Discover the meaning of life

Well yeah! - But happiness and 'the meaning in your life' changes every day.

That is why being retired lets you do whatever you want. If you saddle yourself to any routine today because it 'gives your life meaning', it may not give you any meaning next year. I've had plenty of jobs like that - They gave my life meaning for 'awhile'.! ::)

I think the guy that wrote this is having another mid-life crisis.
So what really, really matters in retirement? OK, so it's not money or security. Nor health, a loving spouse, teaching the kids right. Don't get me wrong, they're all important. But none of them will ever matter much if you don't get this one thing right.


So you're retired, healthy, have money and a good marriage and you're still not happy? Sounds like Mr. Glass-Is-Half-Empty needs to take stock of how much in his life is going really, really, really well and then shut the @#$* up!
Some people are philosophers (an unexamined life is not worth living) and others are not.
simple girl said:
I've heard good things about Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning". I think I'll have to check it out from the library.

Excellent read - highly recommended.
Victor Frankl's book is still a worthwhile read if you've never run across it. Basically it's about how to survive in a concentration camp without losing your soul. If that's possible, then the other trials and tribulations life sends our way pale in comparison.

Frankl pretty much discovered that no matter how in captivity you are, how constrained or mistreated, we still all have a CHOICE as to how we respond to our situation. No matter what - no one can take away your ability to choose how you psychologically respond to a situation, and therein lies our humanity and our dignity.


By the way, I really can't stand Paul Ferrell. And in this case I don't think he read Frankl's book very well since Frankl contradicts him in the very quote he gives!

If folks are trying to get in touch with what really matters to them in their lives and what their dreams really are, I recommend Barbara Sher's no nonsense "Wishcraft" in particular where she talks about "touchstones" - those things we love to do that really make the day worthwhile. (examples - Nord's surfing and Cut-throat's fishing). There is a free online location where you can download PDF chapters .

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