Exercise can provide relief for dry, itchy eyes


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 21, 2006
Researchers discovered a significant increase in tear secretion and tear film stability after participating in aerobic exercise which can be a remedy for relieving dry, itchy eyes.

Every time we blink, our eyes are covered in tear film—an essential protective coating necessary for maintaining healthy ocular function. Healthy tear film comprises three layers–oil, water, and mucin–that work together to hydrate the ocular surface and protect against infection-causing irritants like dust or dirt.

When any part of the tear film becomes unstable, the ocular surface can develop dry spots, causing eye symptoms like itchiness or stinging and burning sensations.

Dry eye symptoms are becoming increasingly common with so much of our activity tied to screen usage.

Study participants were divided into two groups—athlete and non-athlete—to participate in an exercise session. Participants in the athlete group exercised at least five times per week, while non-athlete participants exercised no more than once per week. Researchers performed visual examinations before and five minutes after each exercise session, where tear secretion and tear break-up time were assessed.

While participants in the athlete group showed the largest increase, all participants experienced a meaningful boost in tear quantity and tear film stability after the exercise session.


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