Finding/starting with a new doctor.......

My sympathies for your pain, discomfort and possible addiction, but your gross generalization of your experience with one DO to all DO's is a stretch.

I had a life threatening incident with a MD surgeon during an emergency appendectomy. I guess this means you should avoid all MD's since they must ALL try to kill you on the operating table due to incompetence. [emoji23][emoji23]

Have you established a relationship with a spinal specialist yet? Still taking all that Oxy? That's a lot and you likely should be receiving some specialized diagnosis (beyond your PCP) to find out what's going on.

I should have highlighted the chronic severe pain issue. I've seen a number of DOs many are excellent providers. However if you are an unfortunate with chronic pain they may not be your best choice as a PCP. It's difficult to be in the situation of being in severe pain and your PCP being unwilling to treat pain, for whatever reason. Is that how you want to try and establish with a new provider? Of course not.

There's many times when caution and a milder approach are the best options. Severe pain isn't one. It doesn't go away on its own, while pain doesn't kill people many kill themselves while trying to avoid it...

Today my PCP knows what works for me as far as immediate treatment. Oral steroids are a great way to reduce the type of pain produced by this injury(nerve) and opioids are for longer, albeit short term use. I'm fortunate cervical injections seem to be very beneficial.

Time is a factor in dependance on opioids. It's not too difficult to get off of them early. They are NOT a drug to take long term. I believe the risk of dependence increases non linearly with the time you are on them. Luckily for me after a cervical injection the pain is reduced enough to reduce the opioids and start PT.

Yes, I have a spine specialist I see every quarter, she's a PA., part of a group that specializes in spine issues. They know everything about my spine except if or when it fails and to what degree. Surgery has more risk than benefits at this time, been in that state for 23 years.

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