Favorite TV series of your lifetime.


Recycles dryer sheets
May 1, 2011
Grew up watching Bonanza, Andy Griffen show, Mary Tyler Moore, etc. which were all great. Started watching Parenthood for a second go round and have personally declared this series is one of the greatest ever produced. The show touches on so many elements of my personal life specific to Asberger's.. Wish there were more seasons. What show has touched you regarding your life's travels?
Personally probably St. Elsewhere and ER but there have been many good shows over the years.
You're going to get a bunch of Andy Griffith Show answers to that question. I see this question often online.
Yeah, my apologies as I realize there really isn't no "best" show of all times. I was emotionally motivated to start this thread because of the Asberger's topic from the show "Parenthood". My son will struggle with this well beyond my death, and I only wish more people would be aware of its prevelance in our society.
Mad Money with Jim Cramer.

Just kidding!

If I had to pick one, it'd probably be Cheers.
It's hard to pick just one.

Top three are the Mary Tyler Moore show, the Bob Newhart Show, and M.A.S.H.
Newer stuff, probably Billions and House of Cards. Older series over the past 30 years, probably Dallas (JR was/is my hero). Before that, I liked Route 66 and the Big Valley.
From the "old' days: Hill Street Blues (Hey, let's be careful out there!)

From more recent (but still past history) times: Tie between Breaking Bad and Justified. A nod to the TV series Fargo as well. YMMV
I really loved Cheers when it was on. Don't know how it holds up today. Hill Street Blues was another favorite. Too many to mention really. This is truly the Golden Age of television right now. Lots of great series with near movie like budgets.
The series "24". I caught unto it late in the series and binge watched a whole season in a weekend.
Loved Cheers and Get Smart too.
old time - Star Trek TOS : Not even close
newer (somewhat) - Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (2003 version)
guilty pleasure - Gilligans Island
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Don't even have to think about it: Star Trek (the original series)
Probably MASH. A friend of my mom was a surgeon in a MASH unit and he said the TV show was exactly what it was like. He said you had to act crazy to keep from going insane...
Quantum Leap.
The episodes " The Leap Home Part 1 + 2 " are the best hours of television I have ever seen.
All-time: Breaking Bad
Runner-up: Seinfeld
Honorable Mentions: Cheers (recently started re-watching the series on Netflix, and it holds up pretty well)
The Office (both British and American versions)

There are a number of good series that I’ve never watched, including The Wire, The Sopranos, Veep, and a bunch more. Maybe I’ll have time to catch up on all these when I finally retire...
The Sopranos, The Wire, MI5 (Spooks), Breaking Bad
Get Smart and I Love Lucy. Favorite line : " Lucy, you got some Splainin to do ".
I don't watch much TV for about the last 40 year since working all the time.

But for new shows, ms gamboolgal got me to watching the "The Vikings" and I liked it. Since we could buy it on Apple I could fall asleep watching them and be able to finish it eventually.

For old shows, probably MASH because it was when I chasing ms gamboolgal and we would sit on the couch at her folks house and watch it together. Truth be known, I could have stared at at blank screen and been just as happy as long as she was besides me.

For old ones before becoming a sick workaholic at age 18 -
The Munsters
Gilligans Island
Little Rascals
The 3 Stooges
Star Track
Beverly Hillbillies
Green Acres
Mr Ed
Sea Hunt
Wild Kingdom
The Honeymooners
Get Smart
Wild West
Andy Griffin
Sure there's more
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