Does NYC Health Insurance reimburse Part B premium for retires ?


Dryer sheet aficionado
May 21, 2014
For NYC employees who retired after age 65 and enrolled with Medicare as their primary insurance and City insurance as secondary, does City reimburse their Medicare Part B premiums?
Any limit on the amount of reimbursement?
If Part B is bumped up because of IRMAA due to RMD for example, does the City reimburse the higher amount?
Thank you
CJ, tough question to answer. There were so many different tiers of retirees in the NYC system. My wife is currently receiving a NYCers pension, but we haven't accessed any health benefits yet as she is still covered under my company's health insurance and we aren't 65 yet. I would recommend a call to NYCers to find out.
FWIW, my mother retired from there a long time ago and there was no such reimbursement then. Good supplemental coverage, but that's all.

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