Facing Prostate Surgery

Since the last time I posted there's been good news and bad news.

The bad news is I had to make yet another trip to the local ER for what I thought I was another block in the catheter...false alarm.

The good news is my surgery...the robot assisted simple prostatectomy has been scheduled for July 31st. Later than I had hoped for but much, much sooner than the 8-10 weeks for the HoLEP. Now, it's just a waiting game. I'be got to get medical clearance from my PCP, a PSA test and an MRI for thr surgeon. And, assuming, I don't get another blockage resulting in a catheter change, I think I can keep the current catheter until surgery. :dance:

Re: Hang in there. For me, after a few days, the catheter, not the surgery became the biggest aggravation. I'd had mine for 8 weeks, no problems, but just got so frustrated with the damn thing. I hope you are changing to a night bag, which did help.

Take heart: My catheter came out postsurgery a week and a half ago and you'll be amazed at how you feel! I didn't realize how miserable I was. New challenge: learning what "full" is. Full no longer means pain!

Good luck!
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Late to the party, but my experience this June with HoLEP.

I joined the HoLEP club Monday 6/19. 3 hours on the table, an hour in recovery with a catheter. Had a double valve catheter, a saline bag going in and a catch bag coming out.

24 hours observation with 3 good meals the spiced salmon was the best. Doc pulled the catheter, Ms G came to visit went for a walk, but didn't make it very far.

Lots of bladder scans to check my residual pee, as a condition of discharge.

Had my big boy pull ups for the ride home the next day.

My biopsy showed no cancer in the pulp sucked out. It is said that some small PC tumors are zapped in the laser procedure. I have had 2 and I have been on active surveillance for over 10 years

Pain none, no lifting, very light exercise etc. I get some blood and small clots during day activity, but pretty clear when sleeping. No leaks after 5 days when I cough. I have been doing kegels for years.

Walking to the road twice a day 1/16 mile each way. Drinking water until my eyes float, and been wearing a maxi pad just for grins.

Had a Western Diamondback on the west side this morning to relocate. First thing Ms G askes is "it wasn't over 10 lbs was it."

Doc had me stop my Tamsulosin and finasteride, so that is a good thing. PSA probably in 6 months.

My regular urologist and my surgeon are in the same medical group. If in Tucson I would highly recommend.

Grasshopper, 55 gm lighter.

Not even 2 weeks since my procedure, no bleeding, just a couple of drops of pee in my mini pad, walking 2 miles today. Drove 100 miles to see my GP a nothing burger, and GP was happy with the outcome.

See my surgeon in 2 weeks, ultrasound on my residual pee, everything is working as expected.

Good luck with your surgery.

Get cracking on your kegel exercises it really helps get your tone back.
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Re: Hang in there. For me, after a few days, the catheter, not the surgery became the biggest aggravation. I'd had mine for 8 weeks, no problems, but just got so frustrated with the damn thing. I hope you are changing to a night bag, which did help.

Take heart: My catheter came out postsurgery a week and a half ago and you'll be amazed at how you feel! I didn't realize how miserable I was. New challenge: learning what "full" is. Full no longer means pain!

Good luck!

yep...I change from the leg bag to the night bag about an hour before bed time and then back again in the morning. a daily shower and a change of clothes and then my light b'fast...protein drink and a protein bar with some green grapes. I'm starting week #5 with the catheter. I certainly won't miss it.

Thanks, Marco!
Late to the party, but my experience this June with HoLEP.

I hjoined the HoLEP club Monday 6/19. 3 hours on the table, an hour in recovery with a catheter. Had a double valve catheter, a saline bag going in and a catch bag coming out....

I was tempted to go with the HoLEP but didn't want to wait the 8-10 weeks for the surgeon in Chicago. I consulted a surgeon much closed to me who does the HoLEP but my prostate is too large for his skill set (356-grams...grapefruit size). He recommended not waiting the 8-10 weeka land go with the robotic surgery. As he put it..both have the same end result but thr HoLEP gets you there more quickly.

Thanks for thr post and congrats on your good outcome.
I was tempted to go with the HoLEP but didn't want to wait the 8-10 weeks for the surgeon in Chicago. I consulted a surgeon much closed to me who does the HoLEP but my prostate is too large for his skill set (356-grams...grapefruit size). He recommended not waiting the 8-10 weeka land go with the robotic surgery. As he put it..both have the same end result but thr HoLEP gets you there more quickly.

Thanks for thr post and congrats on your good outcome.

Grapefruit size? Oh my that sounds painful? I would think that would present a noticable bulge in your private area?
Grapefruit size? Oh my that sounds painful? I would think that would present a noticable bulge in your private area?

Speaking of private, let's keep it clinical.:angel:

I'm grateful that several guys have been willing to discuss the issue as I've learned a lot. My doc says I'm not yet close to dealing with it and the men here who have shared (plus the handy-dandy test) have convinced me to soldier on and hope something else gets me before I have to deal with it.
Grapefruit size? Oh my that sounds painful? I would think that would present a noticable bulge in your private area?

the actual measurement, I'm told, is 356-grams. my urologist is the one who characterized it as the size of a grapefruit. no physical pain other than from the catheter tube at times but at times I do experience anxiety about the surgery and recovery and discomfort sitting on a hard chair.

I try to keep busy during the day but there is only so much I can do. I'm supposed to limit my physical activity so as not to aggravate the situation. I don't feel safe to drive as it's uncomfortable being behind the wheel. my neighbor has been truly a miracle for us. between him, other friends and neighbirs and home delivery we're able to get supplies, groceries and meds. I've been to the ER 4-times, 3 of those times due to a blocked catheter although the last trip was actually bladder spasms. surgery is 4-weeks from today. I am #1 on the wait list if there is a cancellation. I'll be scheduling my pre-op exams today. :dance:
Speaking of private, let's keep it clinical.:angel:

I'm grateful that several guys have been willing to discuss the issue as I've learned a lot. My doc says I'm not yet close to dealing with it and the men here who have shared (plus the handy-dandy test) have convinced me to soldier on and hope something else gets me before I have to deal with it.

