Examples of current inflation - add yours!

Eggs are $4.99+ from local grocers. I have started buying eggs from my cleaning lady since they have a few hens but no real market to sell their excess eggs. She charges $4 for 18 (or $3 a dozen). I eat lots of eggs on my generally low carb diet so this arrangement works out well.
Sorta sorry I asked, but it's probably good to know. Feel sorry for the producers who learn that their flocks have been condemned.

Thankfully, flocks can be rebuilt relatively quickly compared to, say, beef, pork, etc.

Thanks for the site.

We have a number of million-bird egg "farms" (factories, really) in the area. Under normal conditions, the birds' beaks are cut back early in life because they're kept in such close captivity, they'll injure each other if their beaks are intact. After one to three years their productivity dwindles, so they're gassed and their carcasses go to a local landfill. There are stories of hens reviving at the dump; here's one.

Several of our local farms have had their flocks wiped out by avian flu in the past. The carcasses were composted and then spread on local farm fields along with manure.

There's a pheasant farm a couple miles from my home that had to kill its flock because of avian flu. The loss wasn't nearly as big as the egg farms because the pheasants were free range.
We have a number of million-bird egg "farms" (factories, really) in the area. Under normal conditions, the birds' beaks are cut back early in life because they're kept in such close captivity, they'll injure each other if their beaks are intact. After one to three years their productivity dwindles, so they're gassed and their carcasses go to a local landfill. There are stories of hens reviving at the dump; here's one.

Several of our local farms have had their flocks wiped out by avian flu in the past. The carcasses were composted and then spread on local farm fields along with manure.

There's a pheasant farm a couple miles from my home that had to kill its flock because of avian flu. The loss wasn't nearly as big as the egg farms because the pheasants were free range.

The moral of the story: Be glad you are not going through life as a hen in an egg farm.
The moral of the story: Be glad you are not going through life as a hen in an egg farm.

Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.
Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.
If I were to come back as a dog, I hope my DW adopts me. Dang mutts.. :)
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Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.

Yeah, especially one of MY cats over the years.:cool:
Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.
I'll take being an Orca. Top of the food chain.
Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.

If you are a male cat and neutered at a young age, do you know what you missed? :cool:
All this egg talk made me ask DW what she was seeing - she's the Costco pro in this house. At Costco 24 eggs were $3.99 in May and $6.49 today. A 62.6% increase in 8 months.
Just got my electric bill for the past ~30 days. Highest ever at $485... Yes we did have a week of unusually cold weather here but the rest of the month was ~normal. Actual power usage for the month was a little lower than the same time periods for the last few years but the bill was highest ever. By maybe 15%.
Recently stocked up on canned goods at Sams. Easily up 2X or more from 3 years ago. Up about 30% from last time (6 months?) We've always been vulnerable to energy/shipping costs. Canned goods have to be shipped 2500 miles from the closest mainland port.

The huge jump in prices was shocking and a bit worrisome. We won't starve, but the specter of the 80's came roaring back. There was a feeling of helplessness back in those days. Even though w*rking, it was difficult to make up for high inflation. Taxes took much of the inadequate COL adjustments. NOW, SS is the only thing adjusted - and taxes are still eating away at the increases. Add the fact that the markets are down, and it's Déjà Vu all over again.
DW bought eggs today. Posted price was $2.99/dozen. Rang up at $1.99.:dance:

They were $1.99 last time, so I guess they forgot to update the computer.
I buy Kurig pods from the San Francisco Bay coffee company, usually better prices than Amazon. I have a subscription for 120 pods @ $47.87 delivered free with no sales tax charged. A truly good deal.

So here's my email from them today:

Dear valued customer:

An item(s) in your subscription order will increase to $56.69 starting in February, unless you choose to make a change to your account.

An 18+% increase is a little over the top.:(
DW bought eggs today. Posted price was $2.99/dozen. Rang up at $1.99.:dance:

They were $1.99 last time, so I guess they forgot to update the computer.

I likewise found eggs for $3 yesterday. Felt like I'd hit the jackpot after seeing them first for $6 at Aldi's (pass!), and then $9 at the supermarket (hard pass!!).

I don't want to start a stampede, but good old Trader Joes for the win!
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I saw windshield washer fluid at Speedway last night for $5.99 a bottle. That's up just a bit from ... I think it was $1.79 about three months ago.
I saw windshield washer fluid at Speedway last night for $5.99 a bottle. That's up just a bit from ... I think it was $1.79 about three months ago.

I started making my own... Just can't bring myself to BTD...Walmart is $2.66. ..
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DW bought eggs today. Posted price was $2.99/dozen. Rang up at $1.99.:dance:

They were $1.99 last time, so I guess they forgot to update the computer.

Me too. At Ruler? $2.99 on the shelf label, but some sale for $1 off up to 5 dozen, and a mini-pallet of them in front of the cooler.
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Just got my electric bill for the past ~30 days. Highest ever at $485... Yes we did have a week of unusually cold weather here but the rest of the month was ~normal. Actual power usage for the month was a little lower than the same time periods for the last few years but the bill was highest ever. By maybe 15%.

Wow - I feel very lucky. I just compared this month's bill to Feb. 2022 and the cost per KWH actually decreased by 1/2% :dance: - the fixed portion service charge also went down by 1.41% - Thank you REMC!
I likewise found eggs for $3 yesterday. Felt like I'd hit the jackpot after seeing them first for $6 at Aldi's (pass!), and then $9 at the supermarket (hard pass!!).

$6.50 for two dozen here at Costco, but limit of two packages.
Or a cow in one of those California feed lots.

If the reincarnation folks turn out to be correct, I am hoping I don't draw one of those two.

Now a house cat, that is the ticket.

Our vet told us she wanted to come back as a cat and live with us as we took such care of ours.
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