Firecalc- Pension value input & outcome? Negative number?


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 12, 2012
When I input my pension value in firecalc it shows up as a negative number in the output (-36,000 vs. 36,000)? I can't figure out why that is :( Thanks!

You forgot to click the other radio button for income. The default is the spending button.


  • Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 1.20.24 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 1.20.24 PM.png
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It is showing you the change in the amount that you have to withdraw from the portfolio to support your spending level because you have a pension. If you have a 36K pension, you will have to withdraw 36K less from the portfolio to support your spending level.
It is showing you the change in the amount that you have to withdraw from the portfolio to support your spending level because you have a pension. If you have a 36K pension, you will have to withdraw 36K less from the portfolio to support your spending level.

OK, that makes sense then. I guess I'm wondering why SS is a positive number then (20,700)? Sorry for the confusion.
OK, that makes sense then. I guess I'm wondering why SS is a positive number then (20,700)? Sorry for the confusion.

I don't know. The original FireCalc developer is probably the only one who can tell us for sure, and I have not seen a post from him in quite some time.

Just a guess (thinking like a developer, as I was one):
SS always results in a reduction in portfolio withdrawal, so a sign is not needed, but the calculations always use this amount to reduce the withdrawal.

The fields for "Pensions, "Off Chart" Spending Changes, etc." can result in either an increase or a decrease in portfolio withdrawal (depending on which radio button is selected), so a sign is definitely needed for those fields.
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I don't know. The original FireCalc developer is probably the only one who can tell us for sure, and I have not seen a post from him in quite some time.

Just a guess (thinking like a developer, as I was one):
SS always results in a reduction in portfolio withdrawal, so a sign is not needed, but the calculations always use this amount to reduce the withdrawal.

The fields for "Pensions, "Off Chart" Spending Changes, etc." can result in either an increase or a decrease in portfolio withdrawal (depending on which radio button is selected), so a sign is definitely needed for those fields.

Thanks Rustward--that does make sense yes since SS is always income. Thanks again for the clarification. I found this tool here also pretty useful.

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