Effect of market turmoil on my generation?

I'm 30.

I read a quote somewhere on a youtube video about the economy, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff. One of those videos. This was a few weeks ago, right at the bottom of the carnage (iceland went bankrupt, seemed like the whole world was shifting).

Maybe someone can help me out. It was an eerie quote...(I'm paraphrasing)

"There are years and decades when nothing happens. And there are days, weeks when decades happen".

When I think about what's happened....the market blowing up, nationalization of fannie, freddie, the big bailouts, restructuring of wall street, everything hitting the fan. Obama presidency.

I think the sands have shifted. There was before 2004-08, and after. 2008 is a year where decades happened.

The future...

-I think higher commodity prices. The Jim Rogers 20 year commodity super cycle theory. Commodities go in these 18-25 year cycles. We're maybe half way through. Won't be good for stocks.

-Higher interest rates. I don't know what that's going to do to stocks. Can't be good.

-Japan L shaped recession/depression?? Don't know.

-Pension, social security. Hard not to laugh. Wouldn't count on that in a million years.

I think this generation will spend less, cut back on credit eventually...maybe try to enjoy life more. Maybe more government involvement (obama).
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