Free dinners

I don’t look at just money/cost, I look at time, hassle, alignment with priorities, quality of experience, etc. I also like to keep things simple.
If you live in a dense area, there were likely be many invitations at certaian times.

After awhile you can see the better offers are located at better-known steak houses, etc.

Soon, even a free dinner won't keep your interest. The events are predictable as well as boring.
Last time I went to a presentation was 25-30 years ago. They have all been a hard sell. Only once was it worth the aggravation (didn't buy anything) since they paid for a couple of nights stay at the time share/resort, nice meals at the club house, and gas money to drive to NC during leaf season. I haven't seen one that good since but even if did I am past having to deal with the hype.

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