Doing Nothing: A History of Loafers, Loungers, Slackers, and Bums in America

I would read it but its just so much work.... :-X
Looks interesting. I reserved it at my library. Thanks for mentioning it, Sheryl.

I find someone who spends time and energy writing a book about "Doing Nothing," to be similar to the person who says "Nothing is absolute." Do they mean it or are they trying to get me to listen to one hand clapping again? I just don't get irony.

Ahah! From a review:
Well, Lutz surprised me. People who do nothing, or at the least strive to not work, are quite an interesting crew. I ran into a lot of famous people I had never thought of as loafers before: such as Ben Franklin and Samuel Johnson. Of course the usual suspects were also there: like Kerouac and Ginsberg (and the beats in general.)

Well there you have it! The problem is that people tend to equate "strive not to work" as being the same as "doing nothing"! Far from it.

Not that there is anything in the least wrong with doing absolutely nothing.....

Old saw regarding Henry Ford:

"He once even hired a noted efficiency expert to review his operations with exactly that in mind. Years of success had necessitated outside review and an infusion of new ideas on top of his groundbreaking work. The expert returned having learned new ideas to advance the concept of efficiency from what he had observed and was left with but one negative comment. "Mr. Ford, I cannot find but a single thing I am even qualified to criticize. You are ahead of the science that describes your practices. The one exception, that guy down the hall with his feet on his desk. Apparently that's what he does, all he does, for a quite handsome salary at that." Henrey Ford replied, "Yes, several years ago that young man came up with an idea that has saved me several dollars per automobile ever since. As I recall he was doing the exact same thing at the time. He's there in the expectation that even if he never repeats I am (and the world is) the beneficiary.""

So I guess its not the measurable output, its the potential.
Thanks. I too reserved a copy at my library. Maybe we should have a weekly book recomendation thread for those of us who like suggestions for ordering from the libarary. I am reading an interesting science fiction novel called "Market Forces," by the guy who wrote "Altered Carbon." It is about "economists" working in the Conflict Investment Division (funding small wars) of a major financial services firm in London circa 2050.
By 2050, there won't be enuf people left, to fight a "Small War."

I won't be here but, I ain't mad at nobody! (Cep't them rentors, down the street.)
When those of you who reserved it get a chance to read it, let us know what you think. It certainly sounded entertaining on the radio interview.
donheff said:
I am reading an interesting  science fiction novel called "Market Forces," by the guy who wrote "Altered Carbon."  It is about "economists" working in the Conflict Investment Division (funding small wars) of a major financial services firm in London circa 2050.
Great book. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Richard K. Morgan is on my Amazon alert list for anything he writes.

I also recommend "Jennifer Government" along with another box of tissues...
In general, when you are in a cubicle, spinning out meaningless reports to meet unnecessary deadlines, you are doing nothing. Of any value, that is.
The book just arrived at the Library. I am only a few pages in so I can't report back yet although it seems a bit more serious than I expected. But I am going to be first on the board to adopt it's opening quote as my signature. Sorry - beat ya to it:
Hmmm... I would recommend that "we" start a list of ... recommended reading.

Just a suggestion.

Rank in order of importance... Have different topics, I dunno, just a thought. I haven't found anything like this that exists on this site? Or, at a minimum... have a link for all the book reviews? I realize I'm getting pretty picky. So, I could help with the programming, but it might not be until this winter.

Devil's Advocate: I'm too lazy to search for 'book reviews'.



You can disregard everything above, if no books other than :


.. are included.

But, Arg! Get Kiyosaki off of the list.

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