages because her mailbox is full or not set up. She communicates through texting or Facebook Messenger. If the nature of her text needs further clarification I call immediately and she usually answers. Another rarely answer s his phone and rarely responds to voicemail. So I always text him and he will respond to that. The other two will text most of the time or call. Long ago I learned what each one does and I communicate with their pattern of communicating. It's not a problem. To get bent out of shape over individual patterns is only harmful to me.
That's why I use Republic Wireless for my cell service- works anywhere in the world over wi-fi. Text, call, data.....no country codes, just dial as usual

Yes, but you are still locked to that single device (Your cell phone).... I also use Google Voice, but I can use that from any device....
May I say as a member of Generation X, good luck to all you Millennials and Boomers figuring out all your first world problems. As usual, those few of us in between remain amused as we seek ways to exploit your generations’ mutual unintelligibility about the modern world that your massive, self-absorbed numbers have wrought, while we await comfortable retirements supported by our inheritances from deceased Boomers and social services funded by a massive population of wage-slaving Millennial underlings. (Rubs hands together and emits a mad genius cackle.)
May I say as a member of Generation X, good luck to all you Millennials and Boomers figuring out all your first world problems. As usual, those few of us in between remain amused as we seek ways to exploit your generations’ mutual unintelligibility about the modern world that your massive, self-absorbed numbers have wrought, while we await comfortable retirements supported by our inheritances from deceased Boomers and social services funded by a massive population of wage-slaving Millennial underlings. (Rubs hands together and emits a mad genius cackle.)

Agreed from another genXer. :dance::dance::dance:
text complaints

This isn't so much about boomers vs millennials..... what drives me bonkers is when my wife and I are watching a movie and her cell phone buzzes with a text, we stop the movie, she responds to the text, we start the movie, she gets a text response, we stop the movie, she responds with a text, this goes on and on, continually stopping the movie, and finally I say "Can't you just call her and have ONE conversation to resolve all this?" just drives me nuts.
Texting is for 14 year old girls.... use e-mail.....

Texting requires a Phone Signal connection and if you travel, your phone plan may not always be available.....And texting requires that you be on a Single Device (Your Phone) -- If you don't have your phone or lose it, you don't get the message.

OTOH --- Email can be picked up by any device, any where in the world, and WiFi is pretty much everywhere now....

I text with wifi no phone signal required and I also send and receive from my laptop even when the phone is off.
Strange, impersonal, and lazy defines the majority of Millennials very, very well
You sound like a lot of fun at a party.

Been hiring a lot of fresh engineering grads the last few years and I've been absolutely blown away by the work ethic I've seen. I think, in large part, because they were old enough to see how poorly setup their parents were when the market collapsed. If only I could get some boomer engineers off my payroll I'd be set, but the recent college grad probably has more money in the bank than my 60+ y/o guys.
Texting is for 14 year old girls.... use e-mail.....

Texting requires a Phone Signal connection and if you travel, your phone plan may not always be available.....And texting requires that you be on a Single Device (Your Phone) -- If you don't have your phone or lose it, you don't get the message.

OTOH --- Email can be picked up by any device, any where in the world, and WiFi is pretty much everywhere now....

I text with wifi no phone signal required and I also send and receive from my laptop even when the phone is off.


I use Hangouts for texting and voice calls. I can use any device (phone, PC, tablet) and it works fine on WiFi or the mobile data connection. If/when Google pulls the plug on Hangouts, I'll switch to WhatsApp, which is rapidly becoming the worldwide standard for text-like messaging as well as mobile VoIP, and video calls.
According to one of my sisters the next generation is called Snow Flake...

I asked why... she said that they were brought up that they are unique and special and they think that they really are and should be catered to accordingly...
According to one of my sisters the next generation is called Snow Flake...

I asked why... she said that they were brought up that they are unique and special and they think that they really are and should be catered to accordingly...

And they 'melt' when things get heated. -ERD50

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