I urge you to be pro-active and not procrastinate lest you find yourself in my shoes, and I don't want anyone to go thru what I'm going through. by the time I have my surgery I'll have been wearing my catheter for ~ 8-weeks; 4-trips to the ER, one minor procedure to clean out blood clots and to cauterize active bleeders resulting in 2-nights in the hospital; changing from my leg bag to the overnight bag and back every 12-hrs; drinking 40-50 ounces of water each day to keep the channel open but that means emptying the leg bag every 60-90 minutes and the night bag twice. I'm my wife's caregiver so that complicates things as well. and there's only so much TV, magazines and internet one can consume so I nap which does help pass time.

A physical exam to determine the size of the prostate is best as the PSA does not tell the entire story. my buddy had a PSA of .2 but a physical exam found cancer. thankfully, there is no sign of cancer in me but we won't be 100% certain until post-surgery. I ignored this problem and am now paying the price.

lastly, my wife and I are grateful for the public posts and private messaging of support and encouragement. despite everything between our friendd and neighbors and these messages of support we both feel blessed. thank-you!
That 356 grams made me wonder, so I found "The weight of the human prostate" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/90380/
Here's a chart by age. Kind off interesting the deviation goes up by age.



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I don't feel safe to drive as it's uncomfortable being behind the wheel. my neighbor has been truly a miracle for us. between him, other friends and neighbirs and home delivery we're able to get supplies, groceries and meds.

It's the tough times when you find out who your real friends are. So glad they are stepping up!
What are the "signs" that you have a real enlarged prostate? Or do you just find out when the doc has it scanned?

I am almost 80, on Tam and seem to be doing OK with the help of the drug. Getting up at night is sometimes a once in a while event.
I am almost 80, on Tam and seem to be doing OK with the help of the drug. Getting up at night is sometimes a once in a while event.

I'm 67 and on Tam and Finesteride, up at least once a night and often twice. I took the online test about where you are in your symptoms and I was surprised I was only 11, I think the scale went to 30 maybe 40. I think I saw the test on this site, someone will post it. When I get up at night if I forgot the Tam, I know it right away. I often just sit down and wait it out.
I think you are doing well for 80. Although, I have an 84 year old friend and he is just starting to complain.
I'm 67 and on Tam and Finesteride, up at least once a night and often twice. I took the online test about where you are in your symptoms and I was surprised I was only 11, I think the scale went to 30 maybe 40. I think I saw the test on this site, someone will post it. When I get up at night if I forgot the Tam, I know it right away. I often just sit down and wait it out.
I think you are doing well for 80. Although, I have an 84 year old friend and he is just starting to complain.

I just started the loss of flow when going a few years ago. If this is all I have in front of me at this age, I'll be happy with the Tam.
I received my first set of instructions and hoops to jump thru from the hospital over the weekend. They really were detailed instructions for the tests and examinations that I've already scheduled. I see my PCP on the 11th and I have N MRI on the 18th. The MRI looks to be a lot more extensive...I'll need an enema 1-2 hrs before the test. And the MRI itself will take a lot longer than I had thought. And I'll need a Covid test (thought that was over).

Not looking forward to the prep for the MRI, the MRI itself or the 18-24-hr clear liquid diet starting at noon the day before the surgery. The good news is that my nephew will be coming out here the night before and staying for 3-nights...the night before, the night of and one extra just in case. I should be home the day after surgery but the hospital recommends an adult be present to assist if need be for the 1st 24-hrs after discharge and my wife likely couldn't help much. He'll be transporting me back and forth

The bad news is I had to cancel a ride I purchased on a Texan T-6 at our local airshow on the 19th. I was really looking forward to that. I hold a Sport Pilot certificate and love all things aviation. But the good news about the bad news is they waived the cancellation fee so I'll be getting a full refund.

As uncomfortable as the prep may be I'll do just about anything to get this over and done with.
As uncomfortable as the prep may be I'll do just about anything to get this over and done with.

That is exactly where I was as well. Trust me, it'll be worth it. Good luck!
I received my first set of instructions and hoops to jump thru from the hospital over the weekend. They really were detailed instructions for the tests and examinations that I've already scheduled. I see my PCP on the 11th and I have N MRI on the 18th. The MRI looks to be a lot more extensive...I'll need an enema 1-2 hrs before the test. And the MRI itself will take a lot longer than I had thought. And I'll need a Covid test (thought that was over).

Not looking forward to the prep for the MRI, the MRI itself or the 18-24-hr clear liquid diet starting at noon the day before the surgery. The good news is that my nephew will be coming out here the night before and staying for 3-nights...the night before, the night of and one extra just in case. I should be home the day after surgery but the hospital recommends an adult be present to assist if need be for the 1st 24-hrs after discharge and my wife likely couldn't help much. He'll be transporting me back and forth

The bad news is I had to cancel a ride I purchased on a Texan T-6 at our local airshow on the 19th. I was really looking forward to that. I hold a Sport Pilot certificate and love all things aviation. But the good news about the bad news is they waived the cancellation fee so I'll be getting a full refund.

As uncomfortable as the prep may be I'll do just about anything to get this over and done with.

I'm wishing you good luck, rk. :)
Expecting a great outcome from a skillful surgeon, and great surgical staff. David
I haven't had an enema since I was 10. This one will have to be, um, self-administered. :facepalm:
So there's at least some upside to the situation!

Hoping everything goes well and your recovery is swift.
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