Equifax Data Breach Settlement (Credit Monitoring Instructions and Activation Code


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 20, 2014
Anybody else get this email?
I just received an email from Equifax Breach Settlement Administrator regarding my claim which I faintly recall submitting a couple years ago as part of one of those class action things. The settlement offers free for 4 years something called Experian IdentityWorks Membership. This includes:

• Daily Credit Monitoring* from each of the three nationwide Consumer Reporting Agencies showing key changes to your Consumer Reports;
• Automated alerts when new accounts are opened; inquiries or requests for credit reports are made for the purpose of determining credit; changes to address; and negative information (including delinquencies or bankruptcies);
• On-demand online access to a copy of your Experian Consumer Report, updated monthly;
• Automated non-credit alerts, using public or proprietary data sources, for example: when certain information is found on suspicious website or the “dark web”; when names, aliases, and addresses have been associated with your Social Security Number; when a payday loan or unsecured credit has been taken or opened using your Social Security Number; when your information matches information in arrest or criminal court records; when your information is used for identity authentication; when your mail has been redirected through the U.S. Postal Service; when banking activity is detected related to new deposit account applications, changes to personal information, and new signers are added to accounts; and when a balance is reported on your credit line that has been inactive for at least six months;
• Up to One Million in Identity Theft Insurance** which provides coverage for certain costs and unauthorized electronic fund transfers;
• A customer service center to assist with enrollment, monitoring alerts, disputes, fraud, and other Credit Monitoring Service questions;
• Full Identity Restoration Service if you are the victim of fraud or identity theft (which includes a dedicated identity theft restoration specialist who will provide you with step-by-step assistance, and form letters to contact companies, government agencies, and Consumer Reporting Agencies), and
• Child Monitoring Services (for Class Members under the age of eighteen).

I'm not entirely sure this is legit, but seems like a decent deal versus a check for a few bucks.
I got it too. I’m not going to do anything and don’t want to give any more information to Equifax. They didn’t shine the first time.
Here is the Federal Trade Commission notice about this settlement finally become finalized. It’s about time. I should get the email, but haven’t yet. I’m sure it will take a little time to contact everyone. I will indeed sign up for the free credit monitoring. I’m currently paying Experian $7.92 a month for similar coverage, so I will end that. I wonder how much money those who asked for cash will actually get. A quick read of the page indicates that amount has yet to be determined.

Note: the coverage comes from a competitor of Equifax, not Equifax themselves. It comes from Experian.

I got the email. The email said that those of us who requested a monetary settlement will get a separate email about that. I was subject to Social Security identity theft that was probably due to the Equifax breach so I asked for money reimbursement. I will let you know if I get anything but I am not holding my breath.
Here is the Federal Trade Commission notice about this settlement finally become finalized. It’s about time. I should get the email, but haven’t yet. I’m sure it will take a little time to contact everyone. I will indeed sign up for the free credit monitoring. I’m currently paying Experian $7.92 a month for similar coverage, so I will end that. I wonder how much money those who asked for cash will actually get. A quick read of the page indicates that amount has yet to be determined.

Note: the coverage comes from a competitor of Equifax, not Equifax themselves. It comes from Experian.


There are a number of banks that do this for free. Every time I have opened a credit card I get notified by Discover, Capital One, Credit Karma, and Mastercard that my CR had been accessed and a new line of credit opened. No insurance but you do get notified very quickly.
Equifax had 1 job, so I certainly wouldn't trust them to monitor anything . the equifax executives knew about the breach and sat on it for months before the public knew. to my knowledge no one was fired. i remember equifazx stock dropped about $50 per share after the breach went public and some of the equifax execs had already sold their stock mere days before. SEC should have went after these high paid execs but they failed to do so. I got that email and deleted it.. not interested in a class action lawsuit check that likely would amount to $1.67 ..not even enough to buy a decent cup of coffee.
There are so many options for credit monitoring today. Mint, CreditKarma, your credit card issuer and all for free.
I applied for credit about a year ago and within 15 minutes I got multiple emails or texts asking if it was really me, so they all work about the same.
We lost control of your data, so, to pay you back, please update your data. You can trust us...this time... really...
There are a number of banks that do this for free. Every time I have opened a credit card I get notified by Discover, Capital One, Credit Karma, and Mastercard that my CR had been accessed and a new line of credit opened. No insurance but you do get notified very quickly.

I am aware of this. I have these features on most of my credit cards. However, none of mine monitors all 3 credit bureaus and provides a full credit report whenever I want it. I don’t mind paying a few bucks each year for a dedicated service that does this. So I’ll happily take 4 years of the service for free.
I am aware of this. I have these features on most of my credit cards. However, none of mine monitors all 3 credit bureaus and provides a full credit report whenever I want it. I don’t mind paying a few bucks each year for a dedicated service that does this. So I’ll happily take 4 years of the service for free.

The really good news is that 4 years is long enough for them to be breached again, and you will end up with another free 4 year coverage ;):LOL:
I’m not trying to be a defender of Equifax or the industry as a whole. But to clarify, the Equifax settlement provides credit monitoring from Experian… NOT Equifax. Two different companies. Presumably, Equifax is paying Experian for the settlement service. Experian may also have issues, but I have personally used them for years without any issue.
I got a letter from the Settlement Administrator yesterday describing what the OP wrote here. I have until the end of June to decide what to do.

I don't remember how or when I signed up to be part of this settlement, though.
I got a letter from the Settlement Administrator yesterday describing what the OP wrote here. I have until the end of June to decide what to do.

I don't remember how or when I signed up to be part of this settlement, though.

Many times, in these class action cases, you are automatically included in the plaintiff pool. There is typically an opt-out clause that allows you to pursue your own damages. That would require you to sign up.
